
  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|openingDateJuly 09, 2024
Grant and Funding
  • Manufacturing
  • Information and cultural industries
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • Government of Prince Edward Island
  • Innovation PEI


Funding of up to $16,000 for business marketing costs to execute exporting plans and activities.


This grant supports businesses in Prince Edward Island to enhance their marketing strategies to boost their export potential. Eligible activities include a variety of marketing-related efforts.
  • Market research: primary, qualitative, or quantitative research
  • Design and development of new advertising and promotional materials
  • New export-oriented advertising or promotional campaign execution
  • Implementation of e-commerce or digital strategy
  • Development of virtual/digital content and marketing materials
  • Attendance and exhibition at appropriate trade shows and events, including virtual events, for up to two participants per event
  • Market investigation


Develop an international marketing campaign to promote organic skincare products in Europe


Create an international branding strategy to market eco-friendly clothing in South America


Launch an email marketing campaign to target potential clients for bespoke furniture in the UK


Develop multimedia content to market Canadian wildlife tours to European tourists


Launch an online advertising campaign to promote Canadian artisan crafts in Asia


Implement a digital marketing strategy to expand our fair-trade coffee sales in the United States


To be eligible for the Marketing Assistance grant, a company must meet the following criteria:
  • Be located in Prince Edward Island.
  • Be registered to do business and actively operating in Prince Edward Island.
  • Manufacture, process, or develop goods or services primarily for export.
  • Operate within one of the strategic sectors: bioscience, aerospace and defence, advanced manufacturing and processing, renewable energy and clean technology, information and communications technology, or creative and cultural industries. First-of-its-kind exportable goods or services in other sectors may be considered.
  • Not have a defaulted outstanding debt obligation on file in the Province’s Central Default Registry.
  • Not be in default on any reporting, project completion, or financial obligation to Innovation PEI.


The Marketing Assistance grant is intended for businesses located in Prince Edward Island that operate within specific strategic sectors. Below are the types of companies and industries eligible for this grant:
  • Bioscience
  • Aerospace and defence
  • Advanced manufacturing and processing
  • Renewable energy and clean technology
  • Information and communications technology
  • Creative and cultural industries
  • First-of-its-kind exportable goods or services in other sectors may also be considered


There are certain companies and industries that are not eligible for the Marketing Assistance grant. The main restrictions are related to the status of the company's financial obligations to the province and its operational scope.
  • A business that has a defaulted outstanding debt obligation on file in the Province’s Central Default Registry is not eligible.
  • New project submissions from an applicant in default on any reporting, project completion, or financial obligation to Innovation PEI will not be reviewed until a resolution to the default is reached.


Eligible expenses for this grant include costs related to marketing activities aimed at expanding exports.
  • Market research: primary, qualitative, or quantitative research
  • Design and development of new advertising and promotional materials
  • New export-oriented advertising or promotional campaign execution
  • Implementation of e-commerce or digital strategy
  • Development of virtual/digital content and marketing materials
  • Attendance and exhibition at trade shows and events, including virtual events, for up to two participants per event
  • Market investigation


Eligible companies for this grant must be located in Prince Edward Island. This assistance is aimed specifically at businesses registered and actively operating within this region.
  • Prince Edward Island, Canada


Projects for this grant are evaluated and selected based on considerations such as their potential economic impact, managerial qualifications, and available funding, outlined in the following criteria:
  • Potential for long-term viability
  • Export sales
  • Qualifications and track records of managers
  • Import substitution
  • Economic benefit to the province
  • Availability of program funds
  • Employment creation
  • Level of assistance from other government supports offered or available


Step 1: Consultation with Business Development Officer
  • Contact an Innovation PEI Business Development Officer.
  • Discuss the project suitability for the Marketing Assistance program.
  • Get recommendations for alternative funding programs, if applicable.
Step 2: Prepare Application Materials
  • Provide a detailed history and description of the business.
  • Existing businesses: Prepare detailed financial statements for the previous two years.
  • New businesses: Prepare a completed business plan.
  • Include a detailed description of the proposed project or activity in relation to the business products/services.
  • Provide a detailed explanation of the economic benefits to the organization and to Prince Edward Island.
  • Prepare detailed information on the estimated costs of the proposed project, supported by written quotations.
  • Outline the source of funds for the project, such as loans or other grants.
  • Explain the business's current market position and projected market growth.
  • Provide a list of all shareholders and key management personnel.
Step 3: Application Submission
  • Ensure the application is complete and all required information is submitted.
  • Submit the application before making any financial or legal commitments related to the project.
  • Applications are reviewed on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Step 4: Acceptance and Contract
  • If approved, accept the letter of offer from Innovation PEI.
  • The letter of offer will constitute a contract between Innovation PEI and the applicant.


Additional important information for the grant applicant includes performance monitoring and application consultation:
  • Innovation PEI will monitor the performance of funded projects, requiring recipients to accept a letter of offer, which acts as a contract with specified terms and conditions.
  • Potential applicants are encouraged to consult with an Innovation PEI Business Development Officer to assess project suitability and receive guidance on the application process.
  • If deemed inappropriate for Marketing Assistance, alternative funding programs may be recommended.
Apply to this program