Ontario — Biosecurity Enhancement Initiative Canada

Ontario — Biosecurity Enhancement Initiative

The Biosecurity Enhancement Initiative provides funding to support the resilience of the agriculture and food sector by addressing biosecurity risks and enhancing emergency preparedness.

At a glance

Eligible Funding
  • Max. $7,500,000
  • 35% of project cost
  • Open Date : September 19, 2023
  • Closing date : January 06, 2025
Financing Type
Grant and Funding
Eligible Industries
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
Grant Providers
  • Government of Ontario
  • Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (SCAP)


The Biosecurity Enhancement Initiative aims to bolster the resilience of the agriculture and food sector by addressing biosecurity risks and enhancing emergency preparedness. The program offers funding opportunities for key agriculture industry businesses, including Primary Producers, Processors, and Service Providers, across seven project categories focused on animal and plant health. Eligible activities include risk assessments, management planning, equipment upgrades, and innovative monitoring and management tools to reduce biosecurity threats.

Eligibility criteria

The eligibility criteria for the Biosecurity Enhancement Initiative involve specific requirements for the type of business and project. Applicants must meet the following criteria to qualify for funding under this initiative:

  • Primary Producers, Processors, or Service Providers are eligible.
  • Each project category has its specific cost-share percentage and project cap.
  • A maximum of two submitted applications/Projects in progress under the Initiative at any given time.
  • Projects must have distinct and separate expected outcomes for each application submitted.
  • Applicants must not have already received Initiative Payments for the same project through Sustainable CAP.
  • Must provide written quotes from third parties detailing proposed costs.
  • Required to submit applications using a Ministry-approved Application Form filled out using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  • Must provide necessary documentation such as site sketches when required.
  • Must list all funding sources if the total assistance provided exceeds 100% of the total eligible costs.
  • Must be registered with Transfer Payment Ontario and for Doing Business with the Government of Ontario, with Supply Ontario.
  • Must comply with all environmental, labour, and tax-related laws.
  • Must not owe a debt to Ontario or Canada, or must be compliant with any repayment plans if applicable.
  • Must maintain all necessary and appropriate insurance, including commercial general liability insurance.

Who is eligible

Yes, there are eligible types of companies for this grant. The Biosecurity Enhancement Initiative supports various agricultural industry businesses including Primary Producers, Processors, and Service Providers.

  • Primary Producers: Includes producers (crop or livestock), agricultural landowners and renters, propagators, fruit tree nursery owners, equine operation owners, and biomass producers.
  • Processors: Includes businesses in the agri-food supply chain such as slaughterhouses, agri-food processors, bio-processing companies, packing houses, pet food and fertilizer manufacturers, and food/agriculture waste companies.
  • Service Providers: Includes entities that offer products or services to the agricultural sector such as grain storage and elevators, veterinarians, private laboratories, aggregators, supply chain partners, chicken catchers, corn detasselers, animal health practitioners, fairs, cold storages, and transporters.

Who is not eligible

There are no specific types of companies mentioned in the grant context that are not eligible for the grant.

Eligible expenses

Yes, eligible expenses for the grant are mentioned.

  • Costs for conducting pest risk assessments
  • Costs for developing biosecurity procedures and integrated pest management plans
  • Expenses for participating in plant health training
  • Costs related to installing sprayer upgrades on pesticide application equipment
  • Workflow, sanitation, and isolation-related expenses to reduce biosecurity risks in high-risk areas
  • Adoption and incorporation of innovative integrated pest management tools and equipment
  • Expenses for technologies and processes to reduce plant pest contamination

Eligible projects & activities

The Biosecurity Enhancement Initiative supports seven project categories with eligible activities aimed at reducing biosecurity risks and enhancing emergency preparedness in the agriculture and food sector.

  • Reducing animal health risks
  • Livestock traceability equipment and processes
  • Assessment, planning, education and training (plant health)
  • Sprayer upgrades for integrated pest management
  • Preventing introduction and spread of pests through isolation, sanitation, and controlling workflow
  • Innovative pest monitoring and management tools and equipment
  • Technologies and processes to reduce plant pest contamination and risk

Eligible geographic areas

The eligible geographic zones for the Biosecurity Enhancement Initiative grant are not specified in the provided guidelines.

  • Ontario, Canada

Evaluation & selection criteria

The Project application will be assessed, in part, based on the quality of supporting documentation, such as quotes and sketches, where required. See enclosed Schedules for Initiative and Project Category-specific requirements and information.

  • Quality of supporting documentation
  • Compliance with category-specific requirements as per the relevant Schedule

How to apply

  • Step 1: Read the guidelines on this page.
  • Step 2: Download and complete the application form (PDF) on the required schedule page.
  • Step 3: Email your completed application to SustainableCAP3@ontario.ca.
  • Implications: Each proposed Project must have a project completion date no later than February 1, 2025. Applications will be accepted as of September 19, 2023 on an ongoing basis until no later than January 6, 2025, subject to the availability of funding allocated to the Initiative.

Additional information

Applications for the Biosecurity Enhancement Initiative are subject to ongoing availability of funds, and specific category requirements must be met for eligibility.

  • Applications will be accepted until January 6, 2025, subject to availability of funds.
  • Each project must have a completion date no later than February 1, 2025.
  • Applicants can have a maximum of two submitted applications/projects in progress at any given time.
  • A separate Application Form must be submitted for each proposed project.
  • Applicants must not submit an application for a project that has already received funding through Sustainable CAP.
  • Total assistance from all funding sources cannot exceed 100% of total eligible costs, with a 75% stacking limit for capital items for-profit businesses.
  • Written quotes from third parties must be provided detailing proposed eligible costs.
  • Site sketches may be required for some projects, including specific measurements and site features.
  • Applicants must select and enter NAICS codes best describing their business and the primary sector/commodity impacted by the project.

Contact information

Apply to this program