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Loans and Capital investments
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  • MRC des Etchemins


The Fonds local d’investissement and Fonds local de solidarité offer complementary loans up to $150,000 and $100,000 respectively, targeted at businesses within the MRC region to support various projects such as startups, business acquisitions, and expansions. Eligible activities include working capital needs, capital expenditures, and professional fees directly related to the realization of the project.


This grant offers financial support in the form of a complementary loan to various enterprises within the MRC Les Etchemins territory, facilitating business growth and development. The financing modalities are designed to support the economic enhancement of local businesses and social economy enterprises.
  • Complementary loan to other financing options, which may include or exclude guarantees based on circumstances, with a maximum of $100,000 under the Local Solidarity Fund (FLS) and $150,000 under the Local Investment Fund (FLI).
  • Loan amortization period of up to 10 years.
  • Interest rate determined by the risk level of the project.
  • The sum of combined financial aids from provincial, federal governments and other bodies must not exceed 80% of eligible expenses for social economy enterprises and 50% for other enterprise types.
  • A file processing fee of $150 is applicable.


This fund is designed to aid businesses within the MRC region by supporting a variety of growth and development initiatives. Eligible projects focus on business formation, acquisition, and enhancement activities.
  • Business startup projects.
  • Business succession or acquisition.
  • Improvement and transformation of existing businesses.
  • Contract financing.
  • Business growth and expansion initiatives.


This grant is available to companies operating within specific parameters.
  • The company must be located within the territory of the MRC.
  • The company must either be a for-profit business or a social economy enterprise.


Eligible applicants for the Fonds local d’investissement et Fonds local de solidarité include any business located within the territory of the MRC and social economy enterprises.


The grant covers various expenses essential for the establishment and growth of the business.
  • Working capital needs related to existing company's expenses for a maximum of two years corresponding to the year of project implementation and the following year.
  • Capital expenditures such as land, building, equipment, machinery, rolling stock, incorporation fees, and all other similar expenses, excluding goodwill.
  • Acquisitions of technologies, software, packaged software, patents, and all other similar expenses excluding R&D activities.
  • Professional fees strictly and directly related to the realization of the company’s project.


This grant is available to companies located within the territory of the MRC Les Etchemins. Eligible locations focus on fostering regional economic development.
  • Companies based within the MRC Les Etchemins region.
  • Entities operating throughout the MRC Les Etchemins territory.


Here are the steps to submit an application for the Fonds local d’investissement et Fonds local de solidarité:
  • Step 1: Review Eligibility and Criteria
  • Ensure your business or project falls under an eligible category such as a startup, business acquisition, or expansion.
  • Verify that your expenses align with the eligible expenses outlined in the grant criteria.
  • Step 2: Gather Necessary Documentation
  • Prepare a detailed business plan outlining your project’s objectives, timeline, and financial projections.
  • Collect all relevant financial documents, including previous financial statements and cash flow projections.
  • Compile any necessary professional documentation, such as quotes for proposed expenses or contracts.
  • Step 3: Complete Application Form
  • Fill out the application form provided by the MRC for this specific grant.
  • Ensure all fields are accurately completed, including contact details and project specifics.
  • Step 4: Pay Application Fee
  • Submit the $150 application fee, as required, to process your application.
  • Step 5: Submit Application
  • Email your complete application and supporting documents to
  • Ensure any additional requirements specific to your type of project or business are included.
  • Step 6: Confirmation of Submission
  • Await confirmation of receipt from the grant provider.
  • Follow up with the contact provided if you do not receive confirmation within a reasonable timeframe.


Applicants should be aware of the following additional details regarding this grant:
  • The loan may require a guarantee depending on the risk associated with the project.
  • Interest rates are determined based on the project's assessed risk level.
  • The total combined financial aids from provincial and federal governments, as well as organizations, must not exceed 80% of eligible expenses for social economy enterprises and 50% for other enterprises.
  • An application fee of $150 is required upon submission of the application.


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