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Tax Credits
  • Manufacturing
  • Government of Prince Edward Island
  • Innovation PEI


Aerospace and defence related companies with more than 20 employees and a payroll over $700,000 get a full refund of all provincial corporate income tax paid.


The eligible activities for this grant involve aviation or aerospace/defence-related businesses. They include a range of operations from original equipment manufacturing to training services.
  • Original equipment manufacturers
  • Strip and paint shops
  • Repair and overhaul operations
  • Training services
  • Aviation support businesses


Expansion of aircraft maintenance and overhaul facilities in Toronto.


Development of advanced aviation training programs in Vancouver.


Establishment of aviation support services in Halifax.


Upgrading avionics in the commercial fleet in Calgary.


Development of a new strip and paint shop facility in Montreal.


Automation of supply chain management in aerospace in Ottawa.


The eligibility criteria for the Aerospace Tax Holiday grant are clearly defined for companies operating in or planning to establish operations in Prince Edward Island's aerospace and defence sector.
  • New Aerospace firms to Prince Edward Island
  • Existing firms already operating in the Province of Prince Edward Island
  • Aerospace companies in eligible activities that have 20 or more employees or a payroll in excess of $700,000
  • Aerospace companies engaged in eligible activities that categorize them in the "Aerospace and Defence" sector as defined by the Province of Prince Edward Island


Yes, there are eligible types of companies for this grant. The grant targets companies engaged in aviation or aerospace/defence-related businesses.
  • New Aerospace firms to Prince Edward Island
  • Existing aerospace firms operating in Prince Edward Island
  • Aerospace companies with 20 or more employees or a payroll in excess of $700,000
  • Companies categorized in the "Aerospace and Defence" sector as defined by the Province of Prince Edward Island
  • Original equipment manufacturers
  • Strip and paint shops
  • Repair and overhaul operations
  • Training facilities
  • Various aviation support businesses


The eligible geographic zone for this grant is Prince Edward Island, specifically in Slemon Park.
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Slemon Park


  • Step 1: Verify Eligibility
  • Ensure the company is a new or existing aerospace firm in Prince Edward Island.
  • Confirm the company is engaged in eligible aerospace and defence-related activities.
  • Check that the company has 20 or more employees or a payroll exceeding $700,000.
  • Step 2: Gather Required Documentation
  • Prepare documentation that proves the company’s eligibility, such as employee headcount, payroll records, and business registration details.
  • Compile any additional documents that may be required by the Province of Prince Edward Island.
  • Step 3: Submit Application
  • Fill out the application form provided by the Province of Prince Edward Island for the Aerospace Tax Rebate Incentive Program.
  • Submit the completed application along with the required documentation to the appropriate provincial department.
  • Step 4: Await Approval
  • The application will be reviewed by provincial authorities to ensure all criteria are met.
  • Respond to any requests for additional information or clarification from the reviewing authorities.
  • Step 5: Receive Tax Rebate
  • If approved, the company will receive a full rebate annually on all corporate income tax paid to the province for operations conducted in Prince Edward Island.
  • Additionally, the company will receive a full rebate annually of all real property tax attributable to ownership or rental of facilities in Prince Edward Island.


The aerospace tax holiday provides significant financial incentives for companies in the aerospace and defense sectors operating in Prince Edward Island. It aims to encourage both new and existing businesses to establish or expand their operations within the province, particularly in the Slemon Park business park.
  • The incentive program was initially for 20 years starting January 1, 1993, and extended for an additional 10 years in December 2012.
  • Companies must have at least 20 employees or a payroll exceeding $700,000 to be eligible.
  • Activities in aviation or aerospace/defense businesses are applicable.
Apply to this program