
  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|openingDateDecember 5, 2023
  • grant_single|closingDateMarch 31, 2024
  • grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
  • Manufacturing
  • Wholesale trade
  • Retail trade
  • Transportation and warehousing
  • Information and cultural industries
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • Management of companies and enterprises
  • Office québécois de la langue française (OQLF)
  • Gouvernement du Québec


You could get up to $125,000 to cover a maximum of 75% of the eligible costs for a 36-month project that aims to promote the use of French in workplace activities, when dealing with clients, and to update internal and external communications and marketing


This grant provides structured financial assistance with specific limits and contribution requirements, ensuring projects meet strategic priorities while optimizing resource use. The terms are structured to support projects that enhance the usage of French within organizations.
  • The financial aid is limited to $125,000 for stream 1 and $150,000 for stream 2 per project year, with a maximum coverage of 75% of eligible project expenses.
  • The applicant organization must contribute at least 25% of the project’s total cost, either through cash or in-kind contributions, valued at market rates if resources owned by the applicant are used.
  • Funding is non-renewable, emphasizing the importance of meeting project objectives within a single funded period.


The Financial Assistance Program for the Promotion of French, particularly stream 2, focuses on enhancing the use of the French language within Quebec workplaces. This initiative encourages businesses to adopt French as the primary language of operation, ensuring it is used prominently in both professional interactions and public interfaces.
  • Projects aimed at increasing the understanding and importance of conducting business in French in Quebec.
  • Initiatives selecting French as the language for displays, customer interactions, and as the working language.
  • Adoption of measures to expand the general use of French in the business activities of organizations within Quebec.

$ 45,000

Developing French language training programs for hospital staff

$ 22,500

Creating French marketing materials for a local bakery

$ 60,000

Implementing French communication tools for a community center

$ 48,750

Creating French signage and customer service guides for a hotel chain

$ 63,750

Launching a French terminology program for a tech startup

$ 48,750

Enhancing French language skills for IT professionals at a firm


Eligibility for this grant requires organizations to meet specific legal, operational, and language-related criteria.
  • The applicant must be a registered non-profit organization, a private for-profit enterprise, or a post-secondary educational institution.
  • The entity must be legally constituted and registered in the Registre des entreprises du Québec.
  • The organization must have been in operation in Quebec for at least 24 months at the time of project submission.
  • The applicant must have structured mechanisms for communication, visibility, and influence.
  • The entity must have its head office or at least one establishment in Quebec and conduct activities there.
  • The organization must comply with the francization process according to the Charter of the French Language or have submitted their online self-assessment and be in the process of obtaining commitment to the French language.


Eligible applicants include legally constituted and registered organizations in Quebec, such as non-profit organizations, private for-profit companies, and post-secondary educational institutions. These entities must have been operational in Quebec for at least two years, must have structured communication and visibility mechanisms, and meet the francization requirements according to the Charter of the French Language.


This grant imposes several restrictions on eligibility, focusing on excluding certain types of organizations based on their status, activities, or past compliance. These restrictions help align the grant's resources with its strategic goals to promote the French language in Quebec.
  • Municipal entities such as municipalities and related organizations.
  • Federal or provincial ministries and public organizations.
  • State-controlled enterprises and companies majority-owned by state entities.
  • Political parties and associations.
  • Religious organizations or those promoting a religion.
  • Organizations that have previously failed to comply with financial aid agreements with the Quebec government.
  • Entities involved in legal or financial disputes or proceedings.
  • Organizations declared bankrupt or insolvent as per the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act.
  • Businesses listed on the Register of Enterprises Ineligible for Public Contracts (RENA).


This grant supports projects that promote the use of French in Quebec's public and workplace environments, focusing on enhancing understanding and application of French terminology in prioritized sectors.
  • Projects aimed at increasing mastery of French terminology in priority sectors such as food and nutrition, manufacturing, aerospace, electric and intelligent transportation, and artificial intelligence.
  • Initiatives to enhance the use of French in workplaces, in client interactions, and in business signage.
  • Programs promoting the understanding of the importance of conducting business in French within Quebec.
  • Measures to support the widespread adoption of French in the operations of Quebec-based organizations, specifically targeting the inclusion of French in organizations with 25 to 49 employees before mandated deadlines.


This grant is available to organizations that are legally constituted and have an establishment in Quebec, Canada. Only those operating within this province are eligible to apply.
  • Organizations with an establishment in Quebec.


There are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant. The criteria are as follows:
  • Relevance of the project to promoting the use of French in Quebec workplaces and public spaces.
  • Demonstration of impact on increasing French language usage and awareness in targeted sectors.
  • Creative and effective strategies for promoting French language within organizations and to specific audiences.


Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
  • Step 1: Review Eligibility and Program Guidelines
    • Ensure your organization meets the eligibility requirements, such as being non-profit, private enterprises, or post-secondary institutions.
    • Confirm that your project aligns with one of the program's two main objectives: mastery of French terminology or increased use of French in organizational settings.
    • Identify if your project fits within the prioritization of specific economic sectors.
  • Step 2: Prepare Project Proposal
    • Develop a detailed project proposal addressing the objectives of the program.
    • Ensure your proposal includes actions that encourage French usage, particularly if targeting businesses with 25 to 49 employees.
    • Compile necessary budgets and annexes, ensuring that the project cost exceeds $25,000 and aligns with the requirements.
  • Step 3: Incorporate Écoresponsabilité Measures
    • Identify and describe sustainability measures within your project related to environmental management and sustainable practices.
  • Step 4: Finalize Financial Contribution
    • Calculate your organization’s financial contribution, which must be at least 25% of the project's total costs.
  • Step 5: Submit Application
    • Prepare and complete all required documents and the project proposal form.
    • Ensure all documents conform to the required format and include all necessary information.
    • Submit your completed application before the deadline of June 30, 2024, at 23:59.
  • Step 6: Await Confirmation and Further Instructions
    • After submission, await confirmation of receipt of your application.
    • Follow any additional instructions provided by the Office québécois de la langue française regarding next steps or additional documentation.


Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
  • This grant includes a Protocol of Visibility requirement where organizations receiving funding must adhere to specific visibility obligations regarding the Office québécois de la langue française.
  • Funding limits are defined, with the maximum amount capped at $125,000 for Volet 1 and $150,000 for Volet 2.
  • A contribution from the organization must be at least 25% of the project's total cost, and this contribution can include the organization's goods and services valued at their market rate.
  • Organizations must provide a final report detailing activities, impacts, and budget expenditures, including indicators specified in the funding agreement.
  • Environmental sustainability actions are now included as part of the new evaluation criteria.


Financial Assistance Program for the Promotion of French – stream 2

Apply to this program

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