Grow Ontario Market Initiative (GOM) Canada

Grow Ontario Market Initiative (GOM)

The Grow Ontario Market Initiative offers funding for primary producers, processors, and industry organizations to expand domestic and export market opportunities through marketing analysis, new product development, and promotional activities.


  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|openingDateMay 19, 2023
Grant and Funding
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Manufacturing
  • Government of Ontario
  • Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (SCAP)


The Grow Ontario Market Initiative supports primary producers, processors, and industry organizations in expanding their business through market analysis and planning, new product development, and marketing activities. Eligible activities include regulatory review, ingredient sourcing, brand development, and trade missions. The program offers funding of up to 50% of eligible costs, with a maximum of $60,000 for individual producers and processors, and $125,000 for industry organizations.


To be eligible to participate in the Grow Ontario Market Initiative, applicants must meet specific criteria related to their business type, compliance with laws, and documentation requirements.

  • Be a Primary Producer, Processor, Industry Organization, or involved in Aquaculture or Fish and Seafood Processing but only for international marketing activities.
  • Provide a Canadian Revenue Agency Business Number (CRA BN) or Social Insurance Number (SIN) if applicable.
  • Submit a completed Ministry-approved Application Form.
  • Have a valid and up-to-date Premises Identification Number (PID) for the project location.
  • If applying as a Primary Producer, have a valid Farm Business Registration Number (FBRN) or equivalent exemption or identification.
  • If applying as a beekeeper, have a valid certificate of registration issued under the Bees Act.
  • Engage in activities defined as eligible under section 4.1.1 of the guidelines.
  • Be in compliance with environmental, labour, tax, and other legal requirements at the time of application.
  • Ensure that no officer, director or employee of the applicant is a current or former federal public office holder or public servant, or if applicable, is in compliance with relevant conflict of interest and post-employment policies.
  • Agree that intellectual property rights arising from the project belong to the applicant.
  • Agree to allow Canada and Ontario to publish information about the applicant and the project if found eligible.
  • Agree to be bound by the terms, conditions, and requirements set out in the guidelines and approval letter.


The Grow Ontario Market Initiative has specific eligibility criteria for companies seeking funding. Eligible companies include primary producers, processors, certain aquaculture operations, fish and seafood processors, and industry organizations in the agri-food sector.

  • Primary Producers
  • Processors
  • Aquaculture (for international marketing activities)
  • Fish and Seafood Processors (for international marketing activities)
  • Industry Organizations


There are certain types of companies that are not eligible for the Grow Ontario Market Initiative grant.

  • Agricultural landowners and/or renters
  • Employers that provide housing to international agricultural workers
  • Chemical fertilizer manufacturers
  • Commissaries
  • Food/agricultural commodity/bioprocessor waste companies


Yes, there are eligible expenses for this grant.

  • Third-party service fees for creative development services
  • Product development services
  • Regulatory services
  • Consumer and marketing analysis
  • Advertisement placement costs or media buys
  • One-time tradeshow entrance and exhibiting fees
  • Shipping costs of marketing materials and product samples
  • Rental of facilities and equipment for new product development
  • Transportation, meal, and hotel costs in accordance with Appendix A for Recipient’s staff and third-party service providers


The Grow Ontario Market Initiative provides eligible funding for activities to develop new or expanded domestic and international markets.

  • Market analysis and planning
  • Third-party advisory services to complete market analysis, life cycle analysis, and marketing plans
  • Investigate regulatory or certification standards needed to access new markets
  • New product development
  • Third-party advisory services for ingredient, material, or packaging sourcing
  • Formulation development, scale-up trials, and shelf-life determination
  • Testing or analysis to verify the development process
  • Labeling development and design for marketing purposes
  • Marketing products
  • Third-party services for implementing business or marketing plans
  • Brand development and consumer studies
  • Product demonstrations and new promotional material development
  • New product marketing campaigns for domestic and international markets
  • Sales, marketing, and promotional activities or events
  • Specially produced product samples for market research, tradeshows, or specific events


The grant is accessible throughout Ontario. It supports businesses in both rural and urban regions within the province.

  • Ontario


Yes, there are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant. Applications will be evaluated based on the extent to which new markets are accessed, the rationale supporting the market opportunity, and the anticipated business impacts.

  • New markets are accessed, or existing markets are expanded as a result of the Project
  • The rationale to support the market opportunity, Project need, and benefits are clearly and comprehensively demonstrated
  • Relevant business impacts of the Project are anticipated and have been quantified, such as:
  • Job creation or retention
  • Increased sales and revenue
  • Increased profitability
  • Resources, experience, and skills necessary to oversee and carry out the Project are identified
  • Project work plans are clearly defined and aligned to the Project goals
  • For Industry Organizations only, Project activities will support broader sector growth


  • Step 1: Download and complete the application form (PDF) using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  • Step 2: Make sure your Premises Identification Number (PID) is valid and up to date.
  • Step 3: Ensure that you have a valid Farm Business Registration Number (FBRN) or other required documentation depending on your status (e.g., beekeeper).
  • Step 4: Provide written quotes from third parties detailing the proposed Eligible Costs for the Project.
  • Step 5: Submit the completed application form and required documentation by email to
  • Step 6: Await notification of your application's approval or rejection from the Ministry.
  • Step 7: If approved, follow the instructions in the Approval Letter to proceed with the Project.
  • Step 8: Submit claims for Eligible Costs via the Ministry’s Claim Portal, including all required invoices and proofs of payment.
  • Step 9: Maintain compliance with all terms and conditions as outlined in the Guidelines and the Approval Letter.
  • Step 10: Submit all final reports and documentation by the deadlines specified in the Approval Letter.


The Grow Ontario Market Initiative provides significant support for primary producers, processors, and industry organizations to expand their market opportunities. Here are additional details to consider:

  • Applicants can submit a maximum of two applications/projects at any given time.
  • Projects are recommended to be less than two years long.
  • Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis starting from May 19, 2023, subject to funding availability.
  • Processor and Primary Producer Recipients can receive 50% of eligible costs up to $60,000 per project.
  • Industry Organization Recipients can receive 50% of eligible costs up to $125,000 per project.
  • Eligible activities include market analysis, new product development, and marketing activities.
  • Ineligible activities include domestic marketing of aquaculture and fish/seafood processing.
  • Applicants must provide written quotes from third parties detailing proposed eligible costs.
  • Recipients must retain any assets funded by the initiative for at least two years after the Approval Letter date.

Apply to this program