OTF — Youth Innovations Test Grant
ON, Canada
Empower youth to address systemic barriers through grassroots-led projects, emphasizing shared experiences and cultural enhancement
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Grant and Funding
- Arts, entertainment and recreation
- Other services (except public administration)
- Public administration
- Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF)
The Youth Innovations Test Grant is designed to support grassroots projects led by youth or youth-adult partnerships that aim to enhance the social and economic well-being of young individuals. Eligible activities include piloting new ideas, conducting research on specific topics, and developing strategies to address systemic issues faced by youth. The program prioritizes initiatives that empower Indigenous and Black youth, and projects that impact youth with intersecting identities or experiences, including those in care, at risk of dropping out, or facing systemic barriers.
The Youth Innovations Test Grant supports projects with specific financing modalities that ensure effective use of funds to drive youth empowerment and development. These modalities are designed to align with the project planning and reporting requirements.
- The grant provides a maximum of $100,000 per year, with a term length of 1 to 3 years.
- Administrative Support Costs for Organizational Mentors are required and constitute 15% of the total budget.
- Capacity Building Costs are mandated, amounting to $2,000 to $4,000 per year.
- Eligible costs include staffing, transportation, honorariums, support services, project supplies, communications, and expert fees.
- Ineligible costs include capital infrastructure, contingency costs, political or religious activities, ongoing operating expenses unrelated to the project, and personal professional services.
- Financial accountability is ensured through mandatory collaboration with an Organizational Mentor.
Eligible projects for the Youth Innovations Test Grant are designed to improve the social and economic well-being of youth by testing new ideas and exploring fresh approaches to pressing issues. The activities focus on pilot projects, research, and strategic planning to address systemic barriers faced by young people.
- Pilot a new project idea that has the potential for a positive impact on young people's lives, such as starting a new skill development program or creating spaces for youth wellbeing.
- Conduct research to explore a specific topic or issue affecting youth, such as participatory research about youth experiences or exploring new community initiatives enhanced by technology.
- Strategize around issues affecting youth by bringing them together to discuss challenges and develop collective goals and strategies.
Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the group's structure and membership, as well as the project's purpose and alignment with set goals.
- The group must be a grassroots organization that is not registered as a charity or incorporated not-for-profit.
- The group must be youth-led or a youth-adult partnership; adults initiating youth partnerships are only applicable to Test grants.
- If the group is from a First Nation, no more than 50% of its members can be part of the band office or band council.
- If it is a not-for-profit, it must have independently managed revenues of $50,000 or less in either of the last two years.
- Core group members must reflect the identities and experiences of the youth they are working with and for.
- The proposed project must benefit young people aged 12-25, and/or 12-29 if living with special needs and/or disabilities, or mental health needs and/or addictions.
- The group must have at least three core group members.
- More than 50% of the core group members must have an arm's length relationship with each other.
- Youth must make up more than 50% of the core group.
- The group must be based in Ontario, and the project must benefit youth in Ontario.
- The group should exist independently of larger organizations such as charitable organizations, municipalities, universities, schools, religious institutions, or hospitals.
- The group must work with an Organizational Mentor and have the autonomy to choose this mentor.
Eligible applicants for the Youth Innovations Test Grant include grassroots groups that are not registered as a charity or incorporated not-for-profits, as well as not-for-profit corporations in a Canadian jurisdiction, particularly those led by youth, or in youth-adult partnerships. Groups must be community-led and inspired, with core members sharing identities and lived experiences with the youth beneficiaries. Eligibility is prioritized for groups that aim to address the systemic barriers faced by Indigenous (First Nation, Métis, Inuit) and Black youth.Groups that can apply:- Grassroots groups not registered as a charity or not-for-profit.- Not-for-profit corporations without share capital, including Métis and Inuit community organizations.Eligibility criteria include:- Group must have community-led and community-inspired project designs.- Core group members must share identities and experiences with beneficiaries.- Groups should reflect the communities they serve, benefiting youth aged 12-25, or 12-29 for youth with special needs.- Must prioritize projects led by and for Indigenous and Black youth.- At least three core group members, with youth composing more than 50% of the group.- Youth-led groups, youth-adult partnerships, or adult-initiated youth partnerships are eligible.- Group must not be a registered charity or part of a larger organization.- Groups must be based in Ontario and benefit youth in Ontario.Ineligible applicants include registered charities, religious entities established for worship, municipalities, for-profit organizations, entirely adult-led teams, and groups part of larger institutions or organizations.
