Renewable Natural Gas Production Support Program — Stream 1
QC, Canada
Funding for Renewable Natural Gas feasibility studies
- grant_single|maxCount
- grant_single|projectCostPercent
- grant_single|openingDateJuly 18, 2022
- grant_single|closingDateMarch 31, 2024
- grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
- Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction
- Utilities
- Gouvernement du Québec
Get up to $300,000 to cover a maximum of 75% of eligible expenses for feasibility studies involving a project to produce renewable natural gas for injection into the grid or a project to connect to the gas grid.
The grant supports feasibility studies for projects related to the production and connection of renewable natural gas in Quebec. These studies cover various aspects, including technical feasibility, economic evaluation, regulatory analysis, and environmental impact assessments.
- Feasibility study of renewable natural gas production aimed at injection into the gas network in Quebec.
- Feasibility study of connecting renewable natural gas production sites to the gas network.
- Technical feasibility analysis, including preliminary engineering and technology evaluations.
- Economic feasibility analysis, market studies, and input security evaluation.
- Regulatory and legal framework analysis related to renewable natural gas projects.
- Environmental and social impact assessments with potential mitigation measures.
$ 240,000
Developing a small-scale renewable natural gas production facility
$ 150,000
Engineering and permitting for renewable gas injection infrastructure
$ 90,000
Conducting a feasibility study for renewable natural gas production
$ 135,000
Conducting feasibility study and design for renewable natural gas facility
$ 112,500
Feasibility study for injecting renewable natural gas produced from agricultural waste
$ 300,000
Building infrastructure to connect renewable natural gas production site to the gas grid
Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements that applicants must meet to qualify for financial support.
- The applicant must be a business, a non-profit organization (NPO), or a municipal entity.
- The applicant must hold a Quebec enterprise number if they are a business or an NPO at the time of application.
- The applicant must not be a ministry or a budgetary organization of the Quebec government.
- The applicant must not be a person designated by the National Assembly, a federal ministry, or organization.
- The applicant must have complied with all previous financial aid obligations from the Quebec government for at least two years.
- The applicant must not be bankrupt or insolvent.
- The applicant must not be registered on the Register of Enterprises Ineligible for Public Contracts (RENA) or use subcontractors listed in RENA.
- The applicant must not commit ethical violations or offer products or services that could undermine the integrity or reputation of the Quebec government, even by association.
Companies, non-profit organizations, and municipal entities can apply for this grant. Applicants must have a Quebec business number at the time of application if they are a company or a non-profit organization, must not be a government ministry or budgetary body, and must not be insolvent or bankrupt. They also must not have any ethics violations, and must not be registered on the register of enterprises ineligible for public contracts (RENA).
This grant excludes certain organizations and individuals based on their relationship to government and financial status. The restrictions ensure that the funding supports entities capable of contributing to renewable natural gas feasibility projects.
- Ministries or budgetary bodies of the Government of Québec.
- Persons designated by the National Assembly, federal ministries, or bodies.
- Entities undergoing bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings.
- Organizations listed on the Register of companies ineligible for public contracts (RENA).
- Applicants with prior ethical violations or those offering products/services potentially compromising to the Government of Québec's integrity.
The grant covers expenses essential for conducting feasibility studies for renewable natural gas projects.
- Consultant fees.
- Salaries and benefits.
- Rental or use of equipment or software.
This grant is catered to projects located specifically within the territory of Quebec. Eligible companies must therefore be within this designated geographical area to align with the regional objectives of sustainable natural gas production.
- The territory of Quebec.
The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on specific criteria such as the pertinence of the study involved, the project potential, and financial and technical robustness.
- Pertinence of the study towards renewable natural gas (GNR) production or network connection projects.
- Potential of the GNR project or the network connection project targeted by the study.
- Financial aspects of the study and technical robustness of the applicant.
Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
- Step 1: Review Program Guidelines
- Download and read the framework of the program to understand the requirements and scope.
- Step 2: Prepare Application Documents
- Fill out the participation form.
- Prepare a detailed description of the applicant.
- Provide a comprehensive overview of the proposed project.
- Detail the feasibility study that is the subject of the application.
- Step 3: Submit Application
- Email your application to gnr@economie.gouv.qc.ca.
- Ensure submission before December 1, 2023.
- Step 4: Application Evaluation
- Your application will be assessed based on the study's relevance, project potential, and the financial and technical aspects.
- Step 5: Grant Agreement
- If selected, review the financial aid agreement template provided for the grant program.
- Step 6: Report Activities
- Prepare quarterly activity reports once funding is awarded.
- Submit invoices and receipts to document expenses.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- The program is expired since March 31, 2024.
- The assistance takes the form of a non-repayable grant.
- The maximum aid rate is 75% of eligible expenses, while the total government aid cannot exceed 80% of eligible expenses.
- The maximum grant amount is capped at $300,000 per feasibility study.
- Quarterly activity reports and all invoices/receipts showing expenses need to be submitted for accountability.
Apply to this program
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