Regional Quantum Initiative in British Columbia Canada

Regional Quantum Initiative in British Columbia

The Regional Quantum Initiative in British Columbia supports the advancement and commercialization of quantum technologies through targeted funding for eligible businesses and not-for-profits.

At a glance

Eligible Funding
  • 50% of project cost
  • Open Date : June 15, 2024
Financing Type
Grant and Funding
Eligible Industries
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
Grant Providers
  • Government of Canada
  • Pacific Economic Development Canada


The Regional Quantum Initiative in British Columbia, part of Canada's National Quantum Strategy, aims to aid companies and not-for-profit organizations in advancing and commercializing quantum technologies. Eligible activities include productivity improvement, business scale-up, technology commercialization, ecosystem capacity building, and business acceleration and incubation. The program prioritizes clean economic growth and diversity, offering funding up to 50% for businesses and up to 90% for eligible not-for-profit organizations.

Eligibility criteria

Eligible applicants for the Regional Quantum Initiative must be incorporated businesses or not-for-profit organizations in British Columbia aiming to advance and commercialize quantum technologies. Preference is given to SMEs with less than 500 full-time employees.

  • For-profit company incorporated to conduct business in Canada
  • Have staffed operating facilities in B.C.
  • Have funding from all other sources confirmed at the time of application (non-government funds must represent at least 50% of the proposed project costs)
  • Eligible not-for-profit organizations include post-secondary educational institutions, business accelerators and incubators, angel networks, and Indigenous organizations.
  • All applicants must be legal entities capable of entering into legally binding agreements.

Who is eligible

Yes, there are eligible types of companies for this grant. Priority is given to eligible applicants in British Columbia (B.C.) that are incorporated businesses, including start-ups and early revenue firms, as well as not-for-profit organizations that support quantum businesses.

  • For-profit companies incorporated to conduct business in Canada
  • Incorporated businesses with staffed operating facilities in B.C.
  • Not-for-profit organizations supporting quantum businesses, innovators, and entrepreneurs
  • Post-secondary educational institutions
  • Business accelerators and incubators
  • Angel networks
  • Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit, Métis) organizations, including Indigenous-owned businesses and Indigenous-led not-for-profit organizations
  • Groups of eligible recipients such as industry associations or consortiums

Who is not eligible

Companies that do not meet the following criteria are not eligible for this grant:

  • Do not have staffed operating facilities in B.C.
  • Do not have confirmed funding from all other sources, including non-government funds representing at least 50% of the proposed project costs.
  • Not incorporated to conduct business in Canada.
  • Not-for-profit organizations proposing commercial projects (except under certain conditions).

Eligible expenses

Yes, there are eligible project costs for this grant. These costs include incremental expenses essential to the project's success, such as costs related to labor, capital, and specialized services.

  • Cost of labour (e.g. wages and benefits)
  • Capital costs (e.g. purchase of machinery or equipment)
  • Operating costs directly related to the project (e.g. management fees or working capital)
  • Consultancy fees (e.g. professional, advisory and technical services)
  • Costs related to intellectual property protection
  • Preproduction (e.g. technological development and commercial demonstrations)
  • Subcontracting costs
  • Production and distribution of promotional material and management tools
  • Anticipated cost of maintaining the useful life of an asset for a reasonable period
  • Costs related to specialized services (e.g. testing, research and development, technical or innovation services, sector development strategies, and business networking)

Eligible projects & activities

Yes, there are eligible activities for this grant. The eligible activities include productivity improvement, business scale-up, technology commercialization, ecosystem capacity building, and business acceleration and incubation.

  • Productivity improvement, which includes:
  • Acquiring, adapting and adopting new technologies and processes
  • Process re-engineering
  • Improving manufacturing capacity
  • Business scale-up, which includes:
  • Developing or expanding markets
  • Adopting best management practices, processes and systems
  • Developing business opportunities
  • Technology commercialization, which includes:
  • Growing and diversifying markets through late stage product development
  • Technology showcasing and demonstration (Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) 7-9)
  • Ecosystem capacity building, which includes:
  • Developing strategic business alliances within a specific sector or cluster
  • Identifying barriers to scale-up and productivity enhancement within the sector or cluster through research and analysis
  • Developing a strategy to address these barriers
  • Business acceleration and incubation, which includes:
  • Helping entrepreneurs create and grow their start-up companies by providing advice on how to:
  • Create a business plan
  • Determine a marketing strategy
  • Hire employees, experts and/or mentors
  • Advance technology to TRL 7-9
  • Deploy specialized equipment

Eligible geographic areas

The eligible geographic zones for this grant are limited to British Columbia (B.C.) in Canada.

  • British Columbia, Canada

How to apply

  • Step 1: Contact PacifiCan to discuss your potential proposal with one of their business officers. This step is crucial for ensuring your project aligns with the initiative's priorities and requirements.
  • Step 2: Prepare and finalize your application. Ensure all required documents are included and that funding from all other sources is confirmed, with non-government funds representing at least 50% of the proposed project costs.
  • Step 3: Submit your application. Applications are accepted on a continuous intake basis until the funding is fully allocated.
  • Step 4: Await the review of your application. Your application will be evaluated on several criteria including market potential, management capability, financial capacity, economic impacts, technology readiness, and regional priorities.
Apply to this program