GradWorks — Employer Incentive Program
NS, Canada
Connect with skilled graduates in Nova Scotia
- grant_single|maxCount
- grant_single|projectCostPercent
- grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Wage Subsidies And Interns
- Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
- Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction
- Utilities
- Construction
- Manufacturing
- Wholesale trade
- Transportation and warehousing
- Information and cultural industries
- Finance and insurance
- Professional, scientific and technical services
- Management of companies and enterprises
- Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services
- Educational services
- Health care and social assistance
- Arts, entertainment and recreation
- Accommodation and food services
- Other services (except public administration)
- Nova Scotia Community College
Get up to 66% (maximum $30,360) salary support when you hire a qualified NSCC graduate for up to one year.
GradWorks provides comprehensive financing modalities to support employers in hiring qualified NSCC graduates, offering substantial salary support to enhance productivity and profitability. The program emphasizes financial assistance that directly incentivizes participation in the employment scheme.
- Provides salary support covering up to 66% of salary expenses for hiring an NSCC graduate, capped at $30,360 for up to one year.
The GradWorks Employer Incentive Program focuses on connecting NSCC graduates with small-to-medium sized businesses in Nova Scotia. The aim is to support sectors in advanced manufacturing and business-to-business organizations, emphasizing innovation and export.
- Hiring NSCC graduates from the Human Resource Management program.
- Employing graduates from the Industrial Engineering Technology diploma.
- Utilizing graduates with Occupational Health and Safety certification.
- Engaging graduates in advanced manufacturing training, subject to special approvals.
$ 30,360
Onboarding a certified occupational health and safety graduate to implement comprehensive safety programs
$ 30,360
Integrating an NSCC graduate into our HR team to manage talent acquisition and employee retention
$ 30,360
Employing a graduate for advanced manufacturing training to boost productivity and innovation
$ 30,360
Hiring an Occupational Health and Safety specialist to improve workplace safety protocols
$ 30,360
Recruiting a Human Resource Management graduate to enhance employee engagement strategies
$ 30,360
Engaging an NSCC Industrial Engineering Technology graduate to streamline manufacturing processes
Employers must meet specific criteria to be eligible for the GradWorks program.
- The business should operate in most sectors, with a preference given to business-to-business organizations focused on export and innovation.
- The business must not be in the retail/wholesale, real estate, government services, or personal/social services sectors.
- Businesses that have previously received funding through a similar ACOA-supported program may not be eligible.
Employers in most business sectors are eligible to participate in the GradWorks program, with a preference given to business-to-business organizations focused on export and innovation. However, businesses in retail/wholesale, real estate, government services, services of a personal or social nature, or those that have received funding through a similar ACOA-supported program in the past, are not eligible.
Certain types of companies and industries are not eligible to participate in this grant program. These restrictions are in place to ensure alignment with the program’s objectives.
- Retail/wholesale businesses.
- Real estate companies.
- Government services.
- Businesses providing services of a personal or social nature.
- Businesses that have previously received funding through a similar ACOA-supported program.
This program facilitates the employment of NSCC graduates in various fields by providing salary support to employers. It focuses on enhancing company capacity and improving productivity through the hiring of graduates.
- Hiring NSCC graduates in Human Resource Management.
- Employing graduates from Industrial Engineering Technology programs.
- Incorporating graduates specialized in Occupational Health and Safety.
- Engaging graduates from programs with advanced manufacturing training, subject to special approvals.
This grant is specifically aimed at companies located within a certain Canadian region. Eligible geographical areas are chosen to foster regional economic growth and innovation.
- Companies located in Nova Scotia.
There are evaluation and selection criteria for the GradWorks employer incentive program. Employers are evaluated based on specific criteria to determine their eligibility for the program.
- Demonstrated commitment to innovation and export development
- Capacity to support productivity and profitability
- Alignment with the objectives of the program
- No previous funding received through a similar ACOA-supported program
Here are the steps to apply for the GradWorks employer incentive program:
- Step 1: Application Submission
- Fill out the GradWorks application form available from the Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC) website or contact their office directly.
- Step 2: Participant Guide Review
- Download and read the Participant Guide for Employers to understand the program details, requirements, and any other relevant information.
- Step 3: Contact for Assistance
- Reach out to NSCC with any questions or for support through the contact information provided in their materials.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- Employers receive up to 66 per cent salary support when hiring qualified NSCC graduates for up to a one-year period.
- GradWorks is funded by the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency and managed by NSCC.
- Employers are encouraged to contact NSCC Student Services for more information or general inquiries.
- Technical support information is available for employers needing assistance with the application process.