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Grant and Funding
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • MRC Portneuf


The Fonds Patrimoine et Culture de la MRC de Portneuf provides financial support for cultural projects related to the arts or heritage, with the maximum funding amount of $7,500. The program aims to promote cultural development within the region by supporting new initiatives that enhance the cultural landscape and have a tangible impact.


The MRC Portneuf — Heritage and Culture Fund provides financial assistance designed to support cultural projects in the region, prioritizing funding efficiency and project feasibility. The funding terms are specified to ensure effective use of resources and project success.
  • Financial assistance is limited to a maximum of 50% of the project’s total cost and is only applicable to eligible expenses.
  • Promoters are required to contribute at least 10% of the project cost, with a minimum of 5% in cash.
  • The financial aid is disbursed in two installments: 75% upon signing the agreement and the remaining 25% after approval of the final report.
  • The fund supports cultural projects with a minimum financial assistance of $1,000 and a maximum of $7,500.
  • In-kind contributions are recognized but cannot fully account for the promoter's contribution; such contributions must be itemized and justified alongside other monetary revenues and expenses.
  • Ideally, financing from the fund serves as complementary financing, with preference given to projects exhibiting a diversified financial setup.
  • Projects are encouraged to purchase goods and services within the MRC de Portneuf to enhance local economic impact.
  • All projects must conform to relevant legal and regulatory standards.
  • Project completion is expected within two years of signing the funding agreement, with a final report due within two months following project completion.
  • Funding is not recurrent, focusing on projects that have not previously been awarded or do not provide a novel approach in arts or heritage.
  • For events with multiple activities, only one new component may be submitted as eligible for funding.
  • If conditions are unmet, the MRC reserves the right to reclaim awarded funds. Serious breaches could affect future grant eligibility.
  • The financial contribution is non-repayable and stipulated by a funding agreement outlining disbursement conditions and requirements.


This fund aims to support cultural projects that actively contribute to the cultural development of the MRC de Portneuf. Eligible projects are those that bring innovation to the cultural life of the region and are associated with the arts or heritage.
  • Projects that are innovative and enhance the cultural landscape of the MRC de Portneuf.
  • Cultural activities that promote the arts or heritage within the region.
  • New initiatives that add value compared to previous editions of similar projects.


Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the profile of the promoters and the nature of the partnership, if applicable.
  • Eligible applicants are non-profit organizations incorporated with a cultural mission.
  • Cultural solidarity and consumer cooperatives with a cultural mission are eligible.
  • Eligible organizations can sponsor a professional artist or an ineligible organization for a collaborative project.
  • The partnership must be clearly demonstrated, showing a shared responsibility between the sponsor and the sponsored.
  • The sponsorship does not allow for two separate funding requests for different aspects of the same project.
  • Sponsored organizations can still apply for their own projects in addition to the collaborative one.
  • Municipalities, government organizations, for-profit organizations, and those with political, religious, or union missions are not eligible.


This grant is targeted towards organizations and cooperatives within the cultural sector who are seeking funding for innovative projects related to arts and heritage in the MRC de Portneuf region.
  • Non-profit organizations incorporated with a cultural mission.
  • Solidarity and consumer cooperatives with a cultural mission.


This grant is not open to certain entities due to their organizational status or nature of activities. These exclusions ensure the fund remains dedicated to its cultural and heritage objectives.
  • Municipalities and government organizations (provincial and federal ministries and agencies).
  • Educational institutions linked to a school board.
  • Public health and social services institutions.
  • For-profit organizations.
  • Organizations with political, partisan, religious, or union missions or activities.


Eligible expenses for the grant focus on costs directly associated with the completion and promotion of cultural projects.
  • Salaries and benefits for employees hired exclusively for the project.
  • Professional fees for specialists or consultants.
  • Fees for professional artists.
  • Production or project realization costs, including the purchase or rental of necessary minor equipment and materials, and reproduction rights.
  • Promotion and communication expenses specifically related to the project, excluding regular services normally offered by the promoter.
  • Other costs inherent to the project development and realization.


This fund is available to organizations operating within the MRC de Portneuf region, as specified by the funding body's focus on local cultural development.
  • Organizations located in the MRC de Portneuf area.


The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on specific criteria to ensure alignment with the grant’s objectives and impact on the cultural development of the MRC de Portneuf.
  • Cohérence et conformité avec la politique culturelle de la MRC.
  • Qualité du projet:
  • Caractère original et novateur du projet.
  • Précision du projet.
  • Crédibilité de l’équipe de réalisation.
  • Capacité de l’organisme à mener à bien le projet.
  • Impact sur le développement culturel de la MRC de Portneuf:
  • Amélioration de l’offre culturelle de la MRC.
  • Rayonnement de l’offre culturelle portneuvoise.
  • Concertation et partenariat entre différents intervenants (culturels ou autres).
  • Montage financier:
  • Description détaillée des travaux et des coûts.
  • Diversité des sources de financement.
  • Gouvernance.


Here are the steps to submit an application for the Fonds Patrimoine et Culture de la MRC de Portneuf:
  • Step 1: Verify Eligibility and Obtain Form
  • Contact the cultural development agent to check the eligibility of your project and organization.
  • Once eligibility is confirmed, request the application form.
  • Step 2: Prepare Application
  • Complete the application form with all required details.
  • Collect all necessary documents as specified in the application form.
  • Ensure that the project aligns with the cultural policy goals of the MRC.
  • Step 3: Submit Application
  • Submit the completed application form along with all necessary documents to the MRC.
  • Applications can be sent via email to or mailed to:
  • MRC de Portneuf
  • Comité d’analyse du Fonds Patrimoine et Culture
  • 185, route 138
  • Cap-Santé (Québec) G0A 1L0
  • Step 4: Application Review Process
  • The submitted application will be initially reviewed by the cultural development agent.
  • The project will then be assessed by the analysis committee which will make recommendations to the council of the MRC.
  • The final decision will be made by the council.
  • Step 5: Receive Outcome
  • The MRC will communicate the decision to the applicant.
  • If approved, a protocol of agreement will be sent for signature.
  • Step 6: Reception of Funds
  • The first installment of 75% of the contribution will be released upon signing the agreement.
  • Submit a final report with all necessary documentation upon project completion to receive the remaining 25% of the funds.


Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
  • The funds are intended to encourage and support initiatives in arts and heritage within the Portneuf region.
  • The fund provides both technical assistance and financial support.
  • Financial support from the fund is non-recurrent, implying that continuous or repeat funding for the same project without innovative contributions is unlikely.
  • The financial aid is distributed in two installments, with an initial 75% provided upon agreement signing and the remaining 25% upon project completion and final report submission.
  • Projects must align with either cultural knowledge preservation, cultural accessibility, or cultural engagement as outlined in the cultural policy of the MRC.
  • The fund emphasizes the importance of a diversified financial setup, encouraging projects to seek multiple financing sources.


Apply to this program

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