Grand Challenges Canada
Funding challenges for innovations that save and improve lives
- grant_single|maxCount
- grant_single|closingDateAugust 29, 2024
Grant and Funding
- Health care and social assistance
- Grand Challenges Canada
Have a bold idea for an innovation that will save and improve lives? Apply to the challenges that are posted and get funding to bring your idea to vulnerable populations.
Eligible projects for this grant in Colombia focus on improving family functioning to support young people's mental health and wellbeing. These projects aim to address challenges within family structures to improve relationships between parents or caregivers and youth.
- Innovative solutions that address family conflict and violence.
- Projects promoting healthy communication styles within families.
- Initiatives aimed at increasing family cohesion and improving parent-youth relationships.
$ 250,000
Developing a telemedicine platform for rural healthcare access
$ 200,000
Developing a mobile health clinic to serve remote Indigenous communities
$ 150,000
Implementing a solar-powered water purification system in a conflict-affected region
$ 100,000
Creating an educational program for climate resilience in coastal communities
$ 160,000
Researching climate change impacts on urban poor communities
$ 130,000
Providing entrepreneurial training for war-affected women
Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the applicant's organization and project implementation locations.
- Organizations must be legally incorporated (or the equivalent) and based in any country in order to be eligible to apply for funding through this RFP.
- Organizations must implement their project in at least one of Being’s 12 priority countries: Colombia, Ecuador, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Morocco, Pakistan, Romania, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and Vietnam.
- Organizations must meet all other eligibility requirements set out in this RFP and FAQ found on the Grand Challenges Canada website and Being website.
- Preference is given to youth-led organizations based in one of the 12 priority countries, where fifty percent or more of the individuals in key leadership positions are youth 35 years and under.
This grant targets organizations focused on addressing youth mental health challenges in 12 priority countries through innovative, culturally sensitive, and community-driven approaches that integrate prevention and promotion strategies.
- Relevance (Yes/No): Projects must align with country-specific priorities and focus on prevention and promotion aspects of youth mental health.
- Innovation (Scored 1 – 5): Projects should represent more than incremental improvements over current approaches and innovative implementation or delivery mechanisms.
- Leadership Capability to Champion Change (10% score): Is the organization and/or project majority locally led and/or youth led?
- Relevance, Innovativeness and Impact (50% score): Does the proposal align with the country's focus area and have the potential for significant impact?
- Project Execution Plan (25% score): Is the project technically sound, feasible, and designed to demonstrate proof-of-concept?
- Pathway to Sustainable Scale (5% score): Is there a realistic path to develop and/or scale up the innovation?
- Value for Effort (10% score): Are the scope and funds requested reasonable and commensurate with the proposed project goals?
Being will not fund certain projects and organizations based on their main activities or compliance with specific guidelines. Here are the restrictions related to types of companies or activities that are not eligible for this grant.
- Projects implemented in countries outside of the 12 priority countries.
- Projects focusing on mental health treatment and care, such as reducing symptom severity for youth with mental health conditions or capacity building of health professionals to deliver treatment and care.
- All projects for which the core intellectual property rights are owned by a third-party institution, unless specific conditions regarding intellectual property are met.
The grant covers specific expenses directly related to the implementation and success of the project.
- Remuneration, including salary and daily wage rates for employees directly related to the project.
- Subcontractor fees, provided they are contracted at fair market value.
- Reasonable travel costs directly related to the project implementation.
- Costs for purchase, rental, maintenance, transportation, and installation of goods, supplies, and equipment essential for the project.
- Project administration costs such as participant stipends, telecommunications, meetings, and ethical approvals.
- Sub-grantee costs, provided they follow eligibility requirements.
- Indirect/Overhead costs capped at 10% of all direct costs.
This grant targets organizations implementing their projects in specific priority countries. Eligible entities must be based in or work within the designated geographical areas aligned with funding priorities.
- Colombia
- Ecuador
- Ghana
- India
- Indonesia
- Morocco
- Pakistan
- Romania
- Senegal
- Sierra Leone
- Tanzania
- Vietnam
The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on specific criteria with allocated point scores to ensure the projects meet the grant's objectives and, focus on promoting the mental health and wellbeing of young people in the specified countries.
- Leadership Capability to Champion Change (10% of score): Assessing local leadership, youth-led initiatives, and the expertise of project teams.
- Relevance, Innovativeness, and Impact (50% of score): Evaluating alignment with country-specific priorities, boldness, and innovativeness of the approach, potential to improve priority health outcomes, and integration of different types of innovation.
- Project Execution Plan (25% of score): Reviewing the feasibility and technical soundness of the project design, presence of young people in the project, risk management, and engagement with gender equality, environmental sustainability, and human rights.
- Pathway to Sustainable Scale (5% of score): Assessing the clarity and feasibility of scaling the innovation beyond the initial project setting.
- Value for Effort (10% of score): Ensuring the requested funds and proposed budget are reasonable and efficient relative to the outlined project goals.
Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
- Step 1: Preliminary Registration
- Visit the Grand Challenges Canada Fluxx Portal at https://gcc.fluxx.io.
- For new users, create an account by clicking the "Create an account now" button. Allow up to three business days for account setup.
- Receive a username and URL link via email for password setup. Check spam/junk folder if the email is not received promptly.
- For existing users, login with current credentials or reset password via the "Create or reset password" link if necessary.
- Step 2: Start New Application
- Log in to the Fluxx Portal using your username and password.
- Select the "Welcome/Bienvenue" link on the left menu to access funding opportunities.
- Locate the "Being" funding opportunity and click "Start New Application" to begin drafting your submission.
- Step 3: Draft Application
- Work on your application, saving as you go to ensure progress is not lost.
- Review the Innovator Toolbox for guidance on proposal development and resource planning.
- The application saves automatically, allowing you to log back in and resume work at any time.
- Step 4: Submit Application
- Finalise your responses and review for completeness and accuracy.
- Submit the application by clicking on the "Submit" button once all sections are complete.
- After submission, the application is locked for editing.
- Step 5: Confirmation of Submission
- Receive an automated confirmation email acknowledging your application submission.
- Retain any provided application reference numbers for future inquiries or follow-ups.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- The application portal, Fluxx, requires a registered account to access and submit applications.
- Applicants need to complete both stage one and stage two of the application process for a project to be considered for funding.
- Applicants must be legally incorporated organizations to apply.
- Successful projects are expected to participate in peer-to-peer learning activities and can access monitoring and evaluation support.
- Organizations can ask for a 5% holdback on funding to be released upon project completion and satisfactory final report submission.
- All funded projects are required to comply with Grand Challenges Canada's Sharing and Access for Impact Strategy.