New Frontiers in Research Fund — Special Calls Stream - Canada

New Frontiers in Research Fund — Special Calls Stream

The 2022 Special Call – Research for Postpandemic Recovery offers up to $250,000 per year for two-year interdisciplinary projects addressing socio-economic inequities exacerbated by COVID-19, in alignment with the UN Research Roadmap.
grant_single|update January 24, 2025


  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|openingDateFebruary 15, 2022
  • grant_single|closingDateApril 26, 2022
  • grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • Health care and social assistance
  • Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)


The 2022 Special Call – Research for Postpandemic Recovery aims to support Canadian-led interdisciplinary projects addressing socio-economic inequities amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic. With a budget of up to $250,000 per year for two years, it funds innovative research directly responding to the UN Roadmap priorities for a more equitable, sustainable, and resilient future. Eligible activities include those that combine elements from at least two different disciplines and demonstrate tangible outcomes by the end of the grant period.


This grant focuses on funding innovative and interdisciplinary projects that address socio-economic inequities exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Eligible projects should align with the research priorities defined by the UN Research Roadmap for the COVID-19 Recovery.
  • Projects addressing global socio-economic inequities and recovery efforts related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Research focused on "building back better" with a transformative approach rather than returning to the status quo.
  • Innovative projects involving interdisciplinary solutions to support equitable, sustainable, and resilient postpandemic societies.
  • Initiatives responding directly to one or more of the 25 research priorities outlined in the UN Roadmap.
  • Efforts that include elements from different disciplines to produce demonstrable outcomes by the end of the grant period.
  • Projects that involve international collaborations, especially encouraging team members from lower-middle or lower-income countries.
  • Research incorporating gender equity and environmental sustainability into recovery efforts.

$ 250,000

Interdisciplinary research on housing stability for low-income families post-COVID-19

$ 250,000

Interdisciplinary research on educational inequalities highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic

$ 250,000

Study on data-driven approaches to improve healthcare delivery post-COVID-19

$ 250,000

Study on the impact of remote work on productivity and well-being

$ 250,000

Research on economic recovery strategies for small businesses post-pandemic

$ 250,000

Interdisciplinary study addressing mental health disparities among youth post-COVID-19


Eligibility for this grant is primarily focused on the composition and scope of the research team rather than companies. However, there are specific criteria that project teams must meet.
  • Project proposals must be submitted by research teams composed of at least two individuals, including a nominated principal investigator and a co-principal investigator or a co-applicant.
  • All project teams must include at least one expert in social, economic, or socio-economic research and/or implementation science among the principal investigators to reflect the socio-economic framework and goals of the UN Roadmap.
  • International team members are encouraged, especially from lower-middle or lower-income countries, unless the project addresses a unique Canadian context.
  • Each individual can only participate in one application as an NPI, co-PI, or co-applicant, but collaborators are exempt from this restriction.
  • Projects must demonstrate community engagement and partnership, with encouraged collaborations across national, international, and cross-sector domains that reflect best practices in equity, diversity, and inclusion.
  • Funds can be used to support research activities of team members in Canada or internationally, excluding those affiliated with for-profit companies or government entities.
  • Grant funds must cover costs related to the project activities that are not within the mandate of the individual’s organization of employment unless specifically outlined for non-academic researchers and students affiliated with a Canadian college.


This grant supports projects that align with the UN Research Roadmap priorities and address socio-economic recovery post-pandemic through justice and equity. Projects must exhibit interdisciplinarity and innovation, whilst integrating principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion.
  • Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: Pass/Fail - Commitment to EDI in project teams, particularly through removing barriers and fostering inclusive environments.
  • Interdisciplinarity/Fit to Program: Pass/Fail - Demonstrating response to UN Roadmap priorities with elements from at least two different disciplines.
  • High Risk: 30% - Assessment of novelty and innovation in addressing UN Roadmap priorities.
  • High Reward: 40% - Evaluating potential impact and significance in terms of socio-economic benefits or advancements towards Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Feasibility: 30% - Evaluation of research challenge, team expertise, work plan, and inclusive approaches such as GBA+.


This grant excludes certain types of companies, particularly those affiliated with government departments or for-profit organizations, from applying. These restrictions are in place to ensure that the funded projects align with the objectives of the UN Roadmap and are carried out by independent research teams.
  • Federal, provincial, or municipal government departments.
  • For-profit organizations.


This grant supports projects that directly address one or more of the research priorities outlined in the UN Roadmap. The eligible activities focus on interdisciplinary research aimed at building a more equitable, sustainable, and resilient post-pandemic future.
  • Research initiatives focusing on socio-economic recovery to mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Projects addressing UN priorities such as "quick-win", "best-buy", and "game-changer" initiatives.
  • Interdisciplinary solutions encompassing elements from at least two different disciplines.
  • Projects must have demonstrable results or impacts by the end of the grant period.
  • Research frameworks integrating gender equity and environmental sustainability into recovery efforts.
  • Community engagement and partnership-driven projects to ensure tangible research outcomes.


This grant is available for projects led by Canadian institutions eligible with Canadian federal research funding agencies. The inclusion of international team members from lower-middle or lower-income countries is strongly encouraged.
  • Projects led by Canadian institutions eligible with CIHR, NSERC, or SSHRC.
  • International team members from lower-middle or lower-income countries are encouraged.


The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on specific criteria with allocated point scores to ensure alignment with the grant’s objectives.
  • Interdisciplinarity/Fit to Program (Pass/Fail)
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) (Pass/Fail)
  • High Risk (30%)
  • High Reward (40%)
  • Feasibility (30%)



The grant guidelines cover detailed information on use of funds, team compositions, and eligibility criteria along with compliance requirements. Here are other miscellaneous details:
  • Grant holders must comply with SSHRC’s Intellectual Property and Copyright policy.
  • Exceptions to the Tri-agency Guide on Financial Administration policies are noted for certain types of grants.
  • Salary expenses are eligible under specific conditions for NPIs, co-PIs, and co-applicants affiliated with eligible Canadian colleges.
  • Grants will be terminated if the grantee no longer holds an eligible position at an eligible institution unless transferred to a co-PI or co-applicant, subject to agency discretion.
  • Residual balances of grants must be returned to SSHRC, payable to the Receiver General.
  • The agencies reserve the right to determine eligibility, interpret regulations, apply conditions to grants, and alter terms without advance notice.


Apply to this program

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