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Grant and Funding
Partnering and Collaboration
  • Manufacturing
  • Metal Transformation Research and Innovation Consortium (MTRIC)


The AMORCE program by CRITM aims to foster new collaborations between Quebec-based startups or SMEs and research institutions, advancing their products or processes in the metal transformation sector. Eligible activities include developing new transformation processes, creating advanced metallic products, reducing ecological footprints, and implementing digital innovations.


Yes, there are projects and activities eligible for this grant. These include developing new manufacturing processes and creating advanced metallic products.
  • New extraction and metal transformation processes
  • Improving existing metal transformation processes
  • Automation and Industry 4.0 technologies
  • 3D printing and additive manufacturing
  • Development of new alloys
  • Improvement of product manufacturability and design
  • Reduction of environmental footprint and GHG emissions
  • Waste valorization and energy recovery
  • Digital innovation, including AI and quantum technologies


Development of a new alloy for lightweight automotive parts.


Automation of metal welding processes using Industry 4.0 technologies.


Quebec City
Implementation of AI to optimize metal cutting processes.


Research on new renewable energy metal recovery processes.


Development of eco-friendly metal finishing processes.


Improving the design and manufacturability of aerospace components.


Eligible businesses for CRITM's AMORCE grant must be startups or SMEs focused on metallic transformation processes, legally constituted in Quebec, and meeting specific operational and membership requirements.
  • Legally constituted according to federal or Quebec laws and registered with the Registraire des entreprises du Québec
  • Headquartered in Quebec with employees or subcontractors primarily working from Quebec
  • Having 249 employees or less in Quebec
  • Active member of CRITM (membership can be free for startups upon request)
  • Not controlled by a government, municipal entity, state corporation, nor under bankruptcy or insolvency protection
  • Not being ineligible for public contracts
  • Inform CRITM if 50% or more owned by other entities for eligibility validation
  • Maintain a French website and potentially provide a francization certificate or proof of steps towards francization


Yes, there are eligible types of companies for this grant. The eligible companies are Quebec-based startups and SMEs in the metallic transformation sector which meet specific criteria.
  • Startups or SMEs legally constituted under federal or Quebec laws
  • Companies registered with the Quebec Business Register
  • Have their headquarters in Quebec with employees or subcontractors working primarily from Quebec
  • Employ 249 employees or fewer in Quebec
  • A member in good standing with CRITM (membership can be free for startups upon request)


The grant is not available to certain companies. Specifically, those that are directly or indirectly controlled by government entities, declared ineligible for public contracts, or under legal protection such as bankruptcy.
  • Controlled directly or indirectly by a government, municipal entity, or state corporation
  • Declared ineligible for public contracts
  • Under legal protection such as the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act
  • Owned 50% or more by other existing companies or organizations (must inform CRITM for eligibility validation)


Yes, the eligible expenses for this grant include various categories related to the institution of research's service offerings.
  • Salaries and benefits
  • Material, consumables, and supplies
  • Equipment rental fees
  • Travel and accommodation expenses
  • Indirect research costs (FIR)


Eligible companies for this grant must be legally constituted according to federal or Quebec laws and have their headquarters in Quebec. They must have employees or subcontractors who primarily work from Quebec.
  • Must be legally constituted according to federal or Quebec laws.
  • Headquarters must be in Quebec.
  • Employees or subcontractors must primarily work from Quebec.


The grant evaluation and selection process involves a committee that assesses applications based on the relevance, potential impact, and quality of the research proposal, as well as the collaboration between partners.
  • Relevance of the initiative
  • Potential impacts of the initiative
  • Quality of the research partner's service offer
  • Quality of collaboration between the startup/SME and the research institution


  • Step 1: Ensure Eligibility
  • Verify that the startup or SME is legally constituted according to federal or Quebec laws and registered with the Quebec Business Register.
  • Ensure the company has its headquarters in Quebec, with employees or subcontractors primarily working from Quebec.
  • Confirm that the company has 249 or fewer employees in Quebec.
  • Ensure the company is a member in good standing of CRITM. Membership may be free for startups upon request.
  • Step 2: Select a Research Partner
  • Identify a suitable research institution (university, CCTT, or research center) to collaborate with on the project.
  • Step 3: Prepare the Documents
  • Work with the research partner to develop an offer of services, including mandate definition, methodology, implementation plan, cost breakdown, and other required details outlined in Annex A.
  • Ensure all parties sign the offer of services document.
  • Step 4: Submit the Application
  • Fill out the funding application form provided by CRITM.
  • Attach the signed offer of services from the research institution.
  • Send the complete application to the CRITM program team for validation and quality assurance.
  • Step 5: Wait for Evaluation
  • The application will be evaluated by a neutral ad hoc committee based on the relevance of the initiative, potential outcomes, and the quality of the research partnership and collaboration.
  • The process aims to be completed within 15 working days.
  • Step 6: Receive Financing
  • If approved, the startup or SME will receive up to 70% of the eligible expenses, with a maximum grant of $10,000 per project.
  • A payment proof from the startup or SME to the research institution is required for the disbursement of funds.
  • Step 7: Implement and Report
  • Execute the project as per the approved plan with the research partner.
  • Provide updates and documentation as required by CRITM to ensure compliance and successful project completion.


Various guidelines and requirements are outlined for the AMORCE program administered by CRITM.
  • Submissions can be made at any time and are evaluated by an ad hoc committee.
  • The program targets Quebec-based startups and SMEs with a technological maturity level of 1 to 6.
  • Projects should focus on the transformation of metals like steel, aluminum, and other critical minerals.
  • Eligible projects should have a maximum duration of 12 months and involve new collaborations.
  • Funding will cover 70% of eligible expenses, with a maximum contribution of $10,000 per initiative.
  • At least 20% of the project cost must be covered by the enterprise, and cumulative public funds should not exceed 80%.
  • Startups or SMEs must be legally registered in Quebec and have their main operations there.
  • A single active application per enterprise is allowed at a time, with preference given to first-time applicants.
  • Intellectual property generated belongs to the project partners, not CRITM.
  • A compliant French-language website may be required, along with proof of francization processes for companies with 50 or more employees.
  • Various expenses are covered, including salaries, materials, equipment rentals, and travel costs.

Apply to this program