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Grant and Funding
  • Health care and social assistance
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • Other services (except public administration)
  • Public administration
  • Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF)


The Grow Grant aims to elevate successful community projects to a new level by offering funding between $100,000 and $600,000 over 2 or 3 years. It supports established programs and services in Ontario's non-profit sector that have a proven track record, focusing on sectors like sports and recreation, arts and culture, environment, and human and social services. Eligible activities include expanding, improving, or adapting an existing program or service to increase its impact on the community.


Eligible projects and activities for this grant include expanding, improving, or adapting existing community-based programs and services that have a proven track record of success. The grant targets initiatives that align with specific funding priorities such as fostering active lifestyles, enriching lives through arts and culture, supporting youth development, enhancing community engagement in environmental conservation, and improving the financial stability of economically vulnerable individuals.
  • Expand an existing program or service to reach a broader community.
  • Improve an existing program or service to enhance quality and impact.
  • Adapt an existing program or service to better meet community needs or to innovate delivery methods.
  • Foster physically active lifestyles through targeted physical education and sports initiatives.
  • Enrich lives by promoting arts, culture, and heritage programs.
  • Support youth in developing stronger emotional, social, and leadership skills.
  • Enhance participation in environmental conservation and restoration activities.
  • Enable economically vulnerable individuals to meet basic needs and improve financial stability.


Launching a local organic produce delivery service to improve food accessibility in Toronto.


Developing sustainable waste management systems for small businesses in Vancouver.


Launching a digital marketplace platform for local artisans in Halifax to expand their market reach.


Establishing a wind energy cooperative to promote renewable energy use in Winnipeg.


Renovating a historic theatre to support cultural activities in Montreal.


Creating a community support program for mental health care in Ottawa.


Eligible applicants for the Grow Grant must be non-profit organizations delivering community-based programs in Ontario. They must demonstrate a proven track record, financial and organizational capacity, and be recognized as the appropriate entity to execute the project.
  • Deliver programs and services in one of four sectors: sports and recreation, arts and culture, environment, human and social services
  • Have a primary purpose, presence, and reputation for delivering community-based programs and services in Ontario
  • Demonstrate the financial and organizational capacity to manage funds and complete the project
  • Be a registered charitable organization or a not-for-profit corporation
  • Indigenous communities like First Nations, Chartered Community Councils under the Métis Nation of Ontario, or Inuit communities
  • Municipalities with a population of 20,000 or less, county library boards, and local services boards serving those populations
  • Collaboratives, if the lead organization meets the requirements
  • Religious entities or faith-based groups that provide secular community programs


Eligible entities for the Grow Grant include specific types of non-profit organizations and communities within Ontario, Canada. Applicants must deliver programs or services in one of four key sectors and meet other eligibility criteria.
  • Non-profit organizations, including registered charities and not-for-profit corporations without share capital.
  • Indigenous communities, such as First Nations, Métis Nation Chartered Community Councils, and Inuit communities.
  • Municipalities, libraries, and local services boards serving populations of 20,000 or less, under specific funding priorities.
  • Collaboratives with one organization meeting all OTF Eligibility Policy requirements.
  • Religious entities and faith-based groups that provide non-religious community programs and services.


Certain types of entities are not eligible for the Grow Grant. These include municipalities with populations over 20,000 and organizations that do not operate within the specified four sectors or geographic areas.
  • Municipalities with a population over 20,000
  • Organizations not operating in sports and recreation, arts and culture, environment, or human and social services sectors
  • Organizations without a presence in one of OTF's 16 geographic catchment areas
  • Entities not meeting the financial and organizational capacity requirements
  • Organizations not complying with OTF’s policies, including anti-discrimination and conflict of interest policies


The grant provides funding to cover various project costs such as personnel, purchased services, workshops, meetings, supplies, materials, travel, and a portion of overhead and administration costs. It also includes allowances for capital costs related directly to project objectives, up to certain limits.
  • Direct Personnel Costs: salaries, mandatory employment-related costs, and employee benefits
  • Direct Non-Personnel Costs: purchased service, workshops/meetings, supplies and materials, travel
  • Overhead and Administration Costs: up to 15% of the Budget before applicable Capital costs
  • Eligible Capital Costs: construction and renovation, equipment costs, developmental costs (max 20% of Capital Costs)


The eligible geographic zones for this grant are the 16 geographic catchment areas in Ontario. These areas must be served by organizations with a primary purpose, presence, and reputation for delivering direct community benefits in Ontario.
  • Organizations must serve one of OTF’s 16 geographic catchment areas in Ontario.
  • Priority is given to projects with community benefits within these regions.


The Grow Grant has clear evaluation and selection criteria that focus on the eligibility of applicants and projects, as well as the clarity and strength of the project plans. Applicants are assessed for their fit with the Ontario Trillium Foundation's priorities and their ability to manage and deliver the proposed project effectively.
  • Eligibility of applicants: Fit with the funding criteria, reputation for delivering community benefits, financial health, and organizational governance.
  • Eligibility of projects: Compliance with funding priorities, project objectives alignment, and necessary documentation.
  • Community benefit and relevance (30%): Fit with funding priority, response to community needs, anticipated benefits, and budget appropriateness.
  • Project plan and feasibility (30%): Implementation details, readiness and likelihood of success, and collaborative suitability.
  • Project Budget (30%): Clarity of budget, alignment with Project Plan, and validity of costs.
  • Program participation for populations experiencing barriers (10%): Enable participation for barriers-experienced populations.


  • Step 1: Gather your organization information and assess your eligibility.
  • Ensure your organization details, such as incorporation and charitable registration numbers, are up to date.
  • Prepare financial information including recent financial statements and surplus/deficit documentation if applicable.
  • Compile governance information, including a list of current board directors and senior staff.
  • Step 2: Gather your project information and documentation.
  • Identify your project objective.
  • Prepare your project plan.
  • Develop your project budget, and if applicable, obtain quotes for goods/services valued above $5,000.
  • Collect any necessary additional documentation, such as photos of equipment or lease agreements.
  • Step 3: Complete and submit your application.
  • Access the OTF Granting Portal to start your application.
  • Ensure all application questions are answered thoroughly.
  • Submit your completed application through the portal before the deadline.


The Grow Grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation supports non-profit organizations in expanding proven community projects over a term of 2-3 years. It offers funding from $100,000 to $600,000, with specific eligibility and application requirements detailed on their website.
  • Grant term is 2 or 3 years.
  • Eligible applicants include non-profit organizations, Indigenous communities, municipalities with a population of 20,000 or less, collaborations, and certain religious entities.
  • Funding priorities focus on fostering active lifestyles, building community connections, enriching arts and culture, supporting youth, conserving the environment, and aiding economically vulnerable groups.
  • Application period is from October 9, 2024, to November 6, 2024, with decisions approximately 4-5 months after the deadline.
  • Mandatory orientation meeting required for successful applicants before grant activation.
  • Projects can include up to 20% capital costs and must demonstrate a community-level impact.
  • Common application errors include not meeting OTF’s eligibility criteria, incomplete documentation, and unclear project budgets.
Apply to this program