BCAC — Arts Circulation and Touring – Organizations BC Canada

BCAC — Arts Circulation and Touring – Organizations

BC, Canada
Foster regional, national, and international opportunities for B.C. artists, enhancing exposure and mobility across artistic disciplines


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Grant and Funding
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • British Columbia Arts Council (BCAC)


The Arts Circulation and Touring grant program by the BC Arts Council aims to support arts and culture organizations, collectives, and individual practitioners in circulating and touring artistic works within British Columbia, nationally, and internationally. Eligible activities include outbound tours, inbound hosting and presentation of artistic works from various regions, and digitization or translation of works to increase accessibility and reach. The grants offer financial assistance primarily to enhance professional opportunities and exposure for B.C. artists and organizations.


Eligible projects for the Arts Circulation and Touring grant include activities that enhance professional and artistic opportunities and exposure of B.C. artists, collectives, and arts organizations regionally, nationally, and internationally. These can be categorized into Outbound, Inbound, and Digitization and Translations activities.
  • Outbound circulation and touring of artistic and cultural works both inside and outside of the province.
  • Single Artistic touring or travel opportunities that offer significant benefits for the applicant and the development of arts and culture in B.C.
  • Participation in events focused on promotion, planning, or networking development for future circulation and touring opportunities.
  • Hosting, presentation, and circulation of artistic and cultural performances, exhibitions, and works from all disciplines within British Columbia.
  • Bringing in artistic leadership for planning presentation or hosting of works and related networking development opportunities.
  • Digitization of artistic works for dissemination and access by identified communities or the general public.
  • Translation of literary, dramatic, or other written artistic works for publication or presentation to broaden circulation and access.


This grant is open to arts and culture organizations, collectives, and Indigenous governments in British Columbia, requiring them to be registered as non-profit entities or operated by local government or post-secondary institutions with dedicated arts programming. Eligible applicants must be primarily based in B.C., engage skilled artistic leadership, compensate artists fairly, and provide public programming that benefits the community.
  • Arts and culture organization registered and in good standing as a non-profit society or community service co-op in B.C. for at least one fiscal year prior to application with creative control and decision-making by leadership based in B.C.
  • Indigenous community organization registered and in good standing as a non-profit society or community service co-op in B.C. for at least one fiscal year prior to application.
  • Indigenous government in B.C. offering regular arts and culture activities.
  • Professional arts and culture organization operated by a local government in B.C. with a community-based board of management or advisory structure and a dedicated programming space.
  • Professional arts and culture organization operated by a public post-secondary institution in B.C. with ongoing public programming by professional arts and cultural practitioners.
  • Book publisher that meets the eligibility requirements for either the BC Arts Council Project Assistance: Literary Arts or Operating Assistance: Book Publishers programs.
  • Provide fair compensation to artists, arts and cultural practitioners, technicians, Elders, and Knowledge Keepers.
  • Adhere to international intellectual property rights standards and cultural ownership protocols.
  • Follow the Criminal Records Review Act if applicable, requiring criminal record checks for those working with children or vulnerable adults.
  • Completed and submitted any overdue final reports on previous BC Arts Council grants by the intake closing date.


This grant is available for arts and culture organizations that are non-profit societies or community service co-ops, Indigenous community organizations, Indigenous governments, professional arts and culture organizations operated by local governments or post-secondary institutions, and book publishers. Eligible organizations must engage in ongoing public programming by professional arts and cultural practitioners and maintain a primary purpose dedicated to arts and culture programming.
  • Non-profit arts and culture organizations or community service co-ops registered in B.C.
  • Indigenous community organizations registered as non-profit societies or community service co-ops in B.C.
  • Indigenous governments in B.C. offering regular arts and culture activities.
  • Professional arts and culture organizations operated by local governments with arms-length governance.
  • Professional arts and culture organizations operated by public post-secondary institutions with autonomous programming.
  • Book publishers meeting specific BC Arts Council program eligibility requirements.


Certain types of companies are not eligible for the BC Arts Council Arts Circulation and Touring Program grant. The grant program excludes private or for-profit entities among other specific organizational forms.
  • Private or for-profit entities (except in the case of for-profit book publishing companies).
  • Member-funded societies.
  • Industrial, archaeological, or heritage sites, historic places, or organizations dedicated to archives.
  • Virtual museums.
  • Museums with only temporary exhibitions.
  • Social service organizations.
  • Curriculum-based activities or projects related to continuing education or post-secondary programs (except in the case of professional arts training organizations).
  • Projects primarily intended for or focused within creative industries or commercial sector (except for book publishers).
  • Projects where art therapy, health, or therapeutic work is the primary project focus or outcome.
  • Projects or activities already funded through other BC Arts Council grant programs.
  • Projects funded with BC Arts Council funds received through third-party delivery partners.


This grant program supports eligible projects but does not cover operating or ongoing expenses. Eligible expenses include artist fees, travel costs for circulation activities, and direct costs associated with digitization or translation work.
  • Artist fees and compensation aligning with industry standards
  • Travel costs for touring or circulation activities
  • Direct costs of engaging a qualified person for digitization or translation
  • Marketing and audience development costs


The eligible geographic zones for this grant include locations both within and outside British Columbia, with specific requirements for activities to take place at least 80 km away from the applicant's home base. Activities can occur provincially, nationally, or internationally.
  • The eligible projects can include activities that are provincial, national, or international in scope.
  • Applicants must ensure activities are at least 80 km away from their home base, with exceptions considered for isolation, ferry travel, and cumulative distances.


The BC Arts Council assesses applications using specific criteria in three primary areas: Artistic and Cultural Contribution and Engagement, Impact on the Community and the Arts Sector, and Feasibility. These criteria focus on the relevance and contribution of the project, its potential impact on the community and sector, and its overall feasibility in terms of planning and resource allocation.
  • Artistic and Cultural Contribution and Engagement (50%)
  • Relevance of the project to the communities served.
  • Contribution to the development of the art form(s) and cultural practices.
  • Level of artistry, risk, originality, and production values.
  • Significance or uniqueness of the opportunity.
  • Strategies to engage new audiences, communities, or networks.
  • Practices that eliminate cultural appropriation and support meaningful representation.
  • Knowledge and insight into audience and community development.
  • Impact on the Community and the Arts Sector (30%)
  • Potential short and long-term impacts on the communities served.
  • Integrity of the project, including ethical approaches and engagement.
  • Contribution to equity-deserving and under-represented communities.
  • Contribution and impacts for rural and remote communities.
  • Level of accessibility in terms of physical spaces, affordability, and support for barriers or disabilities.
  • Feasibility (20%)
  • Achievability determined by sound budgets, planning, and resource allocation.
  • Abilities in audience development, marketing, and communications.
  • Role of leadership in fostering a healthy, sustainable work environment.
  • Experience in successfully realizing comparable projects at a professional standard.
  • Human resources practices related to fair pay, employment equity, and safe work environments.


  • Step 1: Review the application preview and program guidelines for specific requirements.
  • Step 2: Call a Program Advisor if you need to discuss eligibility or if you have questions.
  • Step 3: New applicants: Register in the BC Arts Council online system to gain access to the online application. Registration requests can take up to 5 business days to process.
  • Step 4: Plan to proofread your application before you submit it.
  • Step 5: Plan to submit your complete application at least two days before the deadline to avoid any last-minute technological issues.
  • Step 6: Ensure you have completed and submitted any overdue final reports on previous BC Arts Council grants.
  • Step 7: In your Personal Profile on the BC Arts Council online grant system, update your address and other contact information.
  • Step 8: Upload your most recent signed financial statements (organizations only).
  • Step 9: Update your Board list and Staff list (organizations only).
  • Step 10: Upload your organization’s constitution (organizations only).
  • Step 11: Complete the Designated Priority Group Questionnaire (required for funding prioritization).
  • Step 12: Complete the Equity Data Tool (required for funding prioritization).
  • Step 13: In your application, include a Project Start Date (after the application submission date) and a realistic Project End Date.
  • Step 14: Ensure the Amount Requested in the application matches the request amount in your Project Budget Table.
  • Step 15: Include a detailed project description that clearly describes what the project is, who is involved in the project, who benefits from the project, and how the project will happen.
  • Step 16: Upload a detailed project timeline or work plan beginning after the application submission date.
  • Step 17: Complete pop-out forms in the application, including Project Team Table with biographies and Project Budget Table with a balanced budget and notes explaining amounts.
  • Step 18: Upload support material as required, including letters from partners or collaborators and examples of work relevant to the proposed project.
  • Step 19: Submit your application by the deadline and ensure that all materials are tested beforehand to ensure accuracy and completeness.


The Arts Circulation and Touring grant program focuses on enhancing the professional and artistic opportunities for B.C. artists and arts organizations through regional, national, and international exposure. Eligible activities must start after application submission, and applicants should engage with Program Advisors to ensure the proposed project aligns with the program's objectives and requirements.
  • Applications are accepted until 11:59 p.m. on the closing date.
  • Applicants can receive only one Art Circulation and Touring grant per BC Arts Council fiscal year.
  • Eligible projects must include fair payment to artists and cultural practitioners, aligned with industry standards.
  • Outcome notifications will be sent roughly 16 weeks after the submission deadline.
  • Communication results are sent through the online system, and applicants should add NoReply@BCArtsCouncil.ca to their safe senders list.
  • Support is available only for projects that exceed 80 km from the applicant's home base.


(250) 356-1718
Apply to this program