
  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|closingDateOctober 15, 2024
  • grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • Government of Canada
  • Gouvernement du Québec
  • Ministère de l'économie, de l'innovation et de l'énergie du Québec (MEIE)


The NovaScience program's grant provides a maximum of $75,000 to organizations for creating and hiring an Innovation and Commercialization Manager (RIC) position, aiming to enhance R&D, innovation culture, and commercialization activities. Eligible activities include the deployment of R&D initiatives, commercialization strategies, and technological transfer projects.


This grant provides a structured financing approach to support the establishment of an innovation and commercialization manager position, ensuring effective utilization of funds and compliance with governmental policies. The financial aid specifics are designed to accommodate the unique needs of eligible projects, promoting strategic innovation growth within organizations.
  • The maximum financial aid is set at $75,000 per project, distributed over a period of 12 months.
  • The subsidy will cover up to 50% of eligible expenses, specifically the salary of the innovation and commercialization manager.
  • The cumulative government aid across all sources must not exceed 50% of eligible expenses.
  • Funds are dispersed in two installments: the first 50% upon submission and acceptance of required initial documentation, and the remaining 50% after delivering a final report that includes payroll evidence and participation confirmations from the candidate in suggested workshops.
  • Documentation must be provided to the Ministry as requested, to confirm the appropriate use of allocated funds.


The NovaScience Program supports the creation of a dedicated innovation and commercialization manager position to enhance organizational capabilities in research, development, and market deployment. Activities eligible for the grant focus on strategic hiring and innovation project implementation.
  • Creation of a new permanent position for an innovation and commercialization manager within the organization.
  • Hiring an individual to fill the innovation and commercialization manager position.
  • Executing initiatives related to research and development, particularly involving commercialization, funding, management, and technology transfer.
  • Advancing three quantifiable achievements in areas such as adapting research for commercial use, engaging in new partnerships, or expanding markets and production capacity.

$ 75,000

Strategic hiring to facilitate market expansion of R&D

$ 75,000

Hire an innovation manager to promote R&D initiatives

$ 75,000

Develop new markets with an innovation manager position

$ 75,000

Establish a role to enhance tech transfer capabilities


Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the applicant's profile and operational history.
  • The applicant must be a legally constituted non-profit organization (OBNL), a social economy enterprise according to the Social Economy Act (RLRQ, chapter E 1.1.1), or a for-profit organization (OBL).
  • The organization must be legally constituted for at least five years under the laws of the Government of Quebec.
  • The organization must be registered and established in Quebec to legally conduct business and operate a company there.
  • The organization must employ between 11 to 249 persons.
  • The organization should not have directly or indirectly received financial assistance from the Ministry under previous RIC calls for projects.
  • The organization’s main activities should not include providing consulting or support services to other organizations.
  • The organization should not be a hospital center or technology transfer center affiliated with educational establishments.
  • The organization should not be recognized as an educational institution by the Ministry of Education or the Ministry of Higher Education, nor should it be a school service center or school board.
  • The organization should not be listed on the Register of enterprises ineligible for public contracts (RENA), and this also applies to subcontractors associated with the project.
  • The organization must comply with the francization process under the Charter of the French Language (RLRQ, chapter C 11) if it has 50 or more employees in Quebec.
  • The organization must have met its financial obligations with respect to the Ministry or Investissement Québec in the past two years prior to the application.
  • The organization should not be a Crown corporation or controlled directly or indirectly by a government, municipal entity, or organization that is majority-owned by a Crown corporation.
  • The organization must not be under protection under the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act (RSC 1985, chapter C 36) or the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (RSC 1985, chapter B-3).
  • The organization should not exhibit ethical behavior that could tarnish the integrity and probity image of the Government of Quebec.
  • The organization should not operate in sectors involving the production or distribution of weapons, fossil energy activities (except those transitioning to a low-carbon economy), gambling, violent games, combat sports, sexual exploitation, tobacco or drug-related activities (except cannabis and industrial hemp), or any activities where the main subject is protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.


