
  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • Manufacturing
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services
  • Educational services
  • Other services (except public administration)
  • Public administration
  • MRC Kamouraska


<p>The Programme d'émergence de projets (PEP) offers a non-repayable grant of up to $5,000 to support eligible projects recognized by the MRC of Kamouraska and its municipalities. The program covers up to 50% of the total project cost, excluding taxes, to promote business and social economy enterprise initiatives.</p>


The MRC Kamouraska — Project Emergence Program (PEP) offers a structured financial assistance framework to support eligible projects, ensuring strategic economic development within the region. Financing is designed to enhance project viability through staged contribution agreements and specific funding limits.
  • Financial assistance is non-repayable and provided in a maximum amount of $5,000 per project.
  • Funding will not exceed 50% of the total project cost, excluding taxes.
  • Financial contributions are generally disbursed in two instalments of 50% each; the first upon signing the contribution agreement, and the second upon project completion.
  • The specific conditions for disbursement may be stricter or a part of the subsidy may not be disbursed under special conditions specified in the contribution agreement.


This grant supports projects that contribute to the economic development and diversification of the MRC de Kamouraska. Eligible projects reflect a range of activities aimed at technological advancement, productivity improvement, and market expansion.
  • Studies and preliminary research for economic projects.
  • Acquisition of technological tools, software, or patents.
  • Productivity enhancement initiatives.
  • Projects integrating sustainable development, circular economy principles, and green technology adoption.
  • Projects aimed at increasing sales or creating new markets, including marketing plan development and e-commerce site creation.
  • Support for businesses in need of restructuring to address specific challenges.
  • Training programs to enhance management skills and improve production efficiency.


Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the applicant's profile and proposed activities within the MRC de Kamouraska.
  • The applicant must be a legal entity (personne morale) or an individual (personne physique) aged 18 years or older.
  • The applicant can be a non-profit organization (OBNL) or a cooperative recognized by the MRC as a social economy enterprise.
  • Municipalities within Kamouraska and the MRC de Kamouraska itself are eligible.
  • Applicants can include non-profit organizations operating in the community sector wishing to develop a social economy component or user-payable services.
  • Businesses with their place of business outside Kamouraska, intending to develop a service point or branch within Kamouraska, are eligible.
  • Individuals planning to start a business.
  • The business or organization must have its main activity and/or place of business within the territory of the MRC de Kamouraska, unless the project aims to establish the business or a subsidiary there.
  • The business or organization must be registered with the Quebec Business Registry (Registraire des entreprises).


The PEP program is designed for various entities within the MRC de Kamouraska territory, including legal entities, individuals aged 18 and over, recognized social economy enterprises, municipalities, and others intending to establish or expand their economic footprint in the area.
  • Legal entities operating in Kamouraska.
  • Individuals 18 years and older wishing to start a business.
  • Non-profit organizations (NPOs) and cooperatives designated as social economy enterprises by the MRC.
  • Municipalities within Kamouraska.
  • MRC de Kamouraska itself.
  • Organizations becoming eligible through project nature, such as NPOs in the community sector aiming to introduce social economy components.
  • Businesses located outside Kamouraska planning to develop a service point or branch within Kamouraska.


This grant outlines specific types of projects that are not eligible due to their impact on market dynamics and operational focus. These restrictions ensure that the support is given to projects that align with regional economic goals and ethical standards.
  • Projects that aim for activities in an already saturated market leading to job displacement or undue competition.
  • Projects from local companies solely for subcontracting or privatizing operations, resulting in the displacement of economic activities and jobs.
  • Projects using funds for operational costs or funding projects already completed.


The grant program covers certain expenses aimed at enhancing project implementation and achieving business objectives.
  • Fees for consultants or professionals who do not have a dependency relationship with the enterprise or organization, recognized in the targeted field of expertise.
  • Trainer fees or costs for training in disciplines impacting the improvement of one or more skills necessary for the management of the business or organization, such as cost pricing, accounting, marketing, etc.
  • Expenses incurred from participating in trade fairs, including space rental and exhibition fees, transportation and kiosk setup costs, on-site labor, mobility fees (visa and passport), advertising and promotional costs (promotional materials, samples, etc.), and market development outside Quebec.


This grant is available to companies and organizations operating within the boundaries of the MRC of Kamouraska. The eligibility is geographically centered to foster economic development within this region.
  • MRC de Kamouraska.
  • Municipalities within the Kamouraska region.


The evaluation and selection criteria for projects under the Programme d'émergence de projets (PEP) are crucial to ensure alignment with the program's objectives and the effective use of funds.
  • The promoter must demonstrate knowledge and relevant experience in their field as well as managerial skills.
  • The project must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and standards.
  • The application must be complete and provide all required documents.
  • For projects requiring investment for recovery, the business must demonstrate it is experiencing a temporary crisis, have the necessary equity and financing for recovery, have strong management, and not rely on a single client or a declining market.
  • The ability to mobilize a maximum number of partners around the recovery effort.
  • Support from the majority of creditors.
  • The project should generate wealth creation or maintain wealth within the MRC of Kamouraska.


  • Step 1: Review Eligibility and Project Suitability
  • Review the Politique d’investissement to ensure eligibility.
  • Identify if your project aligns with the eligible project types and eligibility criteria.
  • Contact the MRC de Kamouraska for clarification if needed.
  • Step 2: Prepare Application Components
  • Complete the necessary application form as indicated by the MRC.
  • Gather all required documents such as the resolution of the organization authorizing the application, request for proposals, various bids received, and support letters if applicable.
  • Step 3: Initial Consultation
  • Contact the Service de développement territorial of the MRC to arrange a preliminary meeting.
  • Consult with advisors to refine your project and application details.
  • Step 4: Submit Application
  • Submit the completed application form and all required documents via the indicated email address.
  • Ensure that all information is accurate and complete to avoid delays.
  • Step 5: Application Review and Follow-Up
  • A counselor from the MRC will contact you after submission.
  • Engage with the follow-up process as described in the convention.


Grantees should note specific details regarding the usage and oversight of the financial aid.
  • All authorized projects will involve a non-repayable contribution agreement with the MRC de Kamouraska.
  • The financial aid is typically disbursed in two equal payments, the first at the signing of the agreement and the second upon project completion.
  • Grantees are required to submit all supporting documents such as the consultant's report, invoices, and proof of payments to finalize their funding dossier.
  • If a project concludes negatively or doesn't achieve satisfactory results, the final payment may be withheld.

Apply to this program