
  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • grant_single|allIndustries
  • Invest Nova Scotia
  • Government of Nova Scotia


Get up to $30,000 to cover up to 50% of eligible costs to start exporting outside of Nova Scotia in one of 3 streams: Travel and Virtual Trade Missions, Hire a Consultant, and Digital Adoption.


Yes, there are projects and activities eligible for this grant. Eligible projects include travel and participation in trade shows, and hiring consultants or service providers.
  • Travel to visit clients, potential partners, and investors outside Nova Scotia
  • Participate in in-person or virtual trade shows or conferences
  • Have foreign clients, potential partners, or investors visit Nova Scotia facilities
  • Hire consultants or service providers for business matchmaking and market research
  • Consultation for re-branding, developing promotional materials, and improving competitiveness


Travel to Germany to attend the Hannover Messe trade show for renewable energy technologies.


Hire a market research consultant to analyze opportunities in the European retail market.


Develop new promotional materials to improve competitiveness in the US market.


Participate in a virtual trade show to connect with international textile buyers.


Host Japanese investors at our Nova Scotia facilities to explore investment opportunities.


Hire a consultant to develop a re-branding strategy for penetrating the Australian market.


The Export Development Program (EDP) is for Nova Scotia businesses that wish to grow their business by increasing sales outside Nova Scotia. The eligibility criteria for this grant are as follows:
  • Be a Nova Scotia registered business in good standing (current registration on the Registry of Joint Stock Companies).
  • Have a permanent establishment in Nova Scotia.
  • Have most of its workforce currently residing in Nova Scotia. (Some exceptions may apply where it can be demonstrated that the economic benefit can be accrued to Nova Scotia. Contact the Regional Business Development Advisor in your area to discuss.)
  • Be engaged in, or have imminent plans to engage in, commercial activities outside Nova Scotia, with fully developed exportable product(s), service(s), technology(ies), and/or intellectual property to the satisfaction of Invest Nova Scotia.
  • Have a business plan and a strategy to sell products/services outside Nova Scotia outlining the business’s target market and distribution channels and challenges in the target market and how they will be overcome.
  • Have no outstanding or pending claims/litigation, injunctions, judgments, orders, legal or administrative actions, or similar proceedings against the business, its principals and/or any related business(es). (Some exceptions may apply. Contact the Regional Business Development Advisor in your area to discuss.)
  • The business, principals and/or any related business(es) shall not be in default of any obligations under any other form of financial assistance and/or incentive program from Invest Nova Scotia, the Province of Nova Scotia, or by any agency of the Province of Nova Scotia. For purposes of this criteria, the Credit Union Small Business Loan Guarantee Program is considered a form of financial assistance provided by the Province of Nova Scotia.
  • Businesses and their related entities may be limited to funding for one business only at Invest Nova Scotia’s sole discretion.


Yes, there are specific eligibility criteria for companies to be eligible for this grant. The eligible companies must be Nova Scotia registered businesses with a permanent establishment, among other requirements.
  • Be a Nova Scotia registered business in good standing (current registration on the Registry of Joint Stock Companies).
  • Have a permanent establishment in Nova Scotia.
  • Have most of its workforce currently residing in Nova Scotia. (Some exceptions may apply where it can be demonstrated that the economic benefit can be accrued to Nova Scotia.)
  • Be engaged in, or have imminent plans to engage in, commercial activities outside Nova Scotia, with fully developed exportable product(s), service(s), technology(ies), and/or intellectual property to the satisfaction of Invest Nova Scotia.
  • Have a business plan and a strategy to sell products/services outside Nova Scotia outlining the business’s target market and distribution channels and challenges in the target market and how they will be overcome.
  • Have no outstanding or pending claims/litigation, injunctions, judgments, orders, legal or administrative actions, or similar proceedings against the business, its principals and/or any related business(es). (Some exceptions may apply.)
  • The business, principals and/or any related business(es) shall not be in default of any obligations under any other form of financial assistance and/or incentive program from Invest Nova Scotia, the Province of Nova Scotia, or by any agency of the Province of Nova Scotia.
  • Businesses and their related entities may be limited to funding for one business only at Invest Nova Scotia’s sole discretion.


There are certain types of companies that are not eligible for the Export Development Program grant:
  • Companies without a permanent establishment in Nova Scotia
  • Companies not engaged in commercial activities outside Nova Scotia
  • Companies with outstanding or pending claims/litigation, injunctions, judgments, orders, legal or administrative actions
  • Companies in default of obligations under any other form of financial assistance or incentive program from Invest Nova Scotia
  • Companies and their related entities limited to funding for one business only at the sole discretion of Invest Nova Scotia


Yes, there are eligible expenses for this grant. The Export Development Program provides financial incentives to offset the cost of projects that assist a business’s ability to overcome barriers to export growth.
  • Travel to a market outside Nova Scotia to visit clients, potential partners, and investors, or participate in a government trade mission
  • Participate in an in-person or virtual trade show or conference
  • Host foreign clients, potential partners, or investors at the business’s Nova Scotia facilities for the first time
  • Hire a consultant or service provider to address challenges or barriers to selling products/services outside Nova Scotia
  • Access services to improve competitiveness, including business matchmaking, market research, re-branding, and developing new promotional materials


The eligible geographic zones for this grant are linked to businesses located in Nova Scotia and engaged in commercial activities outside Nova Scotia.
  • Be a Nova Scotia registered business in good standing.
  • Have a permanent establishment in Nova Scotia.
  • Have most of its workforce currently residing in Nova Scotia.


There are evaluation and selection criteria for the Export Development Program grant in Nova Scotia:
  • Nova Scotia registered business in good standing with a permanent establishment in the province
  • Engaged in or planning to engage in commercial activities outside Nova Scotia with exportable products/services
  • Nova Scotia workforce residency requirement
  • Business plan and strategy for selling products/services outside Nova Scotia
  • No outstanding legal actions/litigation, defaults, or financial assistance obligations


  • Step 1: Read the Export Development Program Guidelines and Export Development Program FAQ to ensure you have all required information available.
  • Step 2: Ensure eligibility by checking if your business meets all the outlined criteria.
  • Step 3: Contact your Regional Business Development Advisor to request your Invest Nova Scotia Customer Number if this is your first time applying or if you don’t know your Customer Number.
  • Step 4: Begin the online application process.
  • Enter your Invest Nova Scotia Customer Number and your associated email address to receive a one-time code.
  • Enter the one-time code to verify your identity and gain access to the online form.
  • Step 5: Select the application form that applies to your funding request.
  • For Stream 1: Travel, Trade Shows, Conferences and Trade Missions, click on "APPLY NOW".
  • For Stream 2: Consultant or Service Provider, click on "APPLY NOW".
  • Step 6: Complete and submit your application before the deadline of January 14, 2025, at 5:00 PM AST, or before program funding is fully subscribed.
  • Step 7: After project completion, submit a claim by clicking on "Submit Claim" for projects ending March 31, 2025.


For the Export Development Program (EDP), there are specific requirements to complete the application process and two different forms depending on your needs.
  • Applications are accepted from February 28, 2024, to January 14, 2025, at 5:00 PM AST, or until the funding is fully subscribed.
  • Projects must be completed between April 1, 2024, and March 31, 2025.
  • Two-step identity verification is required during the application process.
  • If it's your first time applying or if you don’t know your Invest Nova Scotia Customer Number, you must contact your Regional Business Development Advisor.
  • There are separate application forms for Travel/Trade Shows/Conferences/Trade Missions and hiring a Consultant or Service Provider.
  • Submit a Claim for projects ending March 31, 2025, through the provided link.

Apply to this program