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Grant and Funding
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • Department of Tourism and Culture (YK)
  • Government of Yukon


If you are an artist or part of an artistic ensemble or company that creates, produces or interprets art in theatre, dance, music, visual art, film, storytelling or a combination of art forms, you can get up to $10,000 to present your works within or outs


Eligible projects for this grant include touring both within and outside the Yukon. Priority is given to tours that occur outside the territory.
  • Have a firm invitation from a venue, resulting from a professional selection process
  • Tour outside of the Yukon
  • Tour within the Yukon
  • Have more than one event on the tour
  • Present your art to the public


A dance company touring with a contemporary dance performance across Canada.


A visual artist exhibiting a series of paintings across major Canadian galleries.


A storytelling troupe touring to promote traditional Indigenous stories in schools across eastern Canada.


A music band on tour performing jazz concerts in multiple cities across Canada.


A theatre company touring with an original play in northern Canadian communities.


A film production company screening an independent film at festivals across Canada.


The eligibility criteria for the Touring Artist Fund (TAF) include residency requirements and specifics about the types of projects and invitations needed. Priority is given to tours occurring outside the Yukon, with a requirement for multiple events and public presentations.
  • Yukon artists, ensembles, or artistic companies who create, produce or interpret art in theatre, dance, music, visual art, film, storytelling or a combination of art forms.
  • You must have lived in the Yukon for 1 continuous year before applying.
  • Ensembles must have a history of performing together.
  • Eligible projects now include touring within the Yukon, though priority is given to tours outside the territory.
  • You must have a firm invitation from a venue, resulting from a professional selection process (e.g., merit-based selection by jury, curator, or artistic committee).
  • You must have more than one event on the tour.
  • You must present your art to the public.


Yes, there are eligible types of companies for the Touring Artist Fund (TAF). These can include artistic companies that produce, create, or interpret various forms of art.
  • Yukon artistic companies who create, produce, or interpret art in theatre, dance, music, visual art, film, storytelling, or a combination of these art forms.
  • Companies must have a history of performing together.


Based on the grant context, there are no specific types of companies mentioned that are not eligible for the Touring Artist Fund.
However, eligible applicants for the Touring Artist Fund must be Yukon artists, ensembles, or artistic companies who create, produce, or interpret art in various forms, and meet certain criteria:
  • Yukon artists, ensembles, or artistic companies who have lived in the Yukon for at least 1 continuous year before applying.
  • Ensembles must have a history of performing together.


Eligible expenses for the Touring Artist Fund include various costs associated with touring and presenting art to the public.
  • Travel, accommodation, and per diems
  • Fees for other artists (not the applicant)
  • Insurance
  • Visas and permits
  • Cargo and crating
  • Equipment rental
  • Tour promotion and marketing
  • Expenses related to preparing for the tour, such as framing, video transfers, music copying, and rehearsing


Eligible projects must occur either outside of the Yukon or within the Yukon, with priority given to tours outside the territory.
  • Outside of the Yukon
  • Within the Yukon


There are specific evaluation and selection criteria for the Touring Artist Fund. The selection process prioritizes tours outside the Yukon and requires a firm invitation from a venue resulting from a professional selection process.
  • Priority given to tours occurring outside the territory.
  • Firm invitation from a venue through a professional selection process (e.g., merit-based selection by jury, curator, or artistic committee).
  • Tour must have more than one event.
  • Presentation of art to the public.


  • Step 1: Contact an arts advisor to discuss your proposed tour well before you apply.
  • Email:
  • Phone: 867-667-8789 or toll free in the Yukon 1-800-661-0408, extension 8789
  • Step 2: Download the application and guidelines.
  • Step 3: Submit your completed application and supporting documents.
  • In person: 100 Hanson Street, Whitehorse. Open Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. On the day of the deadline, there will be a drop box for applications inside the doors.
  • Email:
  • Mail:
  • Government of Yukon
  • Arts Fund (L-3)
  • Box 2703
  • Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
  • Step 4: The Yukon Arts Advisory Council reviews applications and makes funding recommendations to the Minister of Tourism and Culture for approval.
  • Step 5: Wait for notification of the results within 8 weeks of the application deadline.


The Touring Artist Fund supports Yukon artists touring both within and outside the Yukon. Detailed application guidelines are available, and specific deadlines must be adhered to.
  • The fund prioritizes tours occurring outside the Yukon.
  • Firm invitations from venues through a professional selection process are required.
  • The application must involve presenting art to the public with more than one event on the tour.
  • Applications can be submitted in person, by email, or by mail to the provided addresses.
  • The Yukon Arts Advisory Council reviews applications and makes funding recommendations.
  • Applicants will be notified of the results within 8 weeks of the application deadline.
  • The funding covers various expenses such as travel, accommodation, per diems, and tour-specific preparations.

Apply to this program