PacifiCan — Regional Economic Growth through Innovation — Business Scale-Up and Productivity
BC, Canada
Financing to accelerate growth in British Columbia
- grant_single|fromMinToMax
- grant_single|projectCostPercent
- grant_single|openingDateJuly 14, 2023
- grant_single|closingDateSeptember 22, 2023
- grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
- Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
- Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction
- Manufacturing
- Information and cultural industries
- Health care and social assistance
- Government of Canada
- Pacific Economic Development Canada (PacifiCan)
Get a financial contribution to help you scale up and expand, adopt and commercialize innovative technologies and processes, or diversify your markets.
PacifiCan's Business Scale-up and Productivity program provides detailed financing modalities to support high-growth businesses with their scaling and productivity initiatives. The program delineates funding specifics to streamline disbursement and repayment processes.
- PacifiCan can finance up to 50% of eligible project costs, with a minimum contribution of $200,000 and a maximum of $5 million per project.
- An organization can receive a maximum of $10 million in total funding across multiple projects.
- All non-PacifiCan financial sources must be confirmed at both the time of application and after project approval.
- Funding is disbursed based on submitted claims for incurred and paid eligible project costs, with reimbursement up to four times a year.
- The funding assistance strictly caps government contributions at 50% of total project costs.
- Repayment terms provide a one-year grace period post-project completion, followed by five years of equal monthly, interest-free repayments with no penalties for early repayment.
This grant supports high-growth businesses in British Columbia to enhance their productivity, scale-up operations, and commercialize new technologies. Projects under this grant aim to foster economic growth and competitiveness by focusing on innovative approaches and technology adoption.
- Productivity improvement: acquiring, adapting, and adopting new technologies and processes, and process re-engineering.
- Business scale-up: market development or expansion and adopting best management practices, processes, and systems.
- Technology commercialization: late stage product development, market diversification, and technology demonstration.
$ 1,600,000
Commercialize a new AI-driven financial advisory platform
$ 1,500,000
Develop and commercialize an innovative renewable energy system
$ 775,000
Scale up organic farm operations with new equipment and marketing strategies
$ 1,000,000
Implement a state-of-the-art AI-driven manufacturing line for enhanced productivity
$ 1,350,000
Develop advanced cybersecurity solutions for small businesses
$ 1,200,000
Expand operations by opening a new warehouse and distribution center
Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the company's profile, activities, and funding structure.
- Must be an incorporated high-growth business that is scaling up and producing innovative goods, services, or technologies.
- Must be incorporated to do business in Canada.
- Must have been operating for at least 2 years in Canada.
- Must have staffed operating facilities in British Columbia.
- Must submit evidence of confirmed funding from all other sources at the time of expression of interest submission, with non-government funding representing at least 50% of the proposed project costs.
- Must be looking to support or accelerate growth through activities such as productivity improvement, business scale-up, or technology commercialization.
- Must ensure the project duration does not exceed 3 years.
The BSP program is open to incorporated high-growth businesses that have been operating in British Columbia for a minimum of 2 years. Preference may be given to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with less than 500 full-time employees (FTEs).
This grant targets specific high-growth businesses and does not explicitly exclude any particular industries or company statuses. However, there are certain conditions that companies must meet to be eligible, implicitly restricting some entities from applying.
The Business Scale-up and Productivity (BSP) program in British Columbia supports high-growth businesses in scaling up and enhancing productivity through innovative projects. Eligible activities include improving productivity, facilitating business scale-up, and advancing technology commercialization.
- Productivity improvement: Acquiring, adapting, and adopting new technologies and processes; process re-engineering; and improving manufacturing capacity.
- Business scale-up: Market development or expansion, adopting best management practices, processes and systems, and business opportunity development.
- Technology commercialization: Late-stage product development to grow and diversify markets, and technology demonstration at Technology Readiness Levels 7-9.
This grant is applicable to businesses operating within British Columbia. The program is tailored to support the economic growth of companies situated in this specific province.
- Businesses operating within British Columbia, Canada.
The evaluation and selection of projects for the Business Scale-up and Productivity program are informed by their alignment with the program objectives and economic potential.
- Alignment with BSP objectives and priority areas.
- Significant economic benefits/outcomes that are supported by reasonable assumptions and rationale.
- Market potential and clearly defined market opportunity.
- Management capability and detailed description of the applicant organization and project management team.
- Financial capacity demonstrated through credible financial statements and reasonable financial projections.
- Technology readiness for projects involving technology commercialization.
- Clear alignment with at least one priority area such as clean technology, advanced manufacturing, or digital industries.
- Independent market assessment and evidence of unmet market demand.
- Direct competitors identified and assessed.
- Comprehensive and well-written business plan.
- Step 1: Review Eligibility and Program Guidelines
- Check that your business meets the eligibility criteria.
- Thoroughly read the BSP Expression of Interest (EOI) Help Guide.
- Step 2: Prepare Required Documents
- Gather financial statements for the past two years and interim financial statements for at least the last six-month period.
- Develop a business plan and project description highlighting how your company meets the high-growth definition.
- Obtain confirmation of other funding sources including official letters of intent, funding agreements, and current bank statements.
- If applicable, prepare an export plan for projects involving export orientation.
- Step 3: Submit Expression of Interest
- Complete the Expression of Interest form available on PacifiCan's application portal.
- Upload all mandatory documents as specified in the EOI Help Guide.
- Submit your EOI before the deadline.
- Step 4: Confirmation and Monitoring
- Confirm submission completion and check for an automated notification from PacifiCan.
- Periodically check the application portal for updates on your EOI status.
- Step 5: Full Application (if invited)
- If shortlisted, prepare and submit a comprehensive application package including detailed business plans, financial forecasts, and project cost breakdowns.
- Engage with PacifiCan to address any questions or requests for additional information during the assessment phase.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- Selected initiatives may undergo a technical assessment by the National Research Council’s Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP) for projects using novel technology.
- Sustainable Development Technologies Canada and the Clean Growth Hub may be consulted for projects focusing on clean technology and clean resources.
- PacifiCan offers interest-free and repayable funding for eligible projects, with no penalties for early repayment.
- Funding decisions are communicated within 90 business days of receiving a complete funding application.
- The program aligns with the national Regional Economic Growth through Innovation program.
- The grant program emphasizes the creation of high-quality personnel (HQP) jobs and non-HQP jobs in Canada.
- Applicants are encouraged to support inclusiveness, in line with the Government of Canada’s Inclusive Innovation Agenda.