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Researchers And Facilities
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  • Invest Nova Scotia
  • Government of Nova Scotia


Get a voucher of up to $25,000 to access expertise within post-secondary institutions to help your business innovate or improve productivity.


Eligible projects under this grant program must demonstrate the potential to contribute to the development of a new product, service, or process that will help a business become more innovative and productive. The following activities qualify for support:
  • Applied research
  • Engineering services
  • Prototyping
  • Product development, research, and design
  • Market advice
  • Field testing


Design and prototype a new sustainable construction material in Calgary.


Develop a new eco-friendly packaging solution for food products in Halifax.


Create a prototype smart irrigation system for urban gardens in Vancouver.


Develop a new educational app for children to improve literacy skills in Ottawa.


Enhance productivity in local manufacturing with robotic automation in Toronto.


Develop a new telehealth service for remote areas in Montreal.


To be eligible for the Productivity and Innovation Voucher Program, businesses must meet specific criteria related to their location, workforce, size, and type of operation.
  • Must be a Nova Scotia registered business in good standing (current registration on the Registry of Joint Stock Companies).
  • Must have a permanent establishment in Nova Scotia.
  • Most of the workforce must currently reside in Nova Scotia (some exceptions may apply where it can be demonstrated that the economic benefit can be accrued to Nova Scotia).
  • Must have fewer than 100 employees at the time of application.
  • Must have an export plan outlining the products or services to market, target markets and distribution channels with supporting research, and how challenges in the target markets will be overcome.
  • If the company is pre-revenue, it must clearly demonstrate the development of both a business plan and export plan.


Yes, there are eligible types of companies for the Productivity and Innovation Voucher Program. Eligible companies must meet specific criteria, including being a Nova Scotia registered business with a workforce primarily based in the province and having fewer than 100 employees.
  • Nova Scotia registered business in good standing
  • Permanent establishment in Nova Scotia
  • Workforce primarily residing in Nova Scotia
  • Fewer than 100 employees
  • Have an export plan outlining products/services, target markets, distribution channels, market challenges, and how these will be overcome
  • If pre-revenue, must demonstrate development of a business plan and export plan


Yes, certain types of companies are not eligible for the Productivity and Innovation Voucher Program.
  • Franchisees
  • Games of chance operations and bingo halls
  • Personal service providers
  • Real estate developers, agents or brokers
  • Licenced liquor establishments whose primary business is alcohol sales (excepting production breweries, brew pubs, wineries, and distilleries)
  • Distributors, agents, or traders, including retailers, except where value-added products or services are part of the deliverables or for the purpose of selling Nova Scotia products/services abroad
  • Associations
  • Professional service providers, except where the project represents a unique and/or strategic opportunity with potential economic benefit, incremental sales outside Nova Scotia, and/or job creation
  • Creative industries companies’ activities which are eligible under the Creative Industries Fund
  • Tourism operators
  • Publicly funded organizations
  • Non-revenue-generating not-for-profit organizations


Eligible expenses for this grant must be incurred after the application date and be directly related to the project. Limited equipment purchases are permitted if they relate to the project.
  • Applied research
  • Engineering services
  • Prototyping
  • Product development, research, and design
  • Market advice
  • Field testing
  • Special equipment needs related to the project


The eligible geographic zone for this grant is Nova Scotia, Canada. Businesses must be registered and have a permanent establishment in Nova Scotia, with the majority of their workforce residing there.
  • Nova Scotia, Canada
  • Permanent establishment in Nova Scotia
  • Most of the workforce residing in Nova Scotia


Yes, there are evaluation and selection criteria for the Productivity and Innovation Voucher Program. Businesses must demonstrate how the project will help increase productivity and innovation, and voucher decisions will be based on the application demonstrating that the project meets these criteria.
  • Increased productivity, efficiency, and competitiveness
  • Development and/or increased innovation of business’ products, services, or processes
  • Improved capacity to provide products and/or services to markets outside of Nova Scotia


  • Step 1: Contact the local Regional Business Development Advisor to discuss the project and ensure eligibility.
  • Step 2: Complete and submit the online Application Form available at This includes:
  • Completed online Application Form, signed with all questions answered
  • Service Provider Form completed and signed by the Service Provider
  • Company Information Form completed and submitted with the online Application Form
  • Step 3: Ensure all required documents and forms are submitted prior to the deadline of June 21, 2024, by 5:00 p.m. ADT.
  • Step 4: Wait for project commencement post-application submission. No project costs incurred prior to the application date are eligible to be claimed.
  • Step 5: Once the project is completed, submit deliverables within 60 days of project completion. This includes:
  • Project Completion Report detailing work completed by the Service Provider and outcomes
  • Claim Form submitted by the Service Provider to Invest Nova Scotia
  • Step 6: Ensure all deliverables are submitted by March 15, 2025, at the latest, to avoid the project claim being denied.


Additional information about the Productivity & Innovation Voucher Program includes various procedural guidelines and compliance measures.
  • The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act applies to information collected in connection with the program.
  • Approved applicants must participate in public announcements or ceremonies relating to the awarding of a voucher and the release of project information to the media and general public.

Apply to this program