Tourism Cooperative Marketing Fund
YT, Canada
Supports Yukon's tourism marketing and visitor attraction efforts
- grant_single|fromMinToMax
- grant_single|projectCostPercent
- grant_single|openingDateJanuary 1, 2025
- grant_single|closingDateFebruary 1, 2025
Grant and Funding
- Transportation and warehousing
- Arts, entertainment and recreation
- Accommodation and food services
- Department of Tourism and Culture (YK)
- Government of Yukon
The Tourism Cooperative Marketing Fund is designed to aid Yukon's tourism businesses in marketing and advertising projects, as well as travel-based activities, like trade shows and familiarization tours, providing funding of up to $50,000 depending on the applicant type. The fund aims to amplify the region's tourism visibility and appeal through strategic and cooperative marketing efforts.
This fund provides financial support that covers a significant portion of approved marketing and travel-related activities to promote Yukon tourism. The funding structure emphasizes cost-sharing and specific allocations for diverse project types.
- Co-funding structure where 50% of approved traditional and online advertising activities are covered by TCMF, with the remaining 50% covered by applicants.
- Travel-related activities have fixed funding for approved shows: $1,400 for Western Canada, $2,800 for Central Canada, and $3,800 for Atlantic Canada, with U.S. and overseas shows having $3,800 and $4,200, respectively.
- For other travel-related activities such as familiarization tours and sales missions, applicants can receive up to $2,000 per activity.
- Initial payment for advertising projects is 50% upon signing the agreement; travel-related funding is disbursed upon completion and submission of final reporting.
- Eligible applicants can secure funding for projects with budgets between $2,500 and $25,000, and up to $50,000 for Destination Marketing Organizations.
- Funding agreements reflect cost-sharing and require compliance with reporting obligations to complete financial transactions.
This fund is dedicated to enhancing tourism marketing initiatives by supporting a variety of projects and activities. Eligible efforts focus on cooperative marketing and showcasing unique Yukon tourism experiences.
- Print, radio, Google, social media, digital TV, and online advertising.
- Email marketing and utilizing AI marketing tools.
- Search engine optimization and search engine marketing initiatives.
- Creating high-resolution photos or videos for marketing campaigns.
- Collaborations with influencers and content creators.
- Participation in trade and consumer shows in Canada and internationally.
- Organization of familiarization tours for media and influencers.
- Sales calls to key geographic markets to showcase tourism services.
- Destination marketing organization-led sales missions.
- Destination marketing organization-led sponsorship events.
- Event bid presentations to secure Yukon as a host location for events.
- Destination presentations at events where Yukon is the secured host.
$ 25,000
Launch a social media campaign to attract tourists to Halifax's summer festivals
$ 30,000
Bid presentation for hosting an international conference
$ 50,000
Host travel media from the US for a media tour showcasing Ottawa's winter attractions
$ 30,000
Promote new tourism packages via magazine and radio ads
$ 45,000
Engage new markets by attending the international travel trade show
Organizations and businesses must meet specific criteria to be eligible for the Tourism Cooperative Marketing Fund:
- Yukon tourism businesses offering activities, attractions, transportation, and/or accommodations must have a Travel Yukon Listing and be in good standing with Yukon Corporate Affairs.
- Such businesses need to have an office with a physical address in Yukon and comply with the Yukon Income Tax Act.
- Applicants must be registered under the Business Corporations Act and the Partnership and Business Name Act, where applicable, and hold all relevant business licenses (e.g., Wilderness Tourism).
- Community societies or industry associations must be registered under the Yukon Societies Act and in good standing.
- These societies or associations should be based in one or more Yukon communities and open to public membership.
- Municipalities and Destination Marketing Organizations can apply if they promote their destination.
- Yukon First Nations Governments featuring visitor experiences, such as cultural centers, are eligible.
- Applicants receiving operational funding must demonstrate that the TCMF project is distinct from their existing funding mandates.
The Tourism Cooperative Marketing Fund is designed to support a range of entities involved in the tourism sector within Yukon. Eligible applicants must satisfy specific criteria to ensure their proposed projects align with the fund's objectives.
- Yukon tourism businesses offering activities, attractions, transportation, and/or accommodations.
- Food and beverage establishments promoting specialized visitor experiences such as tastings or establishment tours.
- Community societies or industry associations featuring visitor experiences or services.
- Municipalities and Destination Marketing Organizations promoting their destination.
- Yukon First Nations Governments showcasing visitor experiences such as cultural centers.
The Tourism Cooperative Marketing Fund is designed to support tourism-focused entities. Certain companies are not eligible to apply for this grant based on their status or main activities that do not align with its objectives.
