
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|openingDateSeptember 19, 2023
  • grant_single|closingDateJanuary 6, 2025
Grant and Funding
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Manufacturing
  • Wholesale trade
  • Transportation and warehousing
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services
  • Government of Ontario
  • Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (SCAP)


The Biosecurity Enhancement Initiative offers a total funding of up to $7.5 million to support the agriculture and food sector's resiliency by addressing biosecurity risks and enhancing emergency preparedness. Eligible activities under this initiative include reducing animal health risks, upgrading livestock traceability equipment, and implementing processes for plant health assessments, pest management, and innovative monitoring tools.


The Biosecurity Enhancement Initiative offers distinct financing terms to enhance biosecurity measures within Ontario's agricultural sector. These terms are specifically tailored to different project categories encompassing animal health and plant health initiatives.
  • Cost-sharing of up to 35-50%, depending on the project category.
  • Project funding caps ranging from $5,000 to $100,000, dependent on the specific project category.
  • Support includes both animal health and plant health projects, each with defined cost-share percentages and funding limits.
  • Funding allocations are detailed in specific schedules, addressing specific biosecurity needs.
  • No maximum overall funding cap per recipient, allowing flexibility across eligible projects.
  • Eligible activities must demonstrate measurable reductions in biosecurity risks and improvements in emergency preparedness.
  • Financed projects must be completed by February 1, 2025, ensuring timely execution and application of biosecurity measures.


The Ontario Biosecurity Enhancement Initiative supports various activities to strengthen biosecurity measures within the agriculture and food sector. These activities aim to reduce risks and enhance emergency preparedness for both animal and plant health across the full agri-food value chain.
  • Reducing animal health risks through improved production areas, practices, testing, monitoring, management, operations assessments/plans, and training.
  • Improving livestock traceability equipment and processes to enhance animal health protection, public health, and food safety.
  • Conducting pest risk assessments, developing biosecurity procedures, integrated pest management plans, and participating in plant health training.
  • Installing sprayer upgrades on pesticide application equipment to improve plant health and minimize exposure and environmental impact.
  • Preventing the introduction and spread of pests through isolation, sanitation, and controlled workflows within high-risk areas.
  • Adopting innovative pest monitoring and management tools and equipment in pursuing integrated pest management practices.
  • Implementing technologies and processes to reduce plant pest contamination and risk for processors to decrease contamination threats.

$ 360,000

Implementing sanitation protocols to prevent pest spread at Mapleton Processing Plant

$ 270,000

Upgrading sprayer equipment for integrated pest management at a vineyard in Niagra Falls

$ 90,000

Educational training on plant biosecurity for local farms

$ 450,000

Implementing livestock traceability upgrades at Sunshine Farms

$ 675,000

Upgrade of pest monitoring systems in apple orchards near Kelowna

$ 225,000

Developing an integrated pest management plan for vegetable crops


Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the applicant's profile and proposed projects.
  • The applicant must be a key agriculture industry business, specifically a Primary Producer, Processor, or Service Provider.
  • Applicants must apply using a Ministry-approved Application Form, filled out using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  • Applicants can have a maximum of two submitted applications/projects in progress under the Initiative at any given time.
  • A separate Application Form must be submitted for each proposed Project.
  • Applicants must ensure that the total financial assistance from all sources does not exceed 100% of the total Eligible Costs, with a 75% stacking limit for capital items.
  • Applicants must provide written quotes from third parties for goods or services related to the Project.
  • Applicants must select and enter in the Application Form the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes that best describe their business or organization and the primary sector impacted by the Project.
  • Applicants with a debt to Ontario or Canada must have a repayment plan and be in compliance with it, or may be deemed ineligible.
  • Applicants must not have previously received Initiative Payments for the same project under Sustainable CAP.
  • Recipients must be registered for Doing Business with the Government of Ontario through Supply Ontario.


