MRC Drummond — Local investment funds and local solidarity funds - QC - Canada

MRC Drummond — Local investment funds and local solidarity funds

QC, Canada
Development funding for eligible Quebec manufacturing businesses


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Loans and Capital investments
  • Manufacturing
  • MRC Drummond


The Fonds local d’investissement (FLI) program's "entreprise en développement" component offers up to $75,000 as a term loan to support investment projects in the manufacturing sector. Eligible activities include capital expenditures on items such as land, building, equipment, and working capital essential to the business's operations.


This grant provides structured loan options to support capital investments essential for business growth in the manufacturing sector. It is designed to complement other financial resources, ensuring a comprehensive funding approach.
  • Term loan up to a maximum of 25% of the project cost, capped at $75,000.
  • Loan duration of up to 84 months.
  • First-year loan features capital installments with 0% interest.
  • During the second and third years, capital installments include 50% of the prevailing interest rate.
  • Subsequent years involve capital installments and full interest payments.


This grant is targeted at supporting development projects in the manufacturing sector, focusing on expanding production capabilities and enhancing operational infrastructure. The eligible activities predominantly revolve around capital expenditures that facilitate business growth and competitiveness.
  • Acquisition of land for business expansion and development.
  • Construction or improvement of manufacturing facilities.
  • Purchase of new or upgraded equipment and machinery.
  • Procurement of rolling stock necessary for operations.
  • Costs related to incorporation and legal structuring, excluding goodwill expenses.
  • Working capital requirements directly associated with the company's operational activities.


Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the company's operations and financial commitment.
  • The company must have been in operation for two years or more.
  • The project must involve an investment between $50,000 and $300,000.
  • The company must be registered with the Registre des entreprises du Québec (REQ).
  • The company must provide a minimum of 10% of the project cost as a down payment.


The "entreprise en développement" section of the Fonds local d’investissement (FLI) is available for manufacturing sector businesses. Non-eligible sectors include traditional tertiary (retail, services, etc.), tourism, agri-food, and primary agriculture. Eligible businesses must be operational for at least two years, have an investment project ranging from $50,000 to $300,000, be registered with the Quebec business registry (REQ), and provide at least 10% of the project cost as equity. The assistance is provided in the form of a term loan, covering up to 25% of the project cost, with specific financial conditions applying throughout the loan term.


This grant excludes certain companies and industries based on their sector of operation. It ensures that only businesses within the strategic manufacturing sector are eligible for funding.
  • Companies within the traditional tertiary sector (retail, services, etc.).
  • Businesses operating in the tourism sector.
  • Firms within the agri-food sector.
  • Enterprises involved in primary agricultural activities.


This program covers specific capital and operating expenses essential for the development and expansion of the business.
  • Capital expenditures involving land acquisition.
  • Construction or purchase costs related to buildings.
  • Purchasing equipment necessary for business operations.
  • Acquisition of rolling stock.
  • Incorporation fees except goodwill expenses.
  • Working capital strictly related to the business operations.


This grant is localized to the region of Drummond, as indicated by the funding body's title, MRC Drummond, which suggests specific geographical eligibility criteria.
  • Companies located within the MRC Drummond region in Quebec, Canada.


  • Step 1: Determine Eligibility
  • Ensure your business is in operation for at least two years and is in the manufacturing sector.
  • Verify that the investment project is between $50,000 and $300,000.
  • Check that you are registered with the Quebec Enterprise Register (REQ).
  • Confirm you have at least 10% of the project's cost as an investment.
  • Step 2: Prepare Documentation
  • Prepare a detailed business plan highlighting the investment project.
  • Gather financial statements and project budgets.
  • Include all necessary supporting documents, such as proof of registration and past financial records.
  • Step 3: Collaborate with Financial Partners
  • Identify and secure commitments from other financial partners, such as financial institutions or government bodies.
  • Ensure your combined funding meets the requirement of the grant program.
  • Step 4: Complete Application
  • Fill out the application form available from the funding body.
  • Ensure all sections of the form are completed accurately and thoroughly.
  • Attach all prepared documents and proposals.
  • Step 5: Submit Application
  • Submit the application and all accompanying documents to the funding body through their specified method (may require mailing or online submission).
  • Ensure submission is before the program deadline.
  • Step 6: Await Confirmation
  • Receive confirmation of receipt from the funding body.
  • Keep the confirmation for your records.

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