
  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|openingDateNovember 14, 2019
Grant and Funding
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Get a non-refundable contribution of up to $99,999 for business start-up or expansion, marketing, project management, professional advisory services, and development of a business plan, marketing plan or feasibility studies.


The Aboriginal Business Financing Program provides financial support tailored to the needs of First Nations and members of the Native Alliance of Quebec aiming to start, acquire, or expand businesses. The program provides contributions with varying rates based on activity type.
  • Maximum contribution for private projects is up to $99,999.
  • Development of a business plan, marketing plan, or feasibility studies can receive a contribution rate of up to 75%.
  • Start-up, acquisition, or expansion of a business can receive a contribution rate of up to 40%.
  • Implementation of marketing activities can receive a contribution rate of up to 60%.
  • Project-related management is eligible for a contribution rate of up to 75%.
  • Professional advisory services after the business launch can receive a contribution rate of up to 75%.
  • A non-refundable contribution is the last resort in terms of financing, requiring all additional sources of financing to be considered and approved.
  • The equity required from individuals ranges from 10% to 25% based on the net value of the individual, while for Band Councils, it varies between 10% to 25% based on the net value of the council.
  • All other possible financing avenues must be explored prior to grant approval.
  • Expenses incurred prior to the approval of the file are not eligible for the non-refundable contribution.


This grant supports the development and growth of First Nations and Native Alliance of Quebec businesses through various activities. The eligible projects aim to enhance business capabilities, marketing strategies, and management practices.
  • Start-up, acquisition, or expansion of a business.
  • Implementation of marketing activities.
  • Project-related management enhancement.
  • Development of a business plan, marketing plan, or feasibility studies (assessments, environmental studies, etc.).
  • Professional advisory services post-launch such as accountants or other experts.

$ 99,000

Expanding a sustainable tourism operation

$ 99,000

Launching a cooperative artisanal bakery and café

$ 99,000

Developing an e-commerce platform for Indigenous crafts


Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific criteria related to the applicant's identity, financial capability, and business project.
  • The applicant must be either a First Nation, a member of a First Nation, the Native Alliance of Quebec, or a corporation owned by one of these entities.
  • The applicant must have the necessary financial resources, with a minimum equity of 10% of the project cost.
  • The business project must be viable and the applicant should have a good credit rating.
  • The applicant must have experience and training in the field of activities related to the business.
  • Mandatory full-time involvement in the business is required.
  • The business must not operate in the gambling, sex, alcohol, or tobacco sectors.
  • All additional sources of financing must have been considered and approved, the borrowing capacity must be at its maximum, and equity at its maximum before applying for a non-refundable contribution.


The Aboriginal Business Financing Program (ABFP) is designed for First Nations individuals, communities, and corporations in Quebec, as well as members of the Native Alliance of Quebec. Applicants must meet certain criteria including holding a viable business project, having necessary financial resources (at least 10% equity of the project cost), good credit rating, experience and training in the relevant field, and full-time commitment to the business. Their business must not be involved in gambling, sex, alcohol, or tobacco sectors, and the funding is considered a last resort after all other sources of financing have been exhausted. The program is open for both private and community projects, with different maximum contributions for each category.


Companies engaged in certain sectors are not eligible for this non-refundable contribution. This restriction ensures that funds are allocated to businesses that align with the program's intended objectives.
  • Businesses involved in the gambling industry.
  • Companies in the sex industry.
  • Organizations engaged in the production or sale of alcohol.
  • Businesses dealing with tobacco products.


The grant covers expenses specifically related to the start-up, expansion, management, and development of Indigenous businesses.
  • Development of a business plan, marketing plan, or feasibility studies (assessments, environmental studies, etc.).
  • Start-up, acquisition, or expansion of a business.
  • Implementation of marketing activities.
  • Project-related management.
  • Professional advisory services after the business is launched (e.g., accountant or other services).


This grant is targeted at First Nations and the Native Alliance of Quebec, but specific eligible geographical areas are not clearly defined in the provided information. Eligibility is based on affiliations rather than geographical location.


- Be a First Nation or part of the Native Alliance of Quebec - Have the necessary financial resources (equity: minimum of 10% of the project cost) - Present a viable business project - Have a good credit rating - Have experience and training in the field of activities - Mandatory full-time involvement in the business - Operate a business not involved in certain sectors (gambling, sex, alcohol, tobacco) - Evaluation based on eligible expenses, net value of applicant, and other available financing sources


  • Step 1: Eligibility Verification
  • Ensure that you or your organization meet the eligibility criteria, such as being a First Nation member or part of the Native Alliance of Quebec.
  • Verify that the project type (private or community) aligns with the funding scope.
  • Step 2: Prepare Financial Documentation
  • Gather documents to demonstrate the required equity (10% minimum of the cost of the project).
  • Ensure all financial statements reflect a good credit rating.
  • Step 3: Develop Project Proposal
  • Create a detailed proposal for your business project, covering aspects like startup, acquisition, or expansion.
  • Include specific eligible activities such as marketing activities or project-related management.
  • Step 4: Secure Additional Financing
  • Explore and document all other additional sources of financing.
  • Ensure your borrowing capacity and equity are at their maximum before applying.
  • Step 5: Application Submission
  • Complete any required forms provided by the funding body.
  • Submit the application, including all necessary documentation and proposals, to the Native Commercial Credit Corporation via the provided contact information or online portal if available.
  • Step 6: Await Approval
  • No expenses incurred prior to approval will be eligible, so await confirmation before proceeding with project activities.


Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
  • No expenses incurred prior to the final approval of the application file will be considered eligible in the calculation of the non-refundable contribution.
  • A non-refundable contribution is considered a last-resort financing option, which means all additional sources of financing must have been considered and approved, and both borrowing capacity and equity must be at their maximum.
  • The level of contribution varies based on the type of expense, with business plans, feasibility studies, and professional advisory services having higher contribution rates compared to others.
  • The grant requires mandatory full-time involvement in the business by the applicant.
  • Contact details and hours of operation for further inquiries are provided, including phone numbers and email.
  • Native Commercial Credit Corporation offers resources like term loans and support alongside non-refundable contributions.


Aboriginal Business Financing Program - Private Project


Apply to this program

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