Programme d’appui au développement des secteurs stratégiques et des créneaux d’excellence (PADS) QC Canada

Programme d’appui au développement des secteurs stratégiques et des créneaux d’excellence (PADS)

QC, Canada
The PADS program strengthens Québec's economic ecosystem by fostering collaboration and boosting competitiveness through financial support for strategic sectors.


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  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • Manufacturing
  • Transportation and warehousing
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • Educational services
  • UAS Centre of Excellence


The Programme d’appui au développement des secteurs stratégiques et des créneaux d’excellence (PADS) aims to mobilize and coordinate efforts among companies and economic partners to boost competitiveness in key sectors both nationally and internationally. Eligible activities include studies on technological or commercial positioning, organization of forums or symposiums, development of training content, and promotional activities such as implementing a branding strategy or organizing trade shows in Québec. The program offers financial assistance up to 50% of eligible expenses, with a cap of $500,000 annually.


There are several types of eligible projects and activities mentioned for this grant.
  • Studies on the technological, commercial or competitive positioning of a sector
  • Mobilization activities such as forums, symposiums, and awareness activities
  • Development of informational and management materials or tools
  • Creation of training content
  • Development and establishment of networks
  • Design and implementation of a branding strategy for a sector
  • Promotional activities in Québec, including organizing trade shows or buyer-supplier networking events
  • Research projects on behalf of a group of companies in the same or associated sectors


This grant requires a project to be aligned with the strategic goals of the Niche of Excellence in Civil and Commercial RPAS and have clear benefits for all partners involved.
  • A minimum of three (3) entities
  • A structuring project with clear benefits for all partners
  • A project aligned with the strategic goals of the Niche of Excellence in Civil and Commercial RPAS
  • Addresses an issue related to the strategic goals of the Niche
  • Demonstrates relevant economic benefits for the industry
  • Benefits the development of several companies and promotes alliances, partnerships, networks and networking between companies, economic development and research organizations as well and educational institutions
  • Eligible clients and partners are: Legally incorporated non-profit organizations (NPOs) and cooperatives, CEGEPs, college technology transfer centres and university institutions in Québec, Legally incorporated for-profit companies that do business in Québec, Municipalities, cities and regional county municipalities (RCMs)


Yes, there are eligible types of companies for this grant. These include legally incorporated entities that do business in Québec as well as various non-profit and educational institutions.
  • Legally incorporated non-profit organizations (NPOs) and cooperatives
  • CEGEPs, college technology transfer centres, and university institutions in Québec
  • Legally incorporated for-profit companies that do business in Québec
  • Municipalities, cities, and regional county municipalities (RCMs)


Yes, there are eligible expenses for this grant. The eligible expenses are directly related to the implementation of the project and include various professional, material, and travel costs.
  • Professional fees
  • Material and communication costs
  • Travel and living expenses (in accordance with current government standards)
  • Portion of the project manager's salary and administrative follow-up costs
  • Costs of renting space or premises (other than those of the organization's place of business)
  • Project coordination and management costs (capped at 5% of the project's eligible expenses)


The eligible geographic zones for this grant are regions within Québec, focusing on the development of their local strengths and key sectors.
  • Québec regions


Yes, there are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant. Applications for financial assistance are analyzed according to the listed criteria:
  • Project in line with the Ministry's focus areas and priorities
  • Project in line with the Niche's focus areas
  • Multiplier effect for other investments
  • The quality of the project:
  • Credibility, visibility, impacts
  • Added value
  • Synergies between partners
  • Structural importance of the project for targeted companies
  • Realistic timeline
  • Realistic project costs
  • Funding structure and partnership support
  • Marketing strategy
  • Expected results:
  • Project in line with the Ministry's focus areas strategies and priorities
  • Contributes to the startup or developmental support of a business
  • Helps create or preserve jobs
  • Strengthens the company's presence in the Niche
  • Improves opportunities for exportation and market share increase
  • Enrichment factors:
  • Contributes to the Niche's development or exposure
  • Leads to the improvement of services in the sector
  • Multiplier effect for other investments


  • Step 1: Ensure Eligibility
  • Verify that at least three entities are involved.
  • Ensure the project aligns with the Niche of Excellence in Civil and Commercial RPAS’s strategic goals.
  • Confirm that the project offers clear benefits for all partners and fosters economic development.
  • Step 2: Prepare Project Proposal
  • Outline the project's objectives and expected results.
  • Describe the economic benefits for the industry.
  • Detail the partnerships and alliances the project will promote.
  • Step 3: Compile Required Documents
  • Include a detailed project plan with a realistic timeline and cost breakdown.
  • Provide letters of support from all project partners.
  • Attach any studies or research relevant to your project's feasibility and benefits.
  • Step 4: Complete Application Form
  • Fill out the PADS program application form accurately.
  • Ensure all sections are complete and information is up-to-date.
  • Step 5: Submit Application
  • Send the application and all supporting documents to the Niche committee.
  • Verify receipt of submission and keep a copy of all documents for your records.
  • Step 6: Await Feedback and Potential Revisions
  • The Niche committee will review and recommend the project if it meets the criteria.
  • Be prepared to provide additional information or make revisions if requested.


The grant offers financial support for up to 50% of eligible expenses (40% for companies) and typically caps at $500,000 annually or $1,500,000 over three years.
  • The project must involve at least three entities.
  • Eligible organizations include NPOs, cooperatives, educational institutions, municipalities, and legally incorporated for-profit companies operating in Québec.
  • The project should align with the strategic goals of the Niche of Excellence in Civil and Commercial RPAS.
  • Financial contribution from private companies is required for eligible projects.
  • Expenses incurred before submitting the file are ineligible for reimbursement.
  • The maximum rate of government assistance is 70% for organizations and 50% for companies.
  • The program requires a realistic timeline, project costs, and a clear funding structure.
  • The expected results must align with Ministry's focus areas and strategies.

418 669-5104
Apply to this program