ERACM program - Assistance and Financing QC Canada

ERACM program - Assistance and Financing

QC, Canada
The ERACM program provides non-repayable financial support of up to $24,750 annually to businesses in Mauricie for expert consultancy services, fostering innovation and business growth.


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  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • Manufacturing
  • Information and cultural industries
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • Économie du savoir - Mauricie


The ERACM program offers financial support to for-profit businesses in the Mauricie region to promote innovation and business opportunities. Eligible activities include cybersecurity audits, commercialization strategies, intellectual property strategies, and the integration of IT technologies. Companies can receive up to $24,750 per year, covering 55% of eligible expert fees.


The grant program supports a range of projects that focus on cybersecurity, marketing strategies, intellectual property, and IT integration.
  • Audit in cybersecurity and securing your IT tools
  • Development of a marketing strategy for your new product
  • Establishment of an intellectual property strategy and action prioritization
  • Integration of information technologies and data interconnection
  • Protection of your intangible assets (products, trademarks, etc.)


The eligibility criteria for this grant focus primarily on for-profit enterprises based in the Mauricie region working in specified industry sectors. Enterprises with headquarters outside of Mauricie can also qualify if the subsidized project is for a Mauricie-based subsidiary.
  • Must be a for-profit enterprise located in the Mauricie region
  • Eligible industry sectors: Manufacturing, Information Technology, B2B Services
  • Enterprises with headquarters outside Mauricie are eligible if the project is for a Mauricie-based subsidiary
  • Other types of enterprises may be eligible upon consultation with an ESM advisor


Yes, there are eligible types of companies for this grant, primarily targeting companies located in the Mauricie region of Quebec and operating in specific industries. The eligibility also extends to companies with a headquarters outside Mauricie if their project is for a local subsidiary.
  • Manufacturing
  • Information Technology
  • Business-to-Business (B2B) Services


Eligible expenses for this grant are those that involve external expert fees directly related to the identified projects.
  • Professionals' fees for expert consultations
  • External experts' coaching interventions


The eligible geographic zones for this grant include primarily businesses located in the Mauricie region. Companies with their headquarters outside the Mauricie region may also be eligible if the project is implemented for a subsidiary located in Mauricie.
  • Businesses located in the Mauricie region
  • Companies with headquarters outside the Mauricie region if the project is for a subsidiary in Mauricie


  • Step 1: Contact our team to express your interest and to discuss your project. This initial discussion is crucial to understanding the specific needs and objectives of your project.
  • Step 2: Schedule a first meeting to get detailed guidance from an advisor. This step helps to determine the eligibility of your project and to identify the necessary resources.
  • Step 3: Develop your project according to your reality, with or without an identified expert. During this stage, you will work closely with advisors to refine your project's scope and objectives.
  • Step 4: Identify and document eligible expenses, focusing on external expert fees, which are the only reimbursable expenses under this funding program.
  • Step 5: Submit your application, including all required documents and details of your project plan, budget, and expected outcomes, to the ESM team for review.
  • Step 6: Await the decision on funding availability and eligibility confirmation. Note that eligibility does not guarantee funding due to possible limitations in fund availability.


The grant primarily supports businesses in innovation projects through non-repayable contributions, offering up to $24,750 annually. Projects must involve external expertise and focus on specific eligible activities, with funding availability contingent on the program's fund status.
  • The maximum amount of non-repayable contribution is 55% of the eligible expenses, capped at $24,750 per year per business.
  • Eligible projects could include cybersecurity audits, marketing strategy development, and intellectual property strategies.
  • Only external expert fees are covered; purchases of specialized equipment or technology solutions are not eligible for funding.
  • This program is mainly for for-profit businesses located in the Mauricie region in sectors like manufacturing, IT, and B2B services.
  • Eligibility does not guarantee funding due to conditional fund availability.
  • Additional support includes connections to specialized resources such as research centers and universities.
  • The program promotes innovation through activities like workshops, networking events, and training sessions.
  • Companies can subscribe to a newsletter to stay informed about the program and innovation best practices.
Apply to this program