- Third parties applying on behalf of TCMF applicants.
The Tourism Cooperative Marketing Fund covers specific expenses related to advertising and travel-related activities crucial for enhancing tourism marketing efforts.
- Print ads, radio ads, Google ads, social media ads, digital TV ads, online ads, email marketing, AI marketing tools, and search engine marketing expenses.
- High-resolution photos or videos for specific marketing campaigns and collaborations with influencers and content creators, provided they are third-party.
- Approved travel-related activity costs for familiarization tours and sales missions.
- Transportation, accommodation, visitor experiences, and equipment rentals for familiarization tours, excluding self-provided items.
- Third-party meal expenses during familiarization tours, reimbursed based on current Government of Yukon’s Meal Rates, excluding alcohol.
- Return air or ground transportation to event destinations for sales missions or calls, within specified limits.
- Standard room accommodation for the duration of sales missions or calls, plus additional time if necessary, within specified limits.
- Meeting room rental up to $500 CAD when applicable in sales missions.
- Sponsorship expenses and associated meal expenses, reimbursed based on actual costs or Government of Yukon’s Meal rates, with alcohol excluded.
This grant is specifically targeted at businesses operating in the Yukon, Canada. The focus is on amplifying tourism marketing efforts within this territory.
- Yukon, Canada
The evaluation and selection of projects for the Tourism Cooperative Marketing Fund are guided by a weighted assessment matrix to determine the most suitable candidates for funding.
- Innovative approach to advertising: The activities and/or project demonstrate an elevated level of creativity and originality in advertising methods. (20%)
- New Initiative: Looking for a project that steps outside the organization’s existing marketing plan, emphasizing diversification with new and unexplored elements. (20%)
- Strategic Alignment with Tourism Development Strategies: Projects that contribute to and complement the goals outlined in the Yukon Tourism Development Strategy, Yukon Tourism’s Marketing Strategy, or their own organization’s strategy. (20%)
- Innovative Approach to Partnership and Community Building: Evidence of the project’s ability to foster innovative collaborations and partnerships benefiting the tourism sector. (20%)
- Demonstration of Return on Investment (ROI): The project demonstrates an ability to provide effective, tangible ROI, including evidence of media coverage, engagement metrics, and other quantifiable outcomes. (10%)
- Organizational Capacity: Evidence that the applicant organization possesses the experience, human resource, and financial capacity to undertake and complete the tourism project. Takes into account the previous relationship with the Government of Yukon, makeup of the project team, and governance structure. (10%)
Here are the steps to apply for the Tourism Cooperative Marketing Fund:
- Step 1: Prepare Your Application
- Visit Yukon.ca to access the online application portal.
- Gather all necessary information and documents, including project details, budget, and strategic alignment.
- Ensure the application is complete and accurate before submission.
- Contact the program team if you need clarification or assistance.
- Step 2: Submit Your Application
- Upload your completed application and all necessary documents to the portal.
- Submit the application by the specified deadline for the intake period.
- Receive a notification confirming the receipt of your application.
- Step 3: Application Review
- Your application will be reviewed by an Evaluation Committee using an Assessment Matrix.
- Projects and activities are assessed on a case-by-case basis.
- Applications may be waitlisted if the fund is fully committed.
- Step 4: Enter Into a Funding Agreement
- If approved, you will receive a funding agreement to sign.
- Return the signed agreement within 30 days to finalize funding terms.
- The agreement will detail terms, reporting requirements, and payment schedules.
- Step 5: Initial Payment and Project Implementation
- Receive an initial payment upon signing the funding agreement.
- Commence your project or activity as outlined in the agreement.
- Step 6: Reporting and Final Payment
- Submit a final report within 30 days of project completion.
- Include relevant documents such as receipts and proof of payment.
- Receive the final payment based on eligible expenses.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- The total budget for the TCMF program is $700,000 per fiscal year.
- Application intakes occur twice a year, with deadlines typically on February 1 and October 1, at 4:30 p.m. YST.
- If the application deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, it will move to the next business day at 4:30 p.m.
- Successful applicants must ensure that advertising content is appropriate and does not violate any policies regarding offensive or inappropriate material.
- Non-compliance with reporting requirements may result in the termination of the funding agreement and potential reimbursement of funds.
- The maximum funding threshold varies based on the type of project and organization, with a cap of up to $50,000 for destination marketing organizations.
- All applications are assessed by an Evaluation Committee, and projects may require an additional waitlist process if the fund is fully committed.
- Receipts and detailed expense documents must be retained for one year post-project completion and may be subject to audits.