The Biosecurity Enhancement Initiative is designed to enhance the agriculture and food sector's resiliency by addressing biosecurity risks and improving emergency preparedness. Key eligible applicants for the funding opportunities provided by the Initiative include Primary Producers, Processors, and Service Providers within the agriculture industry at various stages of the agri-food value chain. The Initiative supports activities aimed at improving both animal and plant health across several project categories, allowing businesses within these groups to apply for specific categories relevant to their operations and biosecurity enhancement goals.


This grant aims to support specific sectors within the agriculture and food industry, focusing on biosecurity risk management and emergency preparedness. Restrictions are likely focused on ensuring alignment with these goals, although specific exclusions are not detailed in the provided context.
  • Companies not classified as Primary Producers, Processors, or Service Providers within the agriculture and food sectors may be ineligible.
  • Organizations not related to either animal health or plant health initiatives.
  • Businesses unable to align their projects with the specified project categories under the Initiative.
  • Companies without the necessary North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes that correspond to eligible sectors.
  • Entities that do not possess a suitable Premises ID Number where required.


The Biosecurity Enhancement Initiative provides funding to enhance biosecurity within the agriculture and food sector. Eligible projects focus on reducing animal and plant health risks through various innovative and technical upgrades.
  • Projects aimed at reducing animal health risks through improved production setups, testing, and management practices.
  • Projects to improve livestock traceability equipment and processes to meet regulatory and market standards.
  • Plant health-focused projects involving pest risk assessments, biosecurity procedures, and integrated pest management plans.
  • Installation of sprayer upgrades for pesticide application equipment to improve plant health and minimize environmental impact.
  • Activities to prevent pest introduction and spread using isolation, sanitation, and workflow control methods.
  • Adoption of innovative pest monitoring and management tools for better risk management in plant health.
  • Implementation of technologies and processes to reduce plant pest contamination in processing activities.


This grant is available to companies located in the Province of Ontario, as the initiative is funded by Ontario's Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.
  • Companies located within the Province of Ontario.


The Project application will be assessed, in part, based on the quality of supporting documentation, such as quotes and sketches, where required. See enclosed Schedules for Initiative and Project Category-specific requirements and information.
  • Quality of supporting documentation
  • Compliance with category-specific requirements as per the relevant Schedule


Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
  • Step 1: Read the Guidelines
    • Carefully read the Biosecurity Enhancement Initiative Guidelines.
    • Ensure you understand the specific requirements for the relevant Project Category from Schedules 1 to 7.
  • Step 2: Download Application Form
    • Locate the application form specific to your Project Category on the schedule page.
    • Download the application form as a PDF file.
  • Step 3: Complete the Application Form
    • Fill out the application form using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
    • Ensure that all sections are completed accurately and provide detailed project information.
    • Include written quotes from third-party providers detailing proposed eligible costs.
    • If applicable, include a site sketch with all relevant site features.
    • Select the appropriate NAICS codes and include them in your application form.
  • Step 4: Submit the Application
    • Email your completed application form and all required documentation to
    • Make sure the submission is before the deadline for consideration, while funding is still available.


Applications for the Biosecurity Enhancement Initiative are subject to ongoing availability of funds, and specific category requirements must be met for eligibility.
  • Applications will be accepted until January 6, 2025, subject to availability of funds.
  • Each project must have a completion date no later than February 1, 2025.
  • Applicants can have a maximum of two submitted applications/projects in progress at any given time.
  • A separate Application Form must be submitted for each proposed project.
  • Applicants must not submit an application for a project that has already received funding through Sustainable CAP.
  • Total assistance from all funding sources cannot exceed 100% of total eligible costs, with a 75% stacking limit for capital items for-profit businesses.
  • Written quotes from third parties must be provided detailing proposed eligible costs.
  • Site sketches may be required for some projects, including specific measurements and site features.
  • Applicants must select and enter NAICS codes best describing their business and the primary sector/commodity impacted by the project.


Apply to this program

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