MRC Marguerite-D'Youville — Local investment and solidarity funds (FLI and FLS) - QC - Canada

MRC Marguerite-D'Youville — Local investment and solidarity funds (FLI and FLS)

QC, Canada
Investment support for sustainable economic growth in Quebec


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Loans and Capital investments
  • Manufacturing
  • Information and cultural industries
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • Health care and social assistance
  • Other services (except public administration)
  • Public administration
  • MRC de Marguerite-D'Youville


The Marguerite-D'Youville MRC's FLI/FLS program is designed to provide financial support for business start-ups, expansion and succession, with priority sectors such as the digital shift and sustainable development. Maximum financial assistance is $150,000 for the FLI, targeting, for example, marketing projects for companies operating in Quebec.


This grant offers a comprehensive framework for financing that supports the development and expansion of enterprises within the MRC de Marguerite-D'Youville. The financing modalities are designed to ensure a strategic allocation of funds while fostering economic growth and sustainable practices.
  • The grant operates through two funds—Fonds local d’investissement (FLI) and Fonds local de solidarité (FLS)—with each fund providing 60% and 40% of investment respectively, unless exceptions apply.
  • Investments are primarily offered in the form of term loans with varied conditions including participative options, where applicable.
  • The maximum loan term generally spans up to 7 years, with a possible extension to 10 years for specific projects based on generated cash flows.
  • Financing from the FLS is capped at $100,000 per enterprise, while the FLI can invest up to 50% of eligible expenses, limited to $150,000 per enterprise annually, with a $300,000 cumulative cap.
  • A 2% follow-up fee is included in the interest rate, which is adjusted based on risk factors and loan duration.
  • Temporary loans may be granted by the FLS to bridge short-term financing needs, subject to strict conditions.
  • Prepayments are allowed on the loans without penalty, adhering to stipulated conditions within the loan agreement.
  • FLS cannot invest through equity, while FLI can engage through specific equity investments.
  • The funds aim for a coherent coordination between them with a single loan contract indicating the total combined loan amount and weighted interest rate.


The FLI and FLS grants are designed to support economic development through various business-related initiatives in the MRC de Marguerite-D'Youville. Eligible projects focus on entrepreneurial activities, business expansion, and fostering innovation in the region.
  • Démarrage (Start-Up): Supports businesses in the early stage of commercialization to achieve market-readiness.
  • Relève entrepreneuriale (Entrepreneurial Takeover): Helps entrepreneurs or groups looking to acquire at least 25% of an existing business for succession purposes.
  • Acquisition d’entreprise (Business Acquisition): Financing for the purchase of company assets or shares.
  • Amélioration et transformation d’entreprise (Business Improvement and Transformation): Investment projects aiming to enhance productivity and implement sustainable practices.
  • Croissance et expansion d’entreprise (Business Growth and Expansion): Supports the development of new products or services and business scaling efforts.
  • Financement temporaire (Temporary Financing): Short-term loans pending incoming revenues confirmation.
  • Redressement (Business Revitalization): Supports restructuring plans for businesses experiencing a temporary crisis.


Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific criteria related to the type, location, and registration status of the business.
  • The applicant must be a legally constituted for-profit enterprise or a collective enterprise (such as cooperatives and non-profit organizations) under the laws of Quebec or Canada.
  • The business must conduct its activities within the territory of the MRC Marguerite-D'Youville and have its registered office in Quebec.
  • Registration with the Quebec Business Register (REQ) is mandatory.
  • For the Local Solidarity Fund (FLS), social economy enterprises must meet conditions outlined in Annex A.
  • The business must fall within the prioritized intervention sectors: digital transformation, sustainable development, innovation, business succession, or exportation.


This grant excludes certain companies and industries based on specific criteria related to their activities or associations. These exclusions ensure the funds are allocated to sectors that align with the community and environmental objectives.
  • Entities listed in the Register of Enterprises Ineligible for Public Contracts (RENA).
  • Applicants who have previously failed to meet obligations related to financial aid.
  • State-owned or government-controlled corporations.
  • Companies under protection of bankruptcy or insolvency laws.
  • Organizations with ethical issues or reputational risks.
  • Businesses with irresponsible environmental practices.
  • Companies with a credit rating below 620.
  • Entities with a history of violating labor or human rights legislation.
  • Industries involved in weapon production or distribution.
  • Activities related to fossil fuels, except those transitioning to low-carbon models.
  • Operations in gambling, such as casinos or bingo halls.
  • Businesses exploiting violent games or involving combat sports.
  • Organizations engaged in sexual exploitation.
  • Real estate management and development, unless linked to tenant services.
  • Certain sectors in restaurant services, except where they serve underrepresented communities.
  • Industries related to tobacco or drug consumption, with exceptions for compliant cannabis initiatives.


The grant through the Fonds local d’investissement (FLI) supports a range of eligible expenses that are crucial for the realization and growth of projects.
  • Additional working capital required for the implementation of the business project, over a maximum period of two years.
  • Capital expenditures directly linked to the project, including acquisition of technologies, land, buildings, equipment, machinery, and vehicles, as well as construction, expansion, renovation, and the setup of premises.
  • Professional fees incurred before project implementation, such as feasibility studies, external audits, or impact assessments.
  • Professional fees directly tied to the execution of the project, such as for technology implementation, equipment and machinery acquisition, and property development.
  • Expenditures on acquiring equity such as shares or property assets for entrepreneurship succession projects.
  • Professional fees associated with the transaction and acquisition of a business, including the handover process.


This grant is available to companies that are operational within a specified geographical area. The eligibility is determined by the residing territory of the Marguerite-D'Youville Regional County Municipality.
  • Territory of the Marguerite-D'Youville Regional County Municipality (MRC).


  • Step 1: Prepare Application Documents
  • Complete the financial aid application form, ensuring it is dated and signed.
  • Prepare a detailed business plan or project description as required in the application form.
  • Include a detailed breakdown of the project expenses.
  • Compose a financial plan for the project, including confirmation of other financial support or funding linked to the project.
  • Provide financial statements for the past three years.
  • Include interim financial statements if the financial statements are more than six months old or if the organization is less than a year old.
  • Submit forecasted financial statements.
  • Include a statement of compliance regarding language requirements or a certificate of compliance with francization (if applicable).
  • Provide a statement of compliance with employment equality requirements or a copy of the Employment Equity Access Program (if applicable).
  • Attach any other documents requested by the MRC.
  • Step 2: Submit Application
  • Ensure all necessary documents are included and complete.
  • Submit the application package to the MRC for evaluation.
  • Step 3: Await Feedback
  • Wait for the MRC to process your application and provide feedback.
  • Respond promptly to any requests for additional information or clarification.


Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
  • Applicants may need to pay a non-refundable dossier opening fee of 150 CAD.
  • The committee of investment (CIC) consists of a diverse group including representatives from the MRC and Fonds de solidarité FTQ, among others.
  • Decisions on funding exceeding 50,000 CAD require approval from the MRC council.
  • Moratoriums on capital repayments differ between FLI and FLS projects, with specific maximum durations applicable.
  • The policy entered into force on September 14, 2023, and replaces previous investment policies.
  • There is a formal process for handling appeals, although the decisions of the committee are final and without appeal.

Apply to this program

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