
  • grant_single|noCondition
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Expert Advice
  • grant_single|allIndustries
  • Small Business BC


Talk to a community-based export specialist who can provide a personalized, step-by-step approach to exporting and help connect your business with the information and services you need.


Eligible projects for this grant include activities that enhance competitiveness, widen the sales funnel, and facilitate entry into international markets.
  • Consulting with a community-based export specialist
  • Connecting with federal and provincial funding and support
  • Engaging in market entry and market development activities


Hiring a consultant to develop an export strategy for entering the European markets.


Engaging in market development activities to expand into the Japanese market.


Connecting with local U.S. service providers to expand business operations across the border.


Developing export pathway resources for a food cooperative in South East Asia.


Engaging services to enhance competitiveness by entering Latin American markets.


Developing an export strategy for a tech startup aiming to enter the Indian market.


Eligibility criteria for accessing a community-based export specialist are not specified in the provided context. Therefore, the information cannot be detailed further.


This grant appears to be aimed at businesses located in British Columbia (B.C.) that are interested in expanding their market through exporting. Eligible companies can benefit from personalized support and resources to help them navigate the export pathway.
  • Businesses located in British Columbia
  • Companies seeking to enter international markets
  • Firms looking to enhance competitiveness and sales funnel
  • Enterprises in need of federal and provincial funding and support


Some types of companies may not be eligible for the Export Navigator grant program:
  • Companies that are not based in British Columbia
  • Companies unwilling to commit resources to the planning process
  • Companies with products or services lacking a competitive advantage in target markets


Eligible expenses for the grant include a range of services and resources designed to support your export journey. Here is a list of potential eligible expenses:
  • Export pathway resources
  • Industry connections
  • Support services
  • Service providers
  • Government trade officers


Eligible geographic zones for this grant include areas that benefit from connections to international ports, proximity to the North American and Asian markets, and shared land borders with major consumer markets.
  • Areas with world-class international ports
  • Regions close to the shortest sea route between North America and Asia
  • Zones with a land border shared with the United States


There are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant:
  • A business that can scale up operations, is willing to adapt its goods or services, and is able to self-fund or obtain financing for a sustained expansion strategy.


  • Step 1: Fill out the Find an Advisor form
  • Step 2: We'll find your advisor
  • Step 3: Your advisor will reach out
  • Step 4: Your export journey starts


This grant facilitates the export journey for businesses in British Columbia by providing a step-by-step approach and personalized support through an Export Advisor.
  • Shortest sea route between North America and Asia
  • World-class international ports
  • Shared land border with the United States
  • Sources of federal and provincial funding and support
  • Enhance competitiveness and widen sales funnel
  • Four-stage export pathway: awareness, planning, market entry, and market development & growth
  • Access to resources, industry connections, and support services
  • Connections with service providers and government trade officers
Apply to this program