
  • grant_single|maxCount
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  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction
  • Department of Industry, Energy and Technology (NL)
  • Government of Newfoundland and Labrador


Financial support of up to $225,000 per project for mineral exploration and/or mining.


The grant supports a variety of eligible exploration activities aimed at growing the province's mineral inventory, including both grassroots and non-grassroots activities.
  • Qualified Person services
  • Surface drilling
  • Underground core drilling
  • Other drilling
  • Borehole surveys (electromagnetic, radiometric, televiewer, etc.)
  • Surface and underground bulk hard rock sampling
  • Property-scale prospecting
  • Geological mapping
  • Bio-geochemical sampling
  • Soil sampling
  • Till sampling
  • Lake sediment sampling
  • Ground geophysical surveys
  • Trenching


St. John's
Surface and underground bulk sampling for nickel exploration in St. John's.


Thunder Bay
Drilling and geological mapping of an undeveloped mineral site near Thunder Bay.


Surface and underground bulk hard rock sampling in a potential gold mine near Sudbury.


Red Lake
Geophysical surveys and borehole surveying at a mineral exploration site in Red Lake.


Till and soil sampling to identify mineral prospects in Yellowknife.


To be eligible for the Junior Exploration Assistance grant, companies primarily engaged in mineral exploration must meet specific criteria related to registration, standing, approvals, and operational status.
  • Registration with the Provincial Registry of Companies.
  • Status of "In Good Standing" with the Provincial Registry of Companies.
  • Possession of a Supplier Number from the Department of Finance, Financial Systems Control Division.
  • Hold mineral rights to the exploration lands or have a registered agreement with the mineral rights holder.
  • Receipt of Exploration Approval (ExA) or a Letter of Acceptance (LxA) from the Mineral Lands Division before commencing exploration activities.
  • Primarily engaged in mineral exploration and can either not receive mineral revenue or receive direct/indirect revenue from mineral/mining operations.
  • Exploration activities on Mining Leases with active operations are ineligible.


Companies primarily engaged in mineral exploration and/or mining are eligible for the Junior Exploration Assistance (JEA) grant. These companies can be in receipt of direct or indirect revenues from mineral/mining operations.
  • Primarily engaged in mineral exploration
  • Primarily engaged in mining
  • Can be in receipt of direct or indirect revenues from mineral/mining operations


Yes, there are eligible expenses for this grant. The activities and associated expenditures eligible for assistance include, but are not limited to:
  • Qualified Person services for project supervision and report writing
  • Surface and underground core drilling
  • Borehole surveys
  • Surface and underground bulk hard rock sampling
  • Property-scale prospecting, geological mapping, and various types of sampling
  • Field support, fuel, and travel costs
  • Geochemical, bio-geochemical, and lithogeochemical analysis


The eligible geographic zones for the Junior Exploration Assistance grant are the Island of Newfoundland and Labrador, with higher maximum funding allocated for projects in Labrador.
  • The Island of Newfoundland
  • Labrador


JEA grants are evaluated based on exploration activities supporting mineral discoveries. Eligibility includes companies engaged in mineral exploration or mining to enhance competitiveness in exploration.
  • Exploration activities supporting mineral discoveries
  • Engagement in mineral exploration or mining
  • Enhancing competitiveness in exploration


  • Step 1: Review the JEA 2024 Guidelines
  • Understand the objectives, form, and amount of assistance, eligibility requirements, and other conditions
  • Step 2: Confirm Company Eligibility
  • Ensure the company is registered with the Provincial Registry of Companies and "In Good Standing"
  • Obtain a Supplier Number from the Department of Finance, Financial Systems Control Division
  • Step 3: Secure Mineral Rights
  • Ensure that company holds the mineral rights, or has a registered agreement with the holder of the mineral rights
  • Step 4: Obtain Exploration Approval/Letter of Acceptance
  • Ensure Exploration Approval (ExA) or a Letter of Acceptance (LxA) is received from the Mineral Lands Division
  • Step 5: Submit a Completed Letter of Intent (LOI)
  • Submit to the Mineral Incentive Program (MIP) no later than June 21st, 2024
  • Notify the MIP of any significant changes to the exploration activities described in the LOI
  • Step 6: Receive Response Letter
  • Receive a response letter confirming eligibility for JEA funding on or before July 12, 2024
  • Address any disagreements with the assessment of eligibility by July 19, 2024
  • Step 7: Program Start Notification
  • Notify the Program Manager no more than 14 days and no less than 24 hours before mobilization
  • Step 8: Conduct Exploration Activities
  • Ensure activities and associated expenditures are in accordance with the eligible activities and conditions in the guidelines
  • Step 9: Submit Technical Report
  • Submit a Technical Report containing required technical and financial information on or before January 31st, 2025


Additional information about the Junior Exploration Assistance (JEA) grant includes program contact details and eligibility criteria for critical minerals specific to Newfoundland and Labrador.
  • Download Adobe® Acrobat® Reader software for PDF documents.
  • Contact information for the Mineral Development Division is provided, including an email address and mailing address.
  • The program administrator encourages parties interested in funding to review the latest guidelines and forms on the official website.
  • Newfoundland and Labrador’s Critical Minerals List includes specific minerals eligible for additional support.

Apply to this program