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  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • Transportation and warehousing
  • Public administration
  • Infrastructure Canada
  • Government of Canada


Receive funding to help cover the capital costs of a new or expanded transit solution, to support zero-emission transit solutions, and to establish safe and secure transit systems in rural communities.


There are eligible projects for the Rural Transit Solutions Fund Capital Projects Stream grant. Eligible projects may include the purchase of vehicles, digital platforms, zero-emission fleets, construction of intermodal hubs, installation of charging stations, and the purchase of software.
  • Purchase of vehicles
  • Digital platform development
  • Zero-emission fleet acquisition
  • Construction of intermodal hubs
  • Installation of charging stations
  • Software purchase


Purchase of low-emission hybrid buses for rural community transit improvement.


Purchase and deployment of electric buses for a sustainable transit solution.


Development of a digital platform for rural transit schedules and booking systems.


Establishment of a zero-emission intermodal transit hub linking rural communities.


Acquisition of a zero-emission fleet for rural transit services.


Installation of electric vehicle charging stations across key rural transit points.


The Rural Transit Solutions Fund's Capital Projects Stream provides funding for eligible municipalities, provinces, Indigenous governing bodies, and not-for-profit organizations to support capital projects related to rural transit solutions. Eligible activities may include the purchase of vehicles, digital platforms, zero-emission fleets, and infrastructure like charging stations and software.
  • Municipalities, local and regional governments, provinces, territories, public sector bodies, Indigenous governing bodies, not-for-profit organizations, and Indigenous development corporations are eligible to apply.


Eligible companies for this grant include municipalities, local and regional governments, provinces and territories, public sector bodies, Indigenous governing bodies, not-for-profit organizations focused on improving Indigenous outcomes, Indigenous development corporations, and other federally or provincially incorporated not-for-profit organizations.
  • Municipalities, local and regional governments
  • Provinces and territories
  • Public sector bodies
  • Indigenous governing bodies
  • Not-for-profit organizations focusing on Indigenous outcomes
  • Indigenous development corporations


Eligible expenses for this grant include costs related to the capital components of rural transit solutions such as vehicles, digital platforms, zero-emission fleets, charging stations, and software. Funding can cover up to $3 million for new or expanded transit solutions and up to $5 million for zero-emission transit solutions.
  • Vehicles for transit solutions
  • Digital platforms
  • Zero-emission fleets
  • Charging stations
  • Software for transit operations


There are evaluation and selection criteria for the Rural Transit Solutions Fund: Capital Projects Stream. The evaluation and selection criteria include:
  • Alignment with program objectives and eligibility criteria
  • Quality and feasibility of the project plan
  • Extent of indigenous engagement and involvement
  • Expected outcomes and benefits for rural transit solutions


  • Step 1: Ensure eligibility for the grant
    • Review the list of eligible groups in the grant description
    • Make sure your project fits the criteria mentioned for Capital Projects funding
  • Step 2: Prepare the necessary documentation
    • Gather all required information and documents for the application
    • Review the Application and Step-by-Step guides in the Applicant guides tab for detailed instructions
  • Step 3: Submit the application
    • Follow the submission guidelines as outlined on the website
    • Ensure all required information is included and submit within the designated deadline


Rural Transit Solutions Fund — Capital Projects

Apply to this program