Musicaction — Musical Showcases – Stream 3 - National Showcase and Tour
Supports francophone artists' international exposure and career development
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Grant and Funding
- Arts, entertainment and recreation
- Musicaction
The program aims to stimulate the programming of Francophone artists from official language minority communities in large-scale events and international tours to advance their professional careers and enhance access to French-language musical performances. The grant provides a maximum of CAD 40,000, covering eligible activities such as international showcases, market adaptation, and touring, aligning with set criteria.
Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the applicant's profile and proposed activities.
- The applicant must be a Canadian artist of the Francophonie or their representative.
- The applicant can be a management company, record label, or show producer.
- Artists from official language minority communities, whose latest French-language album or EP has been commercially released within the last 36 months and supported by the Canada Music Fund, are automatically eligible.
- Artists with a non-funded album or EP, or an album or EP to be released within the next 6 months, are eligible if selected as part of a project, tour, or event supported by Musicaction.
- The applicant must not be in default of payment.
- Canadian Francophone artists- Management companies- Record labels- Show producersEligible artists are those from linguistic minority communities who have had a Francophone album or EP commercially released in the past 36 months with support from the Canada Music Fund or were featured in an event supported by Musicaction Foundation. The applicant can be the artist or the artist's representative.
Based on the available context, this grant application does not specify particular companies or industries as entirely ineligible. However, general restrictions aim to maintain alignment with the grant's objectives. Some expected limitations could include:
- Entities not meeting Canadian residency requirements.
- Businesses unable to comply with content norms or financial regulations.
- Applicants in default of payment or with incomplete application submissions.
The grant covers specific expenses directly related to promoting and facilitating the performance of Canadian Francophone artists in international events, as well as supporting their professional development in target markets.
- Artist fees (cachets).
- Travel expenses for a maximum of five people.
- Accommodation costs during international events or tours.
- Promotional expenses in relation to album or title distribution, requiring at least digital distribution in the target territory.
- Per diem allowances for meals, local transport, and incidentals up to $200/day.
- Transport costs, including air (economy), train, bus, and rental cars, depending on the most cost-effective option.
- Fuel costs for rental cars.
- Carbon credit charges related to flight bookings.
- Support for parental assistance related to artist travel.
- Eligible travel expenses for artist representatives, unless they are an employee of the beneficiary company.
The evaluation and selection process for this grant focuses on various criteria to ensure the effectiveness and impact of the projects.
- Relevance of the international showcase or tour to established export markets suitable for the musical genre.
- Demonstrated knowledge of the target market, including professionals and audience, and adequate preparatory work to maximize the artist's impact in the territory.
- Significance of the tour in contributing to the artist's career development.
- Realistic budgeting and diversified funding sources.
- Compliance with specified deadlines and requirements for financial planning and execution.
Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
- Step 1: Verify Eligibility
- Ensure the artist or the representative is eligible based on the provided criteria.
- Confirm the project aligns with the objectives of the grant.
- Check that the album or EP involved meets Canadian content and francophone standards.
- Step 2: Compile Required Documents
- Download and complete the Excel application form, naming it appropriately (Demandeur – Artiste-Événement – ICV3).
- Obtain the signed Vitrine tab on the form.
- Gather production contracts or representation agreements, if applicable.
- Secure letters of invitation and venue agreements for planned performances.
- Step 3: Submit Application
- Send the completed application form and all supporting documents to the email address: inscription@musicaction.ca.
- Ensure the submission is complete to avoid it being deemed ineligible.
- Step 4: Await Response
- Monitor email for confirmation of receipt and further instructions.
- Step 5: Post-Acceptance Process (if approved)
- Submit a revised budget for the project as part of the funding contract.
- Ensure all promotional materials display the MUSICACTION and CANADA logos distinctly.
- Step 6: Finalize Application
- Submit completion report within 2 months after the project ends to para@musicaction.ca using the provided Excel template.
- Include a financial summary, a detailed list of expenses, and a project activity report.
- Ensure receipts and claims are available for review as required.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- The grant program emphasizes the adaptation and integration of Canadian Francophone artists into target markets with recognized local industry support.
- Only expenses that are justified with the proper documentation may be reimbursed under this grant.
- The combination of funding from Musicaction and other governmental contributions must not exceed 100% of eligible project costs.
- Project completion reports must be submitted within two months following the completion of the funded activities.
- All promotional materials must appropriately display Musicaction and Canada logos, respecting specific size and prominence guidelines.
- Travel expenses are covered if they align with the latest fiscal policies, such as $0.55/km for vehicle use post May 9, 2024.
- Some grants may require supplementary evidence of market research and project preparation to ensure the most impactful use of funds.
Apply to this program
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