
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • Information and cultural industries
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • Canadian Heritage
  • Government of Canada


Get 100% of eligible expenses or $2,500,000 per fiscal year for radio and/or television production activities that preserve and promote Indigenous languages and cultures, and allow for Northern Indigenous peoples to participate in activities related to th


Eligible projects for the Northern Aboriginal Broadcasting grant include radio and/or television production activities that contribute to the preservation, promotion, and revitalization of Indigenous languages and cultures, as well as facilitate Northern Indigenous participation in North-related activities.
  • Production of culturally relevant Indigenous programming
  • Establishment and maintenance of production facilities
  • Availability of radio and television programming
  • Contribution to the protection and enhancement of Indigenous languages and cultures
  • Articulation of issues relevant to Indigenous audiences and communities


Produce a television series promoting Inuit culture in Yellowknife.


Create Indigenous language radio segments in Iqaluit.


Establish a media production facility in Whitehorse.


Rankin Inlet
Launch a weekly television program in Inuktitut in Rankin Inlet.


Develop a podcast series to promote Cree language in Chisasibi.


Create a documentary series on Indigenous languages in Kuujjuaq.


Eligibility criteria for this grant include being an incorporated Indigenous not-for-profit organization, an Indigenous government or equivalent organization, an Indigenous community group with ad-hoc committees, or in exceptional circumstances, a non-Indigenous organization partnered with Indigenous groups. Applicants must also provide broadcast communications north of the Hamelin Line.
  • Must be an incorporated Indigenous not-for-profit organization, Indigenous government, community group with ad-hoc committees, or non-Indigenous organization in partnership with Indigenous groups
  • Must provide broadcast communications north of the Hamelin Line defined at the 55th parallel


Eligible types of organizations for this grant include incorporated Indigenous not-for-profit organizations, Indigenous governments, Indigenous community groups with ad-hoc committees, and in exceptional circumstances, non-Indigenous not-for-profit organizations working in partnership with Indigenous organizations.
  • Incorporated Indigenous not-for-profit organizations
  • Indigenous governments and equivalent organizations
  • Indigenous community groups with ad-hoc committees
  • Non-Indigenous not-for-profit organizations in partnership with Indigenous organizations


There are specific types of companies that are not eligible for this grant. They include:
  • For-profit organizations
  • Non-Indigenous not-for-profit organizations not working in partnership with Indigenous groups
  • Companies without a focus on Indigenous languages and cultures


There are eligible expenses for this grant. Eligible expenses include salaries, training, rental/utilities costs, equipment purchase, project supplies, travel, insurance, meetings, satellite leasing, and administration costs.
  • Salaries and employee benefits
  • Training
  • Rental/utilities costs
  • Equipment rental/service/purchase
  • Project supplies and resource materials
  • Travel within Canada
  • Insurance
  • Meetings
  • Satellite leasing costs
  • Administration costs


Based on the guidelines provided, the eligible geographic area for this grant is north of the Hamelin Line, which is drawn at the 55th parallel and defines the Canadian North for purposes of policy.
  • Geographic area: North of the Hamelin Line (55th parallel)


The evaluation and selection criteria for this grant are as follows:
  • Production and broadcast of new content in an Indigenous language that reaches north of the Hamelin Line (55th parallel).
  • Number of Indigenous languages included in the programming.
  • Organizational capacity.


  • Step 1: Read the Application Guidelines in their entirety before completing your application.
  • Step 2: Contact the Northern Aboriginal Broadcasting component to receive your application package.
  • Step 3: Ensure you meet all eligibility requirements and submit a complete application package, including the General Application Form, a budget for each fiscal year, and required supporting documents.
  • Step 4: Complete, sign, and date the General Application Form and attach all necessary supporting documents.
  • Step 5: Submit your application package electronically to before the application deadline.


Indigenous Languages and Cultures Program — Northern Aboriginal Broadcasting

Apply to this program