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Grant and Funding
  • Manufacturing
  • Educational services
  • Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN)


Receive up to $500,000 to develop and run education initiatives and programs that focus on skills and knowledge for learners between kindergarten and post-secondary to succeed in the automotive and mobility industry in Ontario.


Projects or activities eligible for this grant must focus on engaging students in the automotive and mobility sector, specifically targeting underrepresented groups. They should also promote skills necessary for success in the industry.
  • Educational programs for students from kindergarten to post-secondary levels
  • Programs targeting underrepresented groups such as women, BIPOC communities, 2SLGBTQ+, people with disabilities, immigrants, French-speakers, remote areas, and under-served communities
  • Collaboration with industry partners, post-secondary institutions, and schools/school boards to develop and implement programs


Organizing a career fair for automotive careers targeted at remote areas in Sudbury.


Launching a coding bootcamp for underrepresented youth in Toronto.


Creating an automotive engineering summer camp for girls in Ottawa.


Developing an online automotive technology course for BIPOC students in Vancouver.


Partnering with local schools to deliver automotive workshops in Mississauga.


Implementing a mobility mentorship program for immigrants in Hamilton.


The eligibility criteria for this grant are as follows:
  • Ontario based post-secondary education institutions
  • Non-Profit Organizations that have an Ontario-based bank account and run education programs for kindergarten to post-secondary students in Ontario
  • Elementary and secondary public schools and school boards across Ontario


Eligible applicants for the Regional Future Workforce Program grant include:
  • Ontario based post-secondary education institutions
  • Non-profit organizations that run education programs for kindergarten to post-secondary students in Ontario
  • Elementary and secondary public schools and school boards across Ontario


Some types of companies are not eligible for this grant:
  • For-profit companies
  • Companies without an Ontario-based bank account


The eligible expenses for this grant include:
  • Program design, development, and implementation costs
  • Program logistics and administration expenses (including staffing and resources)
  • Program marketing, promotion, and outreach expenditures
  • Program showcase costs
  • Program monitoring and evaluation expenses


There are specific geographic areas eligible for this grant.
  • Applicants are required to indicate in which region across Ontario they will launch and deliver programming


There are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant. The criteria are as follows:
  • Alignment with program objectives and guidelines
  • Inclusivity and engagement of underrepresented groups
  • Demonstrated experience in developing successful education programs
  • Partner collaboration and involvement
  • Program design, implementation, and monitoring plan


Step 1: Complete an Expression of Interest
  • Fill out the Expression of Interest form provided by the Ontario Centre of Innovation (OCI).
  • Submission of this form indicates your interest in the Regional Future Workforce Program.
Step 2: Await Contact from OCI Manager
  • An OCI Manager will review your Expression of Interest and may reach out to discuss the opportunity further.
  • They will provide any necessary assistance or clarification regarding the program.


  • The Regional Future Workforce Program aims to encourage students of all ages, across Ontario, to pursue careers in the automotive and mobility sector.
  • Successful applicants must provide a matching contribution covering one staff member per targeted audience segment, involved in key program activities.
  • Partnership requirements include collaborating with industry partners, post-secondary institutions, and schools/school boards for program development.
  • Applicants are required to complete an Expression of Interest by November 30, 2022.
Apply to this program