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Grant and Funding
  • Manufacturing
  • Next Generation Manufacturing Canada (NGEN)


The Cluster Accelerator Program aims to bolster Canada's advanced manufacturing ecosystem by funding projects that enhance collaboration among manufacturing clusters across the nation. Eligible activities include innovation projects to develop or adopt new manufacturing technologies, commercialization projects to support business development and export readiness, sustainability projects focused on environmental improvements and supply chain resilience, workforce and management enhancement projects to upskill and diversify the workforce, and network projects promoting collaboration between clusters. Not-for-profit industry-led organizations representing SMEs are eligible to apply, requiring an industry match of 150% of the funding amount.


The grant supports projects that aim to bolster Canada's advanced manufacturing ecosystem through collaboration among clusters. Eligible activities focus on innovation, commercialization, sustainability, workforce development, and network projects.
  • Innovation Projects: Promote development and adoption of advanced manufacturing technologies.
  • Commercialization Projects: Explore strategic opportunities for business development, commercialization, and export readiness.
  • Sustainability Projects: Enhance environmental management, reduce GHG emissions, and strengthen supply chain resilience.
  • Workforce and Management Enhancement Projects: Support upskilling, diversity, and talent attraction in advanced manufacturing.
  • Network Projects: Support collaboration among multiple clusters for shared objectives.


To be eligible for the NGen Cluster Accelerator funding, applicants must be Canadian-incorporated cluster organizations primarily composed of SMEs and include supporting ecosystem partners. Additionally, they must contribute industry support of at least 150% of the requested NGen funding amount and ensure project activities are within the scope of advanced manufacturing.
  • Include a majority of small or medium-sized manufacturing and/or technology companies with fewer than 500 employees.
  • Include other supporting ecosystem partners like academia, research, services, and/or public organizations.
  • Be incorporated in Canada.
  • Contribute industry support (cash or in-kind) of at least 150% of the amount of requested NGen funding.
  • Project activities must be aligned with advanced manufacturing.


The Cluster Accelerator Program is intended for new or existing not-for-profit, industry-led organizations or clusters that represent small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the advanced manufacturing sector. Eligible applicants must be incorporated in Canada, involve a majority of manufacturing and/or technology SMEs with fewer than 500 employees, and include other supporting partners like academia, research, services, and public organizations.
  • Not-for-profit, industry-led organizations or clusters
  • Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with fewer than 500 employees
  • Organizations must be incorporated in Canada
  • Clusters should include supporting partners from academia, research, services, and public sectors


Companies not eligible for this grant are those that do not meet the requirements of being an advanced manufacturing cluster or do not comply with the specified eligibility criteria. Certain expenses and types of projects are also ineligible for funding according to the guidelines.
  • Companies that are not part of an advanced manufacturing cluster.
  • Public sector advocacy activities.
  • Companies incurring costs outside Canada without prior approval from NGen.
  • Cluster activities unrelated to advanced manufacturing.
  • Companies failing to meet the requirement of having a majority of small or medium sized manufacturing or technology companies with fewer than 500 employees.
  • Companies not incorporated in Canada.


Eligible expenses for this grant include program delivery costs that directly support the purpose of connecting and collaborating within Canada's advanced manufacturing ecosystem. These costs encompass wages, materials, travel, and other relevant expenses.
  • Gross wages, salaries, or contracts related to project activities
  • Costs related to equipment, facilities, and supplies
  • User fees
  • Materials and supplies
  • Capital expenditures
  • Room or facility rentals for the project
  • Travel costs including meals and accommodation in line with directives
  • Dissemination costs including publication costs
  • Incremental costs related to cybersecurity
  • Payments to federal entities
  • Honoraria to support Indigenous participation in projects
  • Other direct costs related to specific project activities
  • Capital expenditures vital for success in related projects
  • Foreign costs on an exceptional basis with prior approval


The eligible geographic zone for the Cluster Accelerator Program grant is Canada. All cluster organizations applying must be incorporated in Canada.
  • Projects must include cluster members and activities located within Canada.
  • Eligible organizations should include a majority of Canadian small or medium-sized manufacturing and/or technology companies with fewer than 500 employees.
  • Activities and expenses related to the funded project should be incurred in Canada, except in specific pre-approved cases.


Yes, there are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant. Proposals will be reviewed based on their ability to address economic opportunities and challenges, the benefits projected for cluster members and the Canadian advanced manufacturing sector, and the sustainability and impact of the project.
  • Cluster scope, expertise, and mission.
  • Market size and strategic importance.
  • Number and role of cluster members, including SMEs and ecosystem partners.
  • Workplan, milestones, and risk assessment.
  • Sustainability and long-term business plan.
  • Financial commitments and source of matching funds.
  • Economic and ecosystem benefits for cluster members and the broader sector.
  • Potential impact on Canadian employment, exports, and GDP.
  • Support for Net Zero Carbon transition and supply chain resilience.
  • Role of NGen funding in achieving project outcomes.


  • Step 1: Expression of Interest opens. Prepare the initial documentation and submit the expression of interest starting from September 5, 2024.
  • Step 2: Attend the Cluster Information Session. Gain additional insights and clarification by attending the session on September 18, 2024, at 3 PM EST.
  • Step 3: Attend the Cluster Accelerator Funding Workshop. Participate in the workshop on October 1, 2024, (English) or October 3, 2024, (French) at 3 PM EST to understand the application process and requirements thoroughly.
  • Step 4: Complete the Funding Intake and Screening Form. The in-take and screening period opens on October 1, 2024, and closes on October 25, 2024, at 5 PM EST. Ensure all forms are filled accurately during this period.
  • Step 5: Submit the Application. Finalize and submit the detailed funding application by the deadline of November 8, 2024.
  • Step 6: Receive Application Feedback. Await feedback on your submission, expected by November 30, 2024.
Apply to this program