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Grant and Funding
  • Utilities
  • Manufacturing
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • innovÉÉ


The innovÉÉ — Accord grant offers up to $350,000 for collaborative research and innovation projects aimed at increasing the competitiveness of businesses in Quebec. Eligible activities include research projects that address strategic issues, foster sustainable development principles, and leverage technological and knowledge solutions.


  • The maximum financial aid available is $350,000 for the duration of the project.
  • The grant covers up to 80% of eligible expenses for the project.
  • A minimum contribution of 20% of eligible project expenses must be provided by the participating companies, spoken of as 'host community.'
  • Financial assistance from this grant cannot be combined with other financial aid from another program provided by the Ministère de l'Économie, de l'Innovation et de l'Énergie, but it can be combined with other government assistance.
  • The minimum total project cost required is $100,000.
  • The funding is a non-repayable and non-recurring contribution.
  • Funds are limited; hence, projects need to meet specific competitive criteria to be eligible for support.
  • Eligible project costs can be covered up to the maximum allowable grant amount by the Ministry.


  • Collaborative research-innovation projects aimed at solving strategic issues for sectors covered by niches and poles of excellence.
  • Projects that initiate, develop, or consolidate partnerships or networks in research and innovation involving academic, collegial, institutional, and industrial sectors.
  • Projects that facilitate the valorization of expertise and results from public research.

$ 60,000

Opening a cultural arts center for the community

$ 37,500

Developing a sustainable urban farming initiative

$ 33,750

Expanding a local handmade crafts business

$ 75,000

Launching a tech startup incubator for entrepreneurs

$ 56,000

Launching a financial literacy program for youth

$ 90,000

Creating a renewable energy research lab


  • The project must be submitted to an RSRI operating in the main sector of activity concerned.
  • The project must be supported by a niche or cluster of excellence that is a member of the ACCORD initiative.
  • The project must be carried out in Quebec.
  • The project must meet a specific need of companies in niche and cluster sectors.
  • The project must be structuring and aimed at resolving strategic issues for Quebec.
  • The project must have the required level of innovation, providing a decisive advantage over existing solutions in the market and sector, both nationally and internationally.
  • The project must be completed no later than March 31, 2027.
  • The project must be carried out in partnership with a public research center and a minimum of three companies.
  • A minimum private contribution of 20% of eligible project expenses from the host community is required.


  • Organizations in Quebec involved in research, development, and innovation sectors
  • Non-profit organizations (NPOs) in Quebec operating within various research and innovation niches and poles of excellence
  • Institutions within the Quebec health and social services networks, education, and higher education sectors engaged in research and innovation activities
  • Public research institutions in Quebec
  • Partnerships involving at least three companies and a public research center


  • Entities registered, either temporarily or permanently, on the Register of companies ineligible for public contracts (RENA).
  • Those listed on the List of companies non-compliant with the francization process by the Office québécois de la langue française.
  • Entities that have defaulted on financial obligations from previous Quebec government financial assistance in the past two years.
  • Crown corporations or companies controlled directly or indirectly by a government (provincial or federal) or businesses majority-owned by a state company.
  • Entities under protection of the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act or the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act.
  • Businesses primarily involved in the production or distribution of arms.
  • Entities focusing on fossil energy exploration, extraction, drilling, production, and refining, except activities aimed at transitioning to a low-carbon economy.
  • Organizations engaged in gambling or betting activities, like casinos or bingo halls.
  • Those involved in violent games, combat sports involving live creatures, racing, or similar activities.
  • Entities engaged in sexual exploitation such as erotic bars, escort agencies, erotic massage parlors, or swingers' clubs, and pornographic production.
  • Organizations in the production, sale, and service related to tobacco or drugs, except for interventions related to cannabis and industrial hemp.


  • Salaries, treatments, and social benefits.
  • Scholarships for students.
  • Materials, consumable products, and supplies.
  • Purchase or rental of equipment, with specific conditions.
  • Management fees.
  • Intellectual property management operational fees.
  • Professional fees.
  • Travel and accommodation expenses in line with government standards.
  • Monetary compensations for participation in projects.
  • Knowledge dissemination expenses.
  • Animal facility and platform fees.
  • Subcontracting contract fees.
  • Portion of non-refundable taxes.


  • Quebec


  • Pertinence of the project proposed (35%):
  • Originality of the project
  • Clear planning of project phases (Schedule)
  • Relevance of the project to the recognized mission and business model of the organization
  • Alignment with the identified needs of the sector's enterprises
  • Financial framework
  • Communication plan
  • Financial and human commitment from companies or organizations involved in the project and their organizational capability
  • Diversity of funding sources
  • Degree of innovation
  • Participation of the niche of excellence
  • Economic, social, or technological impacts (35%):
  • Impact on partner companies and the sector of activity
  • Financial viability of the project
  • Demonstration of the added value of the project for entrepreneurs
  • Project efficiency
  • Realism of proposed indicators
  • Long-lasting effects on the sectors of the niche
  • Ability of the project to gain support, synergy, and participation from the target environment
  • Potential economic impacts at local, regional, and national levels
  • Demonstration of profitable and sustainable relationships with various partners
  • Networking and linkage with stakeholders in the ecosystem
  • Quality of the project submitted (30%):
  • Innovative, promising, or emerging aspect of the project
  • Clear and realistic description of the work plan, methodology, expected results, impacts for the target environment, and timeline
  • Demonstration of the necessary human resources for the project, including their expertise
  • Financing structure
  • Complementarity of skills and expertise of stakeholders concerning the submitted project
  • Consideration of sustainable development principles


  • Step 1: Read the Program GuideEnsure you thoroughly understand the entire guide provided by the INNOVÉÉ — Accord grant program.
  • Step 2: Complete the Application FormFill out and sign the financial aid application form.
  • Ensure all sections are completed as per the instructions provided.
  • Step 3: Gather Required DocumentsCompile all necessary documents such as budget tables, a support letter from the niche of excellence, an abridged CV of the project leader, a project timeline, and letters of engagement from stakeholders.
  • Ensure all documents comply with the guide’s requirements and are prepared in French.
  • Step 4: Submission of ApplicationSubmit your application and accompanying documents to the appropriate RSRI corresponding to your sector.
  • The RSRI will review and verify the application with the niche of excellence before forwarding it to MEIE.
  • Step 5: Confirmation of Application ReceiptReceive an electronic acknowledgment of receipt from the Ministry within two business days of submission.


  • The maximum grant allocation is capped at $350,000, covering up to 80% of eligible expenses.
  • A private contribution of at least 20% of eligible project costs is required from the host community.
  • Financial assistance from this grant cannot be combined with another project financing program from the Ministère de l'Économie, de l'Innovation et de l'Énergie, but may be combined with other government assistance.
  • There is a minimum total project cost requirement of $100,000.
  • Projects must be completed no later than March 31, 2027.
  • The deadline for submission was November 15, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.
  • Only projects involving collaboration with a public research center and at least three companies are considered eligible.
  • A supportive letter from a recognized niche or cluster of excellence within the ACCORD initiative is mandatory.
  • The program promotes sustainable development principles among innovation system players and their partners.

Apply to this program

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