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Grant and Funding
  • Information and cultural industries
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • Health care and social assistance
  • Public administration
  • Department of National Defence
  • Government of Canada


Get up to $2 million in funding over three years to form a research network made up of multidisciplinary teams focused on artificial intelligence and machine learning to assist first responders in decision making.


Eligible projects must include proposed research and development activities to address specific defense and security science and technology challenges identified in the CFPMN.
  • Conceptual design
  • Requirements capture and analysis
  • Proof of concept
  • Systems development
  • Validation and integration
  • Testing and prototyping (generally representative of Technology Readiness Levels 1 to 6)
  • Participation in scientific conferences
  • Public outreach


Implementing AI-driven systems for fire department operations in Vancouver.


Developing a machine learning algorithm for police patrolling algorithms in Toronto.


Research on data-driven disaster response strategies in Montreal.


Creating a prototype for AI-enhanced emergency medical response in Calgary.


Developing AI tools for optimizing disaster relief logistics in Ottawa.


Designing AI-based predictive policing models in Halifax.


Eligible proposals for this grant must include multidisciplinary teams of partners from at least three separate organizations and/or institutions, including at least one Canadian Provincial, Territorial, or Municipal government organization. The initial recipient must be a Canadian organization with the capacity to manage the financial and operational commitments of the proposed project.
  • Multidisciplinary teams must include partners from at least three separate organizations and/or institutions.
  • One of the partner organizations must be a Canadian Provincial, Territorial, or Municipal government organization.
  • The initial recipient must be a Canadian organization or institution.
  • Eligible lead applicant organizations or institutions include Canadian universities, educational institutions chartered in Canada, Canadian incorporated for