BCAC — Arts Infrastructure Program BC Canada

BCAC — Arts Infrastructure Program

BC, Canada
Enable organizations to develop and enhance arts spaces, fostering accessibility, inclusivity, and capacity within B.C.'s cultural sector


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Grant and Funding
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • British Columbia Arts Council (BCAC)


The Arts Infrastructure Program by the BC Arts Council supports eligible organizations in developing and enhancing spaces for B.C.'s arts and cultural practitioners. The program funds projects related to planning and consultation, capital improvements, and specialized equipment acquisition, aiming to improve accessibility, sustainability, and capacity of arts spaces. All projects must be completed by December 31, 2027, with grants available up to $25,000 for planning, $250,000 for capital improvements, and $40,000 for equipment acquisition.


The Arts Infrastructure Program supports eligible organizations to enhance arts and cultural spaces in British Columbia through various projects. The eligible projects focus on planning, capital improvements, and specialized equipment acquisition to better serve arts practitioners and communities.
  • Planning processes, consultations, and research to support the development or acquisition of arts and cultural facilities.
  • Purchase of specialized equipment such as audio, video, lighting, exhibition, or other equipment for artistic programming.
  • Acquisition, construction, renovation, remodeling, refurbishment, or expansion of arts and cultural facilities used for arts and cultural purposes more than 50% of the time.
  • Upgrades to heating and cooling systems in arts and cultural facilities to improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Projects to improve accessibility to arts and cultural facilities.


To be eligible for the Arts Infrastructure Program, organizations must primarily engage in arts and cultural programming or services in B.C. and have been operational for a minimum of two years prior to the application. A priority is given to designated groups, including Indigenous, D/deaf, disability arts practices, and organizations located outside major urban centers.
  • An arts and culture organization registered and in good standing as a non-profit society or community service co-op in B.C. for at least two fiscal years.
  • Majority of key staff and board members based in B.C.
  • Creative control and decision-making primarily maintained by leadership based in B.C.
  • A purpose or mandate dedicated to arts and culture programming and activities or services to the arts and culture sector in B.C.
  • Operations and activities reflecting the dedicated purpose or mandate.
  • Indigenous community organizations, governments, or those operated by local government/public post-secondary institutions that offer regular arts and culture activities qualify under specific conditions.


The Arts Infrastructure Program is designed for non-profit organizations, Indigenous community organizations, Indigenous governments, arts and culture organizations operated by local governments or post-secondary institutions, and book publishers in British Columbia that focus on arts and culture. Certain eligibility criteria must be met, such as being registered and in good standing for at least two fiscal years, having a purpose dedicated to arts and culture, and providing public programming.
  • Non-profit arts and culture organizations registered in B.C. for at least two fiscal years.
  • Indigenous community organizations or Indigenous governments in B.C. offering regular arts and culture activities.
  • Arts and culture organizations operated by local governments in B.C., with certain autonomy.
  • Arts and culture organizations operated by public post-secondary institutions in B.C., provided they meet specific conditions.
  • Book publishers meeting eligibility requirements under BC Arts Council's Literary Arts or Operating Assistance programs.


There are specific types of organizations that are not eligible for this grant.
  • Private or for-profit entities (except in the case of for-profit book publishing companies)
  • Member-funded societies
  • Social service organizations
  • Educational institutions, schools, or school authorities
  • Regional or local governments
  • Industrial sites, archaeological sites, heritage sites, or historic places
  • Organizations dedicated to archives
  • Museums with only temporary exhibitions


Eligible expenses for this grant include activities that focus on planning and consultation, capital improvements, and specialized equipment acquisition within the arts and cultural facilities sector. The grant is aimed at enhancing spaces for artistic work, improving accessibility, and supporting underserved communities.
  • Planning, consultation, feasibility studies, and research processes for development or acquisition of arts and cultural facilities.
  • Purchase of specialized equipment primarily utilized for artistic programming.
  • Acquisition, construction, renovation, remodeling, refurbishment, or expansion of arts and cultural facilities used for artistic purposes more than 50% of the time.
  • Upgrades to heating and cooling systems in arts and cultural facilities to improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Projects to improve accessibility in arts and cultural spaces.


