MRC L'Islet — Support Fund for Cultural Initiatives (FAIC)
QC, Canada
Supporting cultural initiatives in MRC de L'Islet
- grant_single|maxCount
- grant_single|projectCostPercent
- grant_single|openingDateJanuary 1, 2021
- grant_single|closingDateDecember 18, 2023
- grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
- Arts, entertainment and recreation
- MRC de L'Islet
The Fonds d’appui aux initiatives culturelles (FAIC) supports projects that contribute to the cultural vitality and participation within the MRC de L'Islet, offering up to 6,000 CAD covering 80% of eligible expenses. Eligible activities include projects that enhance cultural vitality, promote cultural acceptance, recognize local cultural expertise, and protect and showcase cultural and natural heritage.
This grant provides non-repayable financial support for projects that align with the cultural goals of the MRC de L'Islet. The financial assistance is designed to cover a significant portion of the project costs up to a specific limit.
- Financial support can cover up to 80% of eligible expenses, with a funding cap of $6,000 per project.
- The grant is a contribution from the MRC and is non-repayable.
- Disbursement of funds is contingent upon the signing of an agreement between the Ministry of Culture and Communications (MCC) and the MRC de L'Islet for 2024.
This grant supports cultural initiatives that enhance community engagement and accessibility to cultural activities. Projects emphasize collaboration with local partners and contribute to cultural vitality and heritage preservation.
- Implementation of public art projects and development of cultural attractions.
- Projects facilitating participation in cultural activities for all age groups.
- Initiatives supporting the recognition of local cultural expertise.
- Projects protecting and showcasing heritage and landscapes.
Eligibility for this grant requires adherence to specific criteria related to the applicant's profile and their collaboration with local entities.
- Applicants must be legally constituted non-profit organizations or non-financial cooperatives.
- Municipalities and municipal organizations under them are eligible to apply.
- Private companies and artists can apply provided the project is carried out in close collaboration with a community and demonstrates sustainability through strong partnerships with a municipality or an organization. Emphasis on local engagement will be significant during evaluation.
The Fund is open to legally constituted non-profit organizations and non-financial cooperatives, municipalities and municipal bodies under them, as well as private companies and artists who collaborate closely with local communities and demonstrate sustainability through strong partnerships with a municipality or organization. Projects must occur in the MRC de L'Islet region.
The grant covers specific expenses directly related to the implementation and success of the project.
- Salaries, fees, and social charges for personnel hired specifically to execute the project, excluding general operational staff.
- Costs for purchasing or renting non-municipal materials and equipment.
- Project-associated travel and accommodation expenses.
- Promotion costs related to the project.
This grant supports projects within the cultural framework of the MRC de L'Islet. Eligible projects contribute to the cultural policy objectives of this specific region in Quebec.
- The project must be implemented on the territory of the MRC de L'Islet.
The evaluation and selection of projects for the FAIC grant focus on the structural impact, community involvement, and financial viability, among other relevant aspects.
- The structuring aspect of the project, its impact on the community, and its visibility.
- Coordination, partnership, and/or mobilization related to the project and how it aligns with the cultural policy axes and objectives.
- The financial structure of the project and its sustainability, including the contribution of other funding sources.
- The promoter's qualifications and their capacity to manage the project.
- The project must take place within the territory of the MRC de L’Islet.
Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
- Step 1: Prepare Application Package
- Complete the original application form, ensuring it is properly filled and signed.
- Obtain a resolution from the promoter or the sponsor promoter.
- Gather letters from partners providing financial, material, or human resources support for the project.
- Step 2: Submit Application
- Send the completed application package by postal mail to: Projet FAIC - MRC de L’Islet, 34, rue Fortin, Saint-Jean-Port-Joli (Québec) G0R 3G0.
- Alternatively, submit the application via email to administration@mrclislet.com.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- The fund is renewed for the period from 2024 with an allocated envelope of $18,000.
- Financial aid granted by the MRC is a non-repayable contribution.
- The aid granted is dependent on the signing of the agreement between the Ministry of Culture and Communications (MCC) and the MRC of L’Islet for 2024.
- The MRC of L’Islet reserves the right to modify standards, selection criteria, and management framework at any time.