The evaluation and selection criteria for projects under this grant focus on assessing the strategic integration and innovation capacity within organizations.
  • Pertinence (15 points): Alignment between the duties of the RIC position and the objectives of the NovaScience program, the project call, and governmental priorities. This includes the connection between the roles of the position, organizational needs, and strategic objectives, as well as the strategic positioning within the organizational structure.
  • Quality (30 points): Involves the breadth and innovation of the mandates, their alignment with strategic innovation and commercialization goals, the required candidate skills, the appropriateness of the candidate profile for strategic mandates, and the resources available to the RIC for mandate execution.
  • Economic, social, or technological impacts, and innovation indicators (25 points): Considers the contribution and quality of expected achievements during the one-year funding period, anticipated economic impacts measured by innovation and commercialization indicators, and the organization's impact and socio-economic benefits associated with the RIC position over five years.
  • Guarantees of realization (30 points): Includes identifying potential risks and mitigation strategies for achieving RIC mandates, the likelihood of meeting innovation indicators, integration strategies for the new role, and ensuring the sustainability of the position post-funding.


This grant excludes certain companies and industries due to their status or main activity. The restrictions aim to ensure that funds are directed toward strategic sectors aligned with the grant's objectives.
  • Organizations that have previously benefited from the same grant program.
  • Companies offering business consultancy services.
  • Hospitals and technology transfer centres affiliated with educational institutions.
  • Recognized educational institutions and school organizations.
  • Businesses listed on the Registry of enterprises ineligible for public contracts (RENA).
  • Companies not complying with the French language charter (Charte de la langue française).
  • State-owned enterprises or those controlled by government at any level.
  • Organizations under protection from creditors' arrangement or bankruptcy acts.
  • Businesses involved in arms production or distribution.
  • Companies engaged in fossil fuel activities not aimed at energy transition.
  • Gambling, violent games, sports involving live combat, or similar activities.
  • Entities involved in sexual exploitation, such as bars or escort agencies.
  • Companies dealing in tobacco or drugs, except cannabis and industrial hemp.
  • Organizations conducting activities primarily focused on protected rights under the Canadian Charter (religion, politics, advocacy).


The only eligible expense for this grant is the salary cost associated with the defined position.
  • The gross salary of the person holding the position.


This grant is intended for companies that are established in a specific province of Canada. Eligible companies must be located within a jurisdiction that aligns with the funding body's requirements.
  • Organizations must be established and operate in the province of Quebec, Canada.


The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on specific criteria with allocated point scores to ensure alignment with the grant’s objectives.
  • Pertinence (15 points): Including the alignment of the RIC role with the NovaScience program objectives, project call aims, and governmental priorities; and the strategic role of the position within the organizational structure.
  • Quality (30 points): Encompassing the strategic and innovative nature of the mandates, coherence with innovation and commercialization objectives, required competencies, and the resources provided to the RIC role.
  • Retombées économiques, sociales ou technologiques (25 points): Evaluating expected achievements during the funding period, anticipated economic impacts, and the socio-economic effects over the next five years.
  • Garanties de réalisation (30 points): Assessing risk identification and mitigation plans, possible innovation indicator shortfalls, candidate integration actions, and post-funding sustainability of the RIC position.


  • Step 1: Review Application Guide
  • Examine the Guide de présentation des demandes to understand the complete criteria and conditions.
  • Step 2: Submit Application for Financial Assistance
  • Submit the completed application form through the online platform using clicSÉQUR authentication.
  • Include all necessary documents, such as the organizational chart before and after the creation of the RIC position, and the job posting draft.
  • Step 3: Await Decision Notification
  • Receive a decision notification regarding your application.
  • If the project is accepted, confirm participation by responding to the ministry’s email address within the specified timeframe.
  • Step 4: Submit Candidate Information
  • If the project is approved, submit all documentation on the chosen candidate, such as diplomas and signed employment contract, to the ministry’s email address using the reference number provided, by the specified deadline.
  • Step 5: Complete Financial Agreements
  • Receive the protocol of agreement and return it signed along with a specimen cheque within the specified timeframe.


Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
  • The grant is a non-refundable subsidy amounting up to $75,000 per project.
  • The funding period is 12 months with a maximum assistance rate of 50% of eligible expenses.
  • Grant beneficiaries must submit a financial report (rapport de reddition de comptes) if they receive financial assistance.
  • The grant cannot be combined with other funding sources from this Ministry or the Quebec Economic Development Fund.
  • Beneficiaries must comply with the French language charter if employing 50 or more people, and this requirement will change to 25 or more people starting June 1, 2025.
  • Beneficiaries are responsible for ensuring the legal status of the candidate before the start of the project.
  • A service is provided up to five working days before the application deadline to clarify compliance and eligibility issues.
  • The personnel of the Ministry is subject to ethics and discipline regulations to maintain integrity and civic trust.


NovaScience Program — Support for senior position


Apply to this program

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