This grant excludes certain entities and organizations based on their status or main activities. The restrictions ensure that the funding directly benefits community-led groups focused on improving youth welfare.
- Registered charities.
- Religious entities established for the observation of religious beliefs.
- Municipalities.
- Groups with all team members aged 30 years or older.
- Groups or projects that are part of an existing organization.
- For-profit organizations and businesses.
- Individuals.
This grant provides opportunities for initiatives aimed at addressing issues faced by youth, focusing on exploring innovative approaches and new solutions. Eligible activities include testing new ideas, conducting research on youth-related topics, and fostering collaboration among young individuals.
- Pilot a new project idea supporting youth in skill development or cultural engagement.
- Adapt and test ideas already implemented in other areas to suit the local community's needs.
- Create safe spaces for youth well-being and creativity.
- Connect youth with knowledge relating to the land, culture, and language.
- Support youth in navigating various systems such as education and health.
- Research important issues affecting youth communities.
- Conduct participatory research involving youth experiences.
- Explore technological enhancements in the community context.
- Host strategic discussions on issues impacting youth and develop collective approaches.
This grant is designed to benefit youth-led groups operating within Ontario, Canada. Eligible groups must be based in Ontario and the projects should aim to benefit youth in this province.
- Ontario, Canada
The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on specific criteria related to youth leadership and strategy, focusing on the project's relevance and potential impact on systemic barriers faced by youth.
- People (Assessment weight: 40%)Strong Youth Leadership: The group must demonstrate the right mix of knowledge, skills, and experience to deliver the project effectively.
- Connection to Issues: The group should have a clear understanding and connection to the issues and the community they aim to serve.
- Strategy (Assessment weight: 60%)Setting the Context: Clearly describe the idea, the need or issue it addresses, and how it connects to the systemic barriers faced by YOF youth.
- Potential for Impact: Ensure that the changes or impacts align with the chosen YOF Priority Outcome, with YOF youth being the clear and direct beneficiaries.
- Effectiveness of Response: The idea must be an effective approach to addressing the identified needs or opportunities.
Here are the steps to submit an application for the Youth Innovations Test Grant:
- Step 1: Expression of Interest (EOI)
- Create an OTF account if you are a new user.
- Submit the Expression of Interest through the OTF Granting Portal by the specified deadline.
- Ensure completeness and clarity in the application to meet initial criteria.
- Wait approximately 6 weeks for notification of EOI status.
- Step 2: Shortlisting and Organizational Mentor Agreement
- If shortlisted, begin researching potential Organizational Mentors.
- Establish a Collaborative Agreement with your Organizational Mentor.
- Organizational Mentors must create an OTF account if not already done.
- Prepare to work with Organizational Mentors to finalize the grant application.
- Step 3: Grant Application
- Participate in a mandatory webinar to understand grant application procedures and next steps.
- Work with your Organizational Mentor to complete the grant application.
- Upload the signed Organizational Mentor-Grassroots Groups Collaborative Agreement.
- Submit the full grant application by the given deadline.
- Step 4: Recommendation and Decision Notification
- OTF’s Grant Review Committee reviews and recommends grants for approval.
- Receive notification regarding the decision approximately 8 weeks post application deadline.
- Step 5: Confirmation and Orientation
- Participate in a mandatory orientation session for successful applications.
- Your Organizational Mentor signs the OTF Grant Contract.
- Step 6: Post-Approval Activities
- Participate in reporting and monitoring activities including progress and final reports.
- Engage in capacity building activities funded through the grant.
- Complete evaluation activities to measure project impact.
- After final report approval, receive final payment and close the grant.
This grant aims to support youth-led projects addressing critical issues facing young people, emphasizing grassroots work and focusing on Indigenous and Black youth facing systemic barriers.
- The grant prioritizes projects that empower youth to enhance their social and economic well-being through community-led initiatives.
- Eligible applicants must form youth-led or youth-adult partnerships, and the core group must consist of members reflecting the identities and experiences of the youth served.