PSCE – Component 3
QC, Canada
Support for Large Enterprises in Their Structural Projects on International Markets
- grant_single|maxCount
- grant_single|projectCostPercent
- grant_single|openingDateMarch 1, 2021
- grant_single|closingDateFebruary 9, 2024
- grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
- grant_single|allIndustries
- Government of Canada
- Gouvernement du Québec
- Investissement Québec (IQ)
This component of the PSCE program is designed to assist large enterprises with their significant projects on international markets. It aims to encourage these enterprises to undertake projects that promote their internationalization
The PSCE Program – Component 3 provides non-repayable contributions to large enterprises for their structuring internationalization projects. The financial assistance is calculated as a percentage of eligible expenses, with specific limitations on the amount of aid.
- A maximum of $100,000 in non-repayable contributions per enterprise per year.
- The total eligible expenses must be at least $100,000.
- A minimum of 25% of the total project cost must come from private sources.
- A cumulative cap where government aid can't exceed 65% of the eligible expenses.
- For the first project submitted, 50% of eligible expenses can be covered.
- For the second project submitted, 40% of eligible expenses can be covered.
- For additional projects, only 25% of eligible expenses can be covered.
This program encourages large businesses to engage in structuring internationalization projects through various initiatives. The eligible projects focus on export activities and establishing a global presence.
- Hiring a commercial representative in a market outside Quebec for up to 52 weeks.
- Efforts to obtain a contract outside Quebec through tenders or invitations.
- Obtaining homologation, compliance, or certification to facilitate exportation.
- Establishing an office, subsidiary, or joint venture abroad, or acquiring a company outside Quebec.
- Developing and implementing a marketing strategy, including digital strategies for foreign markets and developing digital and virtual tools.
- International registration of trademarks.
$ 100,000
Launching a subsidiary to enter Southeast Asian markets
$ 100,000
Hiring a representative to explore European markets
$ 80,000
Obtaining certification for exporting medical devices
The eligibility criteria for this grant are focused on the type of enterprise and the sectors that are admissible, alongside specific project requirements.
- Enterprise must be a for-profit company, an economic social enterprise (cooperatives and NPOs), or a non-financial cooperative.
- Enterprise must have annual revenues of over $100 million.
- All sectors are eligible except:
- Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting
- Mining, quarrying, oil, and gas extraction
- Utilities
- Retail trade (unless meeting three specific criteria)
- Finance and insurance
- Real estate and rental services
- Management of companies and enterprises
- Administrative and support services
- Educational services
- Health care and social assistance
- Arts, entertainment, and recreation
- Accommodation and food services
- Other services (except public administration)
- Retail trade is eligible if it:
- Engages in pre-production activities (e.g., product development)
- Engages in post-production activities (e.g., marketing and distribution)
- Has its headquarters in Quebec
- Projects must involve export-related activities and not be recurring activities for the enterprise.
There are eligible types of companies for this grant. Eligible companies must be for-profit entities, social economy enterprises (such as cooperatives and non-profit organizations) as defined by the Social Economy Act (RLRQ, chapter E 1.1.1), or non-financial cooperatives with an annual revenue exceeding $100 million.
- For-profit entities
- Social economy enterprises (cooperatives and non-profit organizations)
- Non-financial cooperatives
- Annual revenue exceeding $100 million
Certain types of companies are not eligible for the Program of Support for Commercialization and Exportation (PSCE) - Component 3 grant.
- Agriculture, foresterie, pêche et chasse
- Extraction minière et exploitation en carrière, extraction de pétrole et de gaz
- Services publics
- Commerce de détail (with exceptions if certain criteria are met)
- Finance et assurances
- Services immobiliers et services de location et de location à bail
- Gestion de sociétés et d’entreprises
- Services administratifs et services de soutien
- Services d’enseignement
- Soins de santé et assistance sociale
- Arts, spectacles et loisirs
- Hébergement et restauration
- Autres services (sauf les administrations publiques)
There are eligible expenses for this grant as part of the Program for Supporting Commercialization and Exportation (PSCE) - Volet 3. Below is a summary of these expenses:
- Professional fees including travel and accommodation expenses of external experts
- Office or premises rental outside Quebec
- Salaries of newly hired commercial representatives for a maximum period of 52 weeks
- International trademark registration fees
- Advertising, social media, newsletters, and digital marketing expenses
- Costs for testing and analysis to obtain certifications facilitating exports
- Purchase of normative documents
This grant is available to companies with their headquarters in Quebec, as determined by the funding body.
- Companies with their headquarters in Quebec.
There are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant. Applications will be rigorously analyzed based on several factors to determine their alignment with the program's goals and the capacity of the company to execute the project.
- The pertinence of the project concerning the business model of the company.
- The capacity of the company to realize the project based on its financial and human resources.
- The company's situation, allowing consideration if the financial aid is a determining factor in the decision to carry out the project.
- The potential economic impact of the project in Québec in terms of jobs and investments.
- The established governmental priorities in matters of exportation, if applicable.
- Step 1: Fill out the pre-qualification form to confirm your company's and project's preliminary eligibility according to the program criteria.
- Step 2: Review the client kit and the Guide de présentation des demandes - Volet 3 to understand all requirements and guidelines.
- Step 3: Prepare your application including all required documentation, detailing your project and how it meets the specified criteria.
- Step 4: Submit the complete application to Investissement Québec using the proper submission channels.
- Step 5: If needed, contact the Service d'accueil et d'information at 1 844 474-6367 for any questions or additional information.
The Programme de soutien à la commercialisation et à l'exportation (PSCE) Volet 3 by Investissement Québec is designed to support large businesses in their internationalization projects, with a temporary suspension in place as of February 9, 2024.
- Non-reimbursable contribution up to $100,000 per company per year.
- Minimum eligible expenses required: $100,000.
- Private sources must cover at least 25% of the project total cost.
- Government aid cannot exceed 65% of eligible expenses.
- Different rates of aid for the first, second, and subsequent projects.
- Activity and sector eligibility criteria apply.