New Frontiers in Research Fund — Transformation Stream Canada

New Frontiers in Research Fund — Transformation Stream

The New Frontiers in Research Fund 2024 Transformation competition supports large-scale Canadian-led interdisciplinary research projects addressing major challenges with high-reward potential.


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  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
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  • Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)


The Transformation stream of the New Frontiers in Research Fund aims to support large-scale, interdisciplinary Canadian-led research projects that address significant challenges with potential for lasting change. Eligible activities include both fundamental research that may lead to scientific breakthroughs and applied research with social, economic, environmental, or health impacts. Applications must be submitted by interdisciplinary teams of five or more members.


The NFRF 2024 Transformation competition supports large-scale, interdisciplinary research projects that address major challenges and have the potential to result in significant, lasting impacts. Eligible projects include both fundamental research leading to scientific breakthroughs and applied research with social, economic, environmental, or health impacts.
  • Scientific breakthroughs
  • Social impact research
  • Economic impact research
  • Environmental impact research
  • Health impact research


Development of eco-friendly packaging alternatives to reduce plastic waste.


Research on the social impact of digital inclusion programs for seniors.


Development of sustainable urban farming practices to enhance food security.


Advancing AI algorithms to improve healthcare diagnostics.


Investigating microplastic pollution in Canadian freshwater ecosystems.


Pilot project for renewable energy solutions in remote northern communities.


The 2024 Transformation competition eligibility criteria require applicants to provide complete and sufficient information, adhering to the Convergence Portal instructions for attachments and completing all application stages.
  • The applicant must provide all required information as per the Convergence Portal instructions at each stage (NOI, LOI, and full application).
  • The application should be complete and adhere to the guidelines provided for preparing application materials.
  • Eligibility decisions are the responsibility of NFRF program staff; review panel members should refer potential issues to them.


The provided context does not specify any types of companies that are ineligible for the grant.


There are no eligible expenses mentioned for this grant.


The grant is open to applications from entities located within Canada. The eligible geographic zones encompass the entirety of Canada.
  • All provinces and territories in Canada
  • Urban and rural areas across Canada
  • Both large metropolitan areas and smaller communities


Yes, there are evaluation and selection criteria for the NFRF 2024 Transformation competition. The criteria focus on assessing high risk, high reward, feasibility, interdisciplinarity, and equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in research practices and design.
  • High Risk: 20% of overall score
  • High Reward: 60% of overall score
  • Feasibility: 20% of overall score
  • Interdisciplinarity: Pass/Fail
  • EDI in Research Practices (EDI-RP)/Early Career Researcher (ECR): Pass/Fail


  • Step 1: Submit Notice of Intent to Apply (NOI)
  • Deadline: January 10, 2024
  • Content: Provide initial project idea and team details
  • Implications: Determines initial eligibility and project relevance
  • Step 2: Receive Assignments for LOI Review
  • Date: January 19, 2024
  • Content: LOI submissions assigned to reviewers
  • Implications: Reviewers begin assessment for eligibility and merit
  • Step 3: Indicate Conflicts of Interest for LOI
  • Deadline: January 31, 2024
  • Content: Reviewers disclose any conflicts of interest
  • Implications: Ensures unbiased review process
  • Step 4: Record Scores for LOI
  • Deadline: March 18, 2024
  • Content: Reviewers evaluate and score LOI submissions
  • Implications: Initial assessment for consideration to invite full applications
  • Step 5: LOI Stage Review Panel Meeting
  • Dates: April 15 to 19, 2024
  • Content: Virtual meeting to discuss and recommend LOIs to be invited for full application
  • Implications: Determines which LOIs proceed to the application stage
  • Step 6: Feedback Finalization for LOIs
  • Dates: April 22 to May 1, 2024
  • Content: Provide consolidated feedback to applicants
  • Implications: Applicants receive evaluation and recommendations
  • Step 7: Release LOI Results
  • Date: May 6, 2024
  • Content: Notify applicants of their LOI outcomes
  • Implications: Successful LOIs invited to submit full applications
  • Step 8: Submit Full Application
  • Deadline: September 5, 2024
  • Content: Detailed project proposal and budget
  • Implications: Comprehensive review and final selection for funding
  • Step 9: Assign Expert Reviewers for Full Application
  • Date: September 6, 2024
  • Content: Applications assigned to expert reviewers
  • Implications: Begin detailed evaluation and scoring
  • Step 10: Indicate Conflicts of Interest for Full Application
  • Deadline: September 24, 2024
  • Content: Reviewers disclose any conflicts of interest
  • Implications: Ensures unbiased review process
  • Step 11: Conduct Expert Panel Virtual Meetings
  • Dates: October 7 to 10, 2024
  • Content: Virtual meetings to discuss applications and prepare consensus summaries
  • Implications: Finalizes expert assessments
  • Step 12: Record Scores for Full Application
  • Deadline: October 15, 2024
  • Content: Reviewers evaluate and score applications
  • Implications: Determine which applications proceed to the final panel meeting
  • Step 13: Full Application Stage Review Panel Meeting
  • Dates: November 12 to 22, 2024
  • Content: Discuss and select top applications for jury presentation
  • Implications: Identifies best applications for final consideration
  • Step 14: Notify Successful Full Application Applicants
  • Date: December 6, 2024
  • Content: Inform applicants of jury invitation
  • Implications: Prepare for project pitch to jury
  • Step 15: Conduct Jury Meeting
  • Dates: January 13 to 17, 2025
  • Content: Project pitches and final evaluation by the jury
  • Implications: Final recommendation for funding decisions
  • Step 16: Release Final Application Results
  • Date: February 2025
  • Content: Notify applicants of final funding decisions
  • Implications: Completion of the application process


This grant has several miscellaneous pieces of information related to the application process, legal and ethical guidelines, and document handling protocols.
  • Merit review documents must be handled in accordance with the Privacy Act, the Access to Information Act, and the Policy on Government Security.
  • Improper use, disclosure, retention, and disposal of information can lead to privacy breaches.
  • Applicants' personal information is protected and must be used only for assessing applications and making funding decisions.
  • Activities are subject to the Canadian Human Rights Act, ensuring equal opportunities and non-discrimination based on various personal characteristics.
  • Obligations and rights under the Official Languages Act must be respected by review panel members and NFRF program staff.

Apply to this program