
  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|openingDateJune 6, 2023
Grant and Funding
  • Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction
  • Manufacturing
  • Transportation and warehousing
  • Information and cultural industries
  • Other services (except public administration)
  • Ontario's North Economic Development Corporation


Connect with buyers in specific export markets, and offset costs associated with organizing and hosting both inbound visits by foreign buyers (or their representatives) and with leading multi-party missions to target markets outside of Ontario.


This grant offers financial support to enhance international trade engagement and activities for Northern Ontario organizations. The funding is structured to facilitate direct buyer connections and in-market events.
  • Maximum project support of up to $10,000 determined at the discretion of the NOEP Advisory Committee.
  • Eligible expenses cover costs related to event hosting and coordinated group participation in specified market events.
  • Funding allocation is contingent on a first-come, first-served basis.


This program provides financial support for initiatives aimed at enhancing export opportunities for Northern Ontario businesses. Eligible activities focus on facilitating face-to-face interactions between local SMEs and potential buyers in target markets.
  • Organizing and hosting inbound visits by foreign buyers or their representatives.
  • Leading multi-party trade missions to markets outside of Ontario.
  • Coordinated group participation in new domestic and in-market events.

$ 10,000

Hosting an inbound visit by European automotive parts buyers for networking and business development

$ 10,000

Leading a trade mission to Scandinavian markets to explore new partnerships in renewable energy projects

$ 10,000

Hosting a US food industry delegation to develop export opportunities for local organic farm products

$ 10,000

Developing a digital marketing strategy to expand export markets in the technology sector

$ 10,000

Leading a trade mission to Mexico to explore export opportunities for clean tech solutions

$ 10,000

Organizing an inbound visit by Japanese investors to explore joint ventures in advanced manufacturing


Eligibility for the Northern Ontario Exports Program is based on specific requirements relating to the applicant's representation and activities.
  • The applicant must be an ONEDC municipality, trade association, or not-for-profit representing exporting sectors and companies in Northern Ontario.


The Northern Ontario Exports Program is open to export-ready Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), industry associations, not-for-profit organizations, and municipalities represented by ONEDC municipalities, trade associations, or not-for-profits that are active in the exporting sectors within Northern Ontario. The program supports these entities by providing financial assistance for various export-related activities such as trade missions and marketing initiatives.


The grant offers financial assistance and support for initiatives focused on trade mission activities to enhance the export capabilities of Northern Ontario. Eligible projects facilitate international networking and engagement for export-ready companies.
  • Organizing and hosting inbound visits by foreign buyers or their representatives.
  • Leading and coordinating group participation in trade missions to target markets outside Ontario.
  • Event hosting related to connecting Northern Ontario SMEs with prospective international buyers.


The eligible geographical area for companies applying for the Trade Mission Support Program is Northern Ontario. This area is specified as the target region for support under the Northern Ontario Exports Program.
  • Companies based in Northern Ontario.


The Northern Ontario Exports Program has evaluation and selection criteria for grant applications. Please see below for details:
  • Eligible projects must align with the program's objectives and focus on export-building initiatives in Northern Ontario.
  • Projects will be assessed based on their potential for market expansion, innovation, and impact on the Northern Ontario economy.
  • The capacity of the applicant to successfully implement the proposed project will also be considered.
  • Applications will be evaluated on a first-come, first-served basis, subject to available funding.


Here are the steps to submit an application for the Trade Mission Support Program:
  • Step 1: Contact Program Manager
    • Email Jenni Myllynen, Program Manager, at to express your interest in the Trade Mission Support Program.
    • Alternatively, call at 705-674-4455 x4428 for more information and to request an application form.
  • Step 2: Prepare Application
    • Identify eligible expenses for your organization’s trade mission such as event hosting costs and group participation fees for events.
    • Compile required information and documents to support your application, detailing how the funding will help connect Northern Ontario SMEs with foreign buyers.
  • Step 3: Submit Application
    • Complete the application form provided by the program manager.
    • Submit the completed application form along with any supporting materials as instructed by the program manager.
  • Step 4: Application Assessment
    • Applications will be assessed on a first-come, first-served basis by the NOEP Advisory Committee.
    • Await communication from the program regarding the status of your application.


Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
  • The program has been operational since 2011, supporting over 700 initiatives.
  • Maximum funding for projects under various segments is specified, with the Trade Mission Support Program offering up to $10,000.
  • The program is executed on behalf of the Ontario’s North Economic Development Corporation and is funded by FedNor and NOHFC.
  • For the Trade Mission Support Program, funding is limited and approval is on a first-come, first-served basis.


Trade Mission Support Program

Apply to this program

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