
  • grant_single|fromMinToMax
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|openingDateJanuary 1, 2023
  • grant_single|closingDateDecember 31, 2023
Loans and Capital investments
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction
  • Utilities
  • Construction
  • Manufacturing
  • Wholesale trade
  • Retail trade
  • Transportation and warehousing
  • Information and cultural industries
  • Finance and insurance
  • Real estate and rental and leasing
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • Management of companies and enterprises
  • Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services
  • Educational services
  • Health care and social assistance
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • Accommodation and food services
  • Other services (except public administration)
  • Public administration
  • Evol


Get a loan ranging from $20,000 to $75,000 for your new business start-up projects (0 to 2 years)


This loan program provides a range of financing modalities designed to support start-up businesses in their initial phase. The options are structured to accommodate various business needs and financial circumstances.
  • Loans ranging from $20,000 to $75,000 are available, requiring a minimum down payment of 5% of the project value.
  • The maximum amortization period is 8 years, with interest rates calculated based on a base rate plus a percentage determined by the risk premium associated with the business project.
  • The possibility of a moratorium is available at the time of granting and during the loan, including in cases of parental leave.
  • A $350 file opening fee and an annual management fee of 1.5% of the loan balance are applicable.
  • Financing can be used for acquiring tangible and intangible assets, working capital, developing and marketing new products and services, and purchasing or redeeming shares.
  • Most business sectors are eligible for this loan.


This loan program assists entrepreneurs in acquiring necessary resources and capital to establish and grow their businesses. It aims to facilitate the acquisition and enhancement of tangible and intangible assets.
  • Financing the acquisition of tangible and intangible assets.
  • Providing working capital related to business operations following the loan granting date.
  • Supporting the development and marketing of new products and services for existing businesses.
  • Facilitating the purchase and redemption of shares in a company.

$ 45,000

Develop a new software application for managing small business expenses

$ 50,000

Launch a new organic skincare line, focusing on natural ingredients

$ 50,000

Establish an artisanal coffee shop with a focus on organic and fair-trade products

$ 55,000

Opening a specialty cheese shop focusing on local and imported cheeses

$ 40,000

Create a community garden initiative focusing on food sustainability

$ 35,000

Launch a home-based catering service specializing in vegan cuisine


Eligibility for this loan is determined by several criteria related to the applicant's business and financial situation.
  • The applicant must be a business in the start-up phase, ranging between 0 to 2 years of operation.
  • A minimum down payment of 5% of the project value is required.
  • A comprehensive business plan must be provided.
  • The applicant must submit 2-year projected financial statements.
  • Curriculum vitae of shareholders must be included in the application.
  • The loan can be used for acquiring tangible and intangible assets, working capital, product development, marketing, and purchasing shares.
  • The loan covers most business sectors.


Applicants eligible for this loan are typically start-up businesses within their first two years of operation. The businesses must be in one of the eligible sectors of the economy, and both male and female entrepreneurs can apply. The applicants need to be able to present a comprehensive business plan, projected financial statements for the next two years, and the curriculum vitae of all key shareholders involved in the business.


This program provides funding for a variety of expenses crucial to starting and growing a business.
  • Financing the acquisition of tangible and intangible assets.
  • Working capital related to the operations of the business following the loan granting date.
  • Development and marketing of products and new services for an existing business.
  • Purchase and redemption of shares.


There are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant. The loan is evaluated based on the business project's risk premium, with interest rates calculated accordingly. The selection criteria include financial viability, business plan quality, and the projected financial statements.
  • Business project's risk premium
  • Financial viability assessment
  • Quality of the business plan
  • Projected financial statements


Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
  • Step 1: Document Preparation
  • Prepare a comprehensive business plan detailing your start-up's vision, objectives, and strategies.
  • Create 2-year projected financial statements to demonstrate the anticipated financial trajectory of the business.
  • Gather curriculum vitae of shareholders to showcase their expertise and background.
  • Step 2: Calculate Down Payment and Amortization
  • Calculate the minimum down payment which is 5% of the project value.
  • Determine the desired amortization period which can be up to 8 years.
  • Step 3: Application Submission
  • Identify the lending body or institution offering the start-up loan.
  • Submit the prepared documents including the business plan, financial projections, and CVs as per the specific instructions from the institution.
  • Pay any applicable fees, such as the $350 file opening fee.


Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
  • A moratorium on repayments is possible both at the time of granting and during the loan term.
  • There are fees associated with the application process, including a $350 file opening fee and a 1.5% annual management fee on the loan balance.
  • An interest rate is calculated based on the base rate and the risk premium of the business project.
  • Moratoriums can also be applied in the case of parental leave.


Evol — Conventional start-up loan

Apply to this program

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