Eligible geographic zones for the BC Arts Council's Arts Infrastructure Program include areas throughout British Columbia, with specific attention given to communities located outside greater Vancouver or the capital region. This aligns with the initiative's focus on supporting and developing arts and cultural spaces across the province.
  • Areas throughout British Columbia
  • Communities located outside greater Vancouver
  • Communities outside the capital region


The assessment criteria for the BC Arts Council's Arts Infrastructure Program focus on evaluating proposals based on reconciliation, equity, diversity, inclusion, access, the quality and availability of spaces, and the feasibility of the proposed projects. These criteria ensure that the projects align with the strategic priorities of the BC Arts Council, including serving underrepresented communities and enhancing arts infrastructure across British Columbia.
  • Reconciliation, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Access (30%): The project's alignment with BC Arts Council's priorities for advancing opportunities for and service to equity-deserving and underrepresented communities, including its potential for advancing reconciliation.
  • Availability and Quality of Spaces (40%): The project's impact on the conditions for artistic creation, production, and presentation, including improvements to space quality, benefits to other arts and culture organizations, and inclusion of accessibility features.
  • Feasibility (30%): The project's likelihood of successful completion, demonstrated through the expertise of project leaders, appropriate compensation, sound financial planning, and consideration of long-term environmental implications.


  • Step 1: Review the application preview and program guidelines for specific requirements. Call the Program Advisor if you need to confirm eligibility or if you have questions.
  • Step 2: New applicants should register in the BC Arts Council online system to access the online application. Registration requests can take up to 5 business days to process.
  • Step 3: Proofread your application before you submit it. Plan to submit your complete application at least two days before the deadline to avoid last-minute technological issues.
  • Step 4: Ensure you have completed and submitted any overdue final reports on previous BC Arts Council grants.
  • Step 5: In your Organization Profile on the BC Arts Council online grant system, update your mailing address and other contact information. Upload your most recent signed financial statements. Update your Board list and Staff list. Upload your organization’s certified constitution or statement of purpose. Complete the Designated Priority Group section and the Equity Data Tool.
  • Step 6: In your Arts Infrastructure application, make sure your Amount Requested matches the request amount in your Project Budget Table. Include a realistic Project Start Date after the application deadline and a realistic Project End Date. Upload a detailed and realistic project timeline or work plan. Describe alignment with CleanBC Better Buildings programs as applicable.
  • Step 7: Complete the Project Budget Table with notes explaining amounts.
  • Step 8: Upload required support material, such as letters from partners, floor plans or photos, and quotes from vendors or contractors depending on the category of your application.
  • Step 9: After submitting your application, add NoReply@BCArtsCouncil.ca to your safe senders list. Keep your mailing address up to date in your online Organization Profile.
  • Step 10: Contact a Program Advisor for feedback on the assessment of your application after receiving notification of the results.


The grant provides support for arts and culture organizations in developing infrastructure while emphasizing reconciliation, equity, diversity, inclusion, and access. Key details include eligibility criteria, financial requirements, and submission guidelines that must be followed for a successful application.
  • The BC Arts Council intends to support successful applications at 100% of the request, though grants may be awarded for less.
  • Success rates in BC Arts Council grant programs are generally between 20% to 40%.
  • Applications must be submitted through the BC Arts Council's online grant system.
  • Applicants should ensure all overdue final reports on previous BC Arts Council grants are completed and submitted by the application deadline.
  • The grant aims to support green building strategies in line with CleanBC Better Buildings programs.
  • Priority consideration is given to projects catering to underrepresented communities and locations outside major urban centers.
  • The program acknowledges the need for appropriate artist compensation as part of project activities.
  • Final reports for grant-funded projects need to be submitted within 30 days of the project end date.


Apply to this program