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Grant and Funding
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)
  • Government of Canada


Get financial assistance for adapting or adopting new technologies, processes or equipment to improve the effectiveness and sustainability of the fish and seafood sector, and for associated training.


In the Atlantic Fisheries Fund, eligible activities include:
  • Innovation to encourage new products and technologies
  • Infrastructure to encourage capital investments in new products, processes or technologies
  • Science partnerships between industry, academia, and other research institutions to improve knowledge


Development of a new automated sorting system for seafood processing in Halifax.


Collaboration with the University of Toronto for sustainable fishing practices research.


Installation of eco-friendly refrigeration systems at a Vancouver fish processing plant.


Introduction of a sustainable aquaculture program in the Montreal area.


Quebec City
Implementation of a new data analytics platform for fisheries in Quebec City.


St. John's
Purchase of advanced fish tracking equipment for a fisheries cooperative in St. John's.


The Atlantic Fisheries Fund supports innovation, infrastructure, and science partnerships in the fish and seafood sector of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island.
  • Projects must be located in Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, or Prince Edward Island.
  • Applicants must be legally registered entities.
  • Projects must align with the objectives of the fund.
  • Other specific criteria may apply based on the type of project.


There are eligible types of companies for this grant.
  • Companies in the fish and seafood sector located in Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island


Eligible expenses for the Atlantic Fisheries Fund include:
  • Costs related to innovation for new products and technologies
  • Infrastructure investments for new products, processes, or technologies
  • Funding for science partnerships to improve knowledge in the sector


The Atlantic Fisheries Fund has evaluation criteria to assess grant applications. The criteria include:
  • Financial viability of the project
  • Alignment with the objectives of the fund
  • Level of innovation and sustainability
  • Potential for market impact


  • Step 1: Overview
    • Understand the purpose of the Atlantic Fisheries Fund and its focus on the fish and seafood sector.
  • Step 2: Who can apply
    • Check eligibility criteria for applicants from Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island.
  • Step 3: Eligible activities
    • Identify the types of projects supported, including innovation, infrastructure, and science partnerships.
  • Step 4: Prepare a proposal
    • Develop a detailed proposal outlining how the project aligns with the fund's objectives and criteria.
  • Step 5: How to apply
    • Find out the application process and required documentation for submitting a proposal.
  • Step 6: Evaluation
    • Be aware that proposals will be evaluated based on their alignment with the fund's goals and potential impact.
Apply to this program