ID Gatineau — Economic Diversification Fund
Gatineau, QC
Supports business projects in Gatineau focusing on innovation
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Grant and Funding
- Manufacturing
- Information and cultural industries
- Professional, scientific and technical services
- ID Gatineau
The ID Gatineau Economic Diversification Fund offers a non-repayable contribution, with a maximum funding amount of $100,000, aimed at supporting projects that enhance economic development and diversification in Gatineau. Eligible activities include business establishment projects, strategic infrastructure projects, innovative ecosystem development, and activities promoting Gatineau's visibility.
- The funding provides a grant up to a maximum of $100,000.
- The financial aid takes the form of a non-repayable contribution.
- The grant covers up to 15% of the total project cost.
- For feasibility studies, a maximum of $25,000 is available.
- Projects for the implantation of businesses that foster the creation of wealth.
- Strategic infrastructure projects.
- Projects for the development of the innovative ecosystem.
- Initiatives that highlight the city of Gatineau.
- The project should favor the development and diversification of the economy and the creation of wealth in the Gatineau area.
- The applicant must demonstrate being in good financial health.
- Start-up businesses need to show good future prospects, profitability, and the ability to meet financial obligations.
- The financial assistance requested must be shown to be necessary.
- Projects that create undue competition or substitute state responsibilities are not eligible.
- Projects in saturated market sectors or those displacing jobs are ineligible.
- Technological companies
- Manufacturing industries
- Innovative enterprises
- Companies that export outside the region
- Social economy enterprises
- Projects aiming, in whole or in part, at activities in a saturated market sector.
- Projects that result in job displacement or create undue competition.
- Projects that substitute the responsibilities of the State.
- Costs related to improving productivity.
- Expenses for developing new markets.
- Fees for external specialized resources.
- Support expenses for implementing projects in Gatineau.
- Financial support for business recovery plans aiming to restore profitability.
- City of Gatineau
- Applicants are encouraged to communicate with the strategic advisor for guidance.
- An investment common committee (CIC), composed of members of Gatineau's business community, is responsible for evaluating financial aid requests.
- Government programs have limited budgets and are subject to investment policies.
- The Government of Canada and Investissement Québec can assist small businesses in securing loans by sharing risks with lenders.
- ID Gatineau is powered by the City of Gatineau, offering resources and expertise to accelerate business growth.
- Businesses are encouraged to contact ID Gatineau for assistance in finance sourcing and addressing specific business challenges.
819 595-8002