
  • grant_single|minCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Wage Subsidies And Interns
  • grant_single|allIndustries
  • Government of Nova Scotia


This funding covers up to 35% of the annual salaries for new graduate hires.


Projects or activities eligible for the Graduate to Opportunity program include:
  • Applied research
  • Product and service development
  • Market analysis for new complex products or activity
  • Improvement of product quality, customer services, and business efficiencies
  • Process development or improvement
  • Technical feasibility studies and pilots for product launches or market entry


Developing an advanced data analysis tool for financial market predictions.


Conducting a market analysis for the launch of an eco-friendly packaging product.


Improving customer service efficiency through a new CRM system implementation.


Conducting a technical feasibility study for a new AI-based healthcare solution.


Pilot project for the launch of an organic skincare product line.


Improving product quality through innovative material engineering processes.


The eligibility criteria for this grant include:
  • The graduate you hire must have completed a post-secondary program within 1 year of their first day of work.
  • The program cannot consider graduate-employees who have been working for the employer on a permanent basis before the GTO application is approved.
  • Employers must not receive other government wage funding for the position being applied for.
  • Apprentices in registered trades are not eligible for the Graduate to Opportunity program.


There are eligible types of companies for the Graduate to Opportunity grant in Nova Scotia:
  • Small businesses with fewer than 100 employees
  • Start-up companies incorporated within 2 years of the application date
  • Social enterprises, non-profit organizations, or registered charities with recognized standing


Not all types of companies are eligible for the Graduate to Opportunity grant in Nova Scotia. Companies with more than 200 full-time employees and those in certain industries may not qualify for the program.
  • Companies with more than 200 full-time employees
  • Companies in certain industries that are not specified in the eligible categories


Eligible expenses for this grant include:
  • Salary expenses for hiring recent graduates
  • Employer's portion of benefits and statutory contributions
  • Training and development costs related to the new position


The Graduate to Opportunity program in Nova Scotia has specific evaluation and selection criteria for applicants.
  • The graduate you hire must have completed a post-secondary program within 1 year of their first day of work.
  • The program can't consider graduate-employees who have been working for the employer on a permanent basis before the GTO application is approved.
  • Employers must not be eligible for other government wage funding for the position.
  • Apprentices in registered trades are not eligible for the program.


  • Step 1: Review the Graduate to Opportunity Program Guidelines (PDF)
  • Content: Review the program guidelines to understand eligibility criteria and application requirements.
  • Implications: Ensures that the application aligns with program guidelines and criteria.
  • Step 2: Describe your organization and the role you wish to fill, including a detailed job description.
  • Content: Provide information about your organization and the specific job role you intend to fill with a recent graduate.
  • Implications: Helps in assessing the suitability of the position for the grant and the potential impact on the graduate.
  • Step 3: Prepare a T4 Summary for the organization
  • Content: Gather and organize the necessary financial documentation related to the organization.
  • Implications: Demonstrates the financial status of the organization for subsidy consideration.
  • Step 4: Apply online by creating a LaMPSS Account or signing in to submit your application.
  • Content: Complete the application process through the online platform.
  • Implications: Ensures timely submission and consideration of your grant application.

Apply to this program