
  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • Transportation and warehousing
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • Accommodation and food services
  • Other services (except public administration)
  • Department of Tourism and Culture (YK)
  • Government of Yukon


Get funding for a variety of promotional activities including online and traditional advertising, domestic or international trade and consumer shows, and sales calls and missions.


Eligible projects for the Tourism Cooperative Marketing Fund include advertising and marketing projects such as traditional advertising placements and online advertising, as well as travel-based activities like hosting familiarization tours and attending trade shows.
  • Traditional advertising placements including magazines, radio, newspapers, digital display ads, and out-of-home advertising.
  • Online advertising like web banner and social media ads, AdWords, and listings in online directories.
  • Travel-based activities such as hosting familiarization tours, attending trade shows, destination marketing sales missions, sales calls, and bid presentations for events.


Bid presentation for hosting an international conference in Montreal.


Promote new tourism packages via magazine and radio ads in Toronto.


Engage new markets by attending the international travel trade show in Vancouver.


Launch a social media campaign to attract tourists to Halifax's summer festivals.


Host travel media from the US for a media tour showcasing Ottawa's winter attractions.


The eligibility criteria for the Tourism Cooperative Marketing Fund (TCMF) grant are:
  • Applicants must be based in the Yukon.
  • Applicants must be in the tourism industry and want to promote their tourism product or experience.
  • Eligible applicants include visitor experience providers, transportation providers, accommodation providers, visitor attractions, restaurants and bars, destination marketing organizations (DMOs), municipalities, non-government organizations, and First Nations governments.


Companies based in the Yukon and involved in promoting tourism products or experiences are eligible for the Tourism Cooperative Marketing Fund grant. Eligible entities include visitor experience providers, transportation providers, accommodation providers, restaurants and bars, non-government organizations, and more.
  • Visitor experience providers
  • Transportation providers
  • Accommodation providers
  • Visitor attractions
  • Restaurants and bars
  • Destination marketing organizations (DMOs)
  • Municipalities
  • Non-government organizations
  • First Nations governments


Some types of companies are not eligible for the Tourism Cooperative Marketing Fund (TCMF) grant. Specifically, companies not involved in the tourism industry or not based in the Yukon are ineligible.
  • Companies not involved in the tourism industry;
  • Companies not based in the Yukon.


There are eligible expenses for the Tourism Cooperative Marketing Fund (TCMF) grant, which include traditional and online advertising placements like magazines, radio, digital display ads, and web banner ads, as well as travel-based activities such as hosting media tours, attending trade shows, and sales missions. Eligible expenses also cover activities like bid presentations for events.
  • Traditional advertising placements
  • Online advertising
  • Travel-based activities


Eligible geographic zones for travel-related activities under the Tourism Cooperative Marketing Fund (TCMF) are categorized based on the location of shows and events both within and outside of Canada.
  • Western Canada (BC, AB, SK & MB)
  • Central Canada (ON & QC)
  • Atlantic Canada (NB, NS, NL, PE)
  • United States
  • Overseas


There are evaluation and selection criteria for the Tourism Cooperative Marketing Fund (TCMF) in Yukon:
  • Alignment with the TCMF goal of attracting visitors and gaining international exposure.
  • Demonstrated impact and benefit to the Yukon's tourism industry.
  • Quality and feasibility of the marketing project or activity proposed.
  • Capability of the applicant to successfully execute the project.
  • Evidence of financial sustainability and accountability.
  • Potential for positive outcomes and long-term benefits for the territory.


  • Step 1: Read the 2024-25 guidelines to learn about businesses, projects, and expenses eligible for funding.
  • Step 2: Complete the application on SurveyMonkey.
  • Step 3: Await notification of application received and be prepared to provide additional information if requested.


  • Applicants are encouraged to thoroughly review the 2024-2025 guidelines to ensure their projects align with the funding criteria.
  • It is important for applicants to adhere to the application deadlines of May 1, 2024, and October 1, 2024, to be considered for funding.

Apply to this program