Tourism Relief Fund (TRF) Canada

Tourism Relief Fund (TRF)

The Tourism Relief Fund (TRF) provides financial assistance to tourism businesses and organizations adapting operations and enhancing products for future growth.


  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
Loans and Capital investments
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • Accommodation and food services
  • Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED)


The Tourism Relief Fund (TRF) provides $500 million over two years to support tourism businesses and organizations in adapting their operations to meet public health requirements and to enhance existing tourism experiences. The program covers a wide range of eligible activities, including modernizing operations, developing sustainable tourism products, and supporting local and Indigenous tourism initiatives.


Eligible projects for the Tourism Relief Fund (TRF) focus on product development and destination development to help tourism businesses adapt and modernize their offerings while supporting post-pandemic strategic planning.
  • Creating, adapting, and enhancing protocols and permanent infrastructure to meet health and safety requirements.
  • Helping operators create innovative tourism offerings attractive to local and domestic visitors.
  • Modernizing operations, attractions, greening initiatives, and online sales services.
  • Supporting businesses with local promotion of tourism products, including digital and virtual reality experiences.
  • Developing capacity for more inclusive tourism experiences (e.g., staff training, gender-neutral washroom facilities).
  • Providing support to local communities to develop sustainable tourism plans based on research and market analysis.
  • Supporting seasonal dispersion by equipping tourism SMEs to extend product offerings for winter and shoulder seasons.
  • Enhancing tourism services and experiences, including market readiness for experiential tourism.
  • Implementing strategies to re-activate and animate downtown cores, main streets, and business districts.
  • Supporting scale-up and market expansion activities for key enterprises essential to local economic vitality.


Enhancing online booking and virtual tour capabilities at Toronto Museum.


Developing sustainable tourism activities in Halifax’s waterfront area.


Establishing a winter festival in Banff to attract off-season tourism.


Revitalizing Vancouver's Chinatown with cultural tourism initiatives.


Implementing inclusive tourism services in Ottawa.


Quebec City
Developing winter tourism experiences in Quebec City.


Applicants must be part of the tourism ecosystem and cater mainly to visitors. Eligible applicants include small and medium-sized businesses, not-for-profit organizations, municipalities and Indigenous organizations.
  • Incorporated businesses, primarily small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
  • Not-for-profit incorporated organizations (including tourism associations and destination marketing organizations)
  • Municipalities, municipal organizations, Crown corporations, and related parties
  • Indigenous/First Nation/Métis Settlement owned businesses or Indigenous organizations


Yes, there are eligible types of companies for this grant. Applicants must be part of the tourism ecosystem and cater mainly to visitors, not including local residents.
  • Incorporated businesses, primarily small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
  • Not-for-profit incorporated organizations (including tourism associations and destination marketing organizations)
  • Municipalities, municipal organizations, Crown corporations, and related parties
  • Indigenous/First Nation/Métis Settlement-owned businesses (including Indigenous sole proprietorships)
  • Indigenous organizations such as Indigenous-led not-for-profits and organizations


Businesses in the following industries are normally not eligible under this initiative:
  • Restaurants
  • Retail sector
  • Hotel chains


The eligible expenses for the Tourism Relief Fund include costs incurred for product development and destination development projects to adapt businesses to the 'new normal' and enhance tourism offerings.
  • Creating, adapting, and enhancing protocols and infrastructure for health and safety requirements
  • Innovative tourism offerings for local and domestic visitors
  • Modernizing operations, attractions, and online sales services
  • Local promotion of tourism products, including digital and virtual reality experiences
  • Developing capacity for more inclusive tourism experiences
  • Strategic planning for sustainable tourism plans and destination development
  • Equipping tourism SMEs to extend their product offering for seasonal dispersion
  • Implementing tourism plans for local asset and facility improvement
  • Developing and executing tourism economic recovery plans
  • Enhancing tourism services and experiences, including market readiness
  • Strategies to re-activate downtown cores, main streets, and business districts
  • Market expansion activities for key enterprises critical to local economic vitality


Eligible geographic zones for the Tourism Relief Fund (TRF) are located in the Prairies. Applicants must ensure their projects occur within this region.
  • Alberta
  • Manitoba
  • Saskatchewan


Yes, there are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant. The applications will be assessed based on the detailed project descriptions and alignment with the program’s objectives and criteria.
  • Alignment with program objectives
  • Detailed project description and activities
  • Economic benefits and impact
  • Support of the Indigenous tourism sector
  • Importance to regional tourism sector
  • Contribution to job creation and economic development
  • Location within a tourism-dependent community/region
  • Alignment with regional development agency priorities
  • Inclusion of diverse groups and support for inclusive tourism
  • Project timelines and feasibility
  • Funding and partnerships clarity
  • Governance and management qualifications


  • Step 1: Review the Program Guidelines
  • Ensure your organization is eligible to apply for funding.
  • Confirm your proposed activities meet the program’s objectives and criteria.
  • Step 2: Prepare your Application
  • Gather necessary information such as your organization's legal name, mailing address, website, email address, and Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) business number.
  • Compile financial statements for the past 2 years and interim financial statements for at least the last 6-month period.
  • Prepare a brief description of your organization, its mandate, and priorities.
  • Clearly define your project, its objectives, activities, and economic benefits.
  • Step 3: Fill Out the Application Form
  • Enter organization information, including legal and operating names, mailing address, website, and email address.
  • Identify whether your organization is a for-profit or not-for-profit entity.
  • Provide a project title, project address, and brief project description.
  • Describe the economic benefits, including sales and job creation.
  • Select the regional development agency priority that aligns with your project.
  • Step 4: Provide Detailed Project Information
  • Set your proposed project start and end dates.
  • Itemize project costs and identify funding sources.
  • Provide detailed cash flow projections and identify funding partners.
  • Explain how the project aligns with regional and federal priorities.
  • Briefly describe any project partnerships.
  • Step 5: Outline the Project Benefits
  • Provide numerical projections for job creation and visitor impacts.
  • Indicate how the project will benefit Francophones and other diverse groups, if applicable.
  • Describe how the project aligns with broader government and community priorities.
  • Step 6: Detail Project Timelines and Milestones
  • Describe the full project details, including objectives and key activities.
  • Break down the project into milestones and set completion dates.
  • Step 7: Provide Market and Management Information
  • Describe your market competition and project rationale.
  • Outline your organization’s governance and the qualifications of key individuals managing the project.
  • Step 8: Additional Details and Documentation
  • Include support documents such as a business plan, project plan, and confirmation of other funding sources.
  • Describe COVID-19 adaptations, new products/services, risk of closure, and mitigation plans.
  • Step 9: Complete the Attestation
  • Affirm that your organization meets the eligibility criteria and acknowledges the terms of the funding.
  • Step 10: Validate and Submit
  • Review the form for any errors or omissions and make necessary corrections.
  • Submit your completed application form online.


This applicant guide provides detailed instructions to assist organizations in completing and submitting an application for financial assistance under the Tourism Relief Fund (TRF) administered by Prairies Economic Development Canada (PrairiesCan). It is important to read the guide entirely before starting an application to ensure alignment with eligibility criteria and objectives.
  • PrairiesCan accepts only one application per business for each Tourism Relief Fund intake.
  • Applications are saved under the “My Applications” tab for future work.
  • Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
  • Incomplete applications will be deemed ineligible.
  • Applications are assessed in the order they are received and subject to remaining funding.
  • Eligible recipients include tourism SMEs, non-profit organizations, municipalities, and Indigenous entities.
  • A project contribution amount will not normally exceed $500,000.
  • Funding requests from for-profit businesses must be either a non-repayable contribution up to 50% of eligible costs to a maximum of $100,000 or repayable contributions up to 75% of eligible costs to a maximum of $500,000.
  • Contributions to non-profit organizations and Indigenous entities are non-repayable.
  • Costs must be incurred by March 31, 2023, and located in the Prairies.
  • Projects must align with product development or destination development themes.
  • Email for Alberta:
  • Email for Manitoba:
  • Email for Saskatchewan:
  • Phone contact numbers for local and toll-free provided for Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan.

Apply to this program