Ontario — Growing Future Opportunities Initiative Canada

Ontario — Growing Future Opportunities Initiative

The Growing Future Opportunities Initiative provides up to $8 million over 3 years to help Ontario apple, tender fruit, table grape, and wine grape growers improve quality, production, and marketability.

At a glance

Eligible Funding
  • Max. $50,000
  • 75% of project cost
  • Open Date : May 31, 2024
Financing Type
Grant and Funding
Eligible Industries
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
Grant Providers
  • Agricorp
  • Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (SCAP)


The Growing Future Opportunities Initiative offers funding of up to $8 million over 3 years to support apple, tender fruit, table grape, and wine grape growers in Canada. The grant aims to help growers plant new varieties to improve quality, production, and marketability, with 75% of eligible costs covered up to $50,000 for replacing existing varieties. Eligible activities include replanting approved varieties in the same location or block where the previous trees or vines were removed.

Eligibility criteria

Growers can receive funding to replace existing varieties of produce if they meet certain criteria.

  • Growers can receive 75% of eligible costs up to $50,000 to replace existing varieties with different varieties of tender fruit trees, apple trees, or table grapes.
  • The trees and vines being replaced must have been in commercial production within the last 3 years.
  • Growers need to replant in the same location they removed the trees and vines from.
  • If application is approved, eligible costs are incurred starting on October 30, 2023.
  • Growers can receive 75% of eligible costs up to $50,000 to replace existing wine grape vines with approved varieties like Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, etc.
  • The vines being replaced must have been in commercial production within the last 3 years.
  • Growers need to replant in the same block or row that the vines were removed from.
  • If application is approved, eligible costs are incurred starting on April 4, 2024.
  • Eligible applicants can receive a maximum of $50,000 in total funding for all commodity categories.

Who is eligible

Eligible participants for this grant are the apple, tender fruit, table grape, and wine grape growers looking to enhance their productivity and marketability through the replanting of specific, improved varieties. The initiative is focused on supporting these growers with financial assistance for the replacement of existing varieties.

  • Apple growers
  • Tender fruit growers (pears, peaches, nectarines, plums, apricots, cherries)
  • Table grape growers
  • Wine grape growers

Eligible expenses

Growers can receive funding to cover 75% of eligible costs up to $50,000 for replacing existing produce varieties within specific conditions. Eligible costs include those incurred for replacing tree or vine varieties in the mentioned vehicle period.

  • Replacement of existing varieties with different varieties of tender fruit trees, apple trees, or table grapes.
  • Replacement of existing wine grape vines with specific approved varieties.

Eligible projects & activities

Eligible projects under the Growing Future Opportunities Initiative include replacing existing varieties of apples, tender fruits, table grapes, and wine grape vines with approved varieties to improve quality, yield, and marketability.

  • Replacing existing apple trees with different varieties
  • Replacing existing tender fruit trees with different varieties
  • Replacing existing table grape vines with different varieties
  • Replacing existing wine grape vines with approved varieties like Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, and others

Eligible geographic areas

The grant is available for apple, tender fruit, table grape, and wine grape growers in Ontario, Canada. Eligible applicants are required to replant in the same location or block where the original trees and vines were removed.

  • Ontario, Canada

How to apply

  • Step 1: Download the application form from the link provided in the guidelines.
  • Step 2: Save the application form to your computer.
  • Step 3: Complete your application form in advance of the intake period opening.
  • Step 4: When the intake opens (10:00am on November 20, 2023, or 10:00am on April 15, 2024), email your completed application form to GFOI@agricorp.com or fax it to 519-826-4118.
  • Step 5: Wait for Agricorp to contact you to confirm your eligibility once the intake period has closed. Applications will be reviewed on a first come first serve basis.

Additional information

The Growing Future Opportunities Initiative is designed to support apple, tender fruit, table grape, and wine grape growers in improving their produce quality, production, and marketability through the adoption of new varieties.

  • Funding status as of May 28, 2024: Wine grapes (82% open), Apples (99% open), Tender fruits and table grapes (78% open).
  • Waitlist available for commodities once funding is fully allocated.
  • Funding of up to $8 million over 3 years for the initiative under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership.
  • Eligible costs incurred starting from specific dates: October 30, 2023 (apples, tender fruits, table grapes) and April 4, 2024 (wine grapes).
  • Several approved wine grape varieties eligible for replanting funding, including Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Chardonnay.
  • Applications reviewed on a first come first serve basis and must be submitted starting from specific intake dates: November 20, 2023, and April 15, 2024.

Contact information

Apply to this program