PacifiCan — Aerospace Regional Recovery Initiative — Indigenous Stream BC Canada

PacifiCan — Aerospace Regional Recovery Initiative — Indigenous Stream

BC, Canada
Funding to recover Canada’s Indigenous-led aerospace sector in British Columbia


  • grant_single|noCondition
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • Manufacturing
  • Government of Canada
  • Pacific Economic Development Canada


If your SME or non-profit is working on a project to become more environmentally friendly, improve productivity, strengthen commercialization or integrate with regional and global supply chains, you could get a contribution to help with some of the costs.


There are eligible activities for the Aerospace Regional Recovery Initiative grant:
  • Transition towards greener products and operations or environmentally sustainable practices
  • Improvement of productivity, such as advanced manufacturing and Industry 4.0
  • Commercialization and integration into supply chains


Implementing AI-driven manufacturing processes at an aerospace component factory.


Electrifying delivery vehicle fleet for a local food cooperative.


Developing a cybersecurity framework for a Montreal-based SME.


Scaling up a biotech startup focused on sustainable solutions.


Launching an AI-driven platform for a financial cooperative in Calgary.


Creating a green manufacturing line for eco-friendly packaging in Edmonton.


Eligible applicants include businesses operating in the aerospace industry, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), not-for-profit organizations providing services to SMEs, and Indigenous applicants.
  • Businesses operating in the aerospace industry
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
  • Not-for-profit organizations providing services to SMEs
  • Indigenous applicants


Eligible companies for the Aerospace Regional Recovery Initiative grant include businesses operating in the aerospace industry, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), not-for-profit organizations providing services to SMEs, and Indigenous applicants.
  • Businesses in the aerospace industry
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
  • Not-for-profit organizations supporting SMEs
  • Indigenous applicants


Yes, eligible expenses for this grant include costs related to transitioning towards greener products and operations, improving productivity, and enhancing commercialization and integration into supply chains.
  • Adoption and commercialization of clean tech products and services
  • Electrification to support a lower carbon footprint
  • Advanced manufacturing and Industry 4.0
  • Scale-up of high potential firms
  • Artificial intelligence and cybersecurity
  • Workforce and skills development
  • Integration of new start-ups and technologies in the value chain


There are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant. The criteria include prioritizing projects that focus on transitioning to greener practices, generating economic benefits in regions, enhancing diversity and inclusion, and supporting digital adoption and cybersecurity within the aerospace industry.
  • Projects transitioning towards greener practices or environmentally sustainable initiatives.
  • Projects generating economic benefits and promoting regional business development.
  • Projects improving diversity and inclusion to address barriers faced by certain groups.
  • Projects supporting digital adoption and enhancing cybersecurity within the aerospace sector.


  • Contact Canada’s regional development agencies at 1-888-338-9378 for more information on the initiative.
  • Submit an application to the regional development agencies with details of the proposed project.
  • Provide information on how the project aligns with the objectives of the Aerospace Regional Recovery Initiative.
  • Wait for approval and potential funding commitment from the initiative.


Apply to this program