Centres d’Action Ruraux de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard – Conseils aux entreprises PE Canada

Centres d’Action Ruraux de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard – Conseils aux entreprises

PE, Canada
Conseils en affaires pour les entrepreneurs des régions rurales de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard


  • grant_single|noCondition
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Conseils d'experts
  • grant_single|allIndustries
  • Centre d’Action Rural (CAR)


Conseils d'affaires, formation des entrepreneurs, aide au développement communautaire, diversification de l’expansion, développement de produits touristiques et commercialisation.


Eligible projects for this grant include advisory services, entrepreneur education, and various forms of community development assistance.
  • Advisory services
  • Entrepreneur education
  • Community development assistance
  • Expansion and diversification
  • Tourism product development
  • Marketing
  • Business counselling for rural entrepreneurs in Prince Edward Island


Créer un programme de formation des entrepreneurs axé sur le marketing numérique à Kensington.


Développement d'un nouveau produit de tourisme agricole pour attirer les visiteurs.


Expansion et diversification d'une boulangerie coopérative locale.


Projet de développement communautaire pour créer des marchés d'artisans locaux.


Programme d'éducation entrepreneuriale axé sur les compétences en marketing numérique.


Eligibility for this grant involves entrepreneurs within the rural regions of Prince Edward Island, focusing on business counselling and development support.
  • Located in rural Prince Edward Island
  • Involved in entrepreneur education or advisory services
  • Engaged in community development assistance
  • Focusing on expansion, diversification, or tourism product development and marketing


The grant is available for businesses in rural Prince Edward Island involved in various sectors, specifically those focusing on community development, expansion diversification, tourism product development, and marketing. Eligible companies can obtain business counselling and advisory services to support their entrepreneurial endeavours.
  • Community Development Businesses
  • Expansion Diversification Enterprises
  • Tourism Product Development Companies
  • Marketing Firms


There are eligible expenses for this grant, including advisory services and entrepreneur education, among others.
  • Advisory services
  • Entrepreneur education
  • Community development assistance
  • Expansion diversification
  • Tourism product development
  • Marketing


The grant is eligible for businesses operating in rural areas of Prince Edward Island.
  • Rural areas of Prince Edward Island


  • Step 1: Assess Eligibility
  • Review the eligibility criteria to ensure your business qualifies for the grant, including factors such as geography (rural Prince Edward Island), sector, and type of assistance needed (advisory services, entrepreneur education, community development, etc.).
  • Step 2: Prepare Documentation
  • Gather necessary documentation, which may include business plans, financial statements, and any other required support materials that demonstrate your need for the grant and how you plan to use it.
  • Step 3: Draft the Application
  • Fill out the application form with all required information. Make sure to follow the guidelines provided by the grantor and detail each section meticulously, explaining how your business meets the grant criteria.
  • Step 4: Submit Application
  • Submit the completed application form along with all supporting documents by the specified deadline. Ensure you receive a confirmation of your submission.
  • Step 5: Follow Up
  • Monitor the status of your application and be prepared to provide any additional information or attend interviews if requested by the grantor. Follow up on any correspondence from the grantor to ensure your application is being processed.
  • Step 6: Receive and Utilize Funds
  • If approved, follow the grantor’s instructions to receive the funds. Ensure the grant is used as specified in your application and keep accurate records for reporting purposes.
  • Step 7: Report Outcomes
  • After utilizing the grant, submit any required reports detailing how the funds were used and the outcomes achieved. This can include financial audits, success stories, and impact assessments.


This grant offers business counselling services to entrepreneurs in rural Prince Edward Island, with a focus on various areas including community development and tourism.
  • Advisory services
  • Entrepreneur education
  • Assistance in community development
  • Expansion diversification
  • Tourism product development
  • Marketing
S’inscrire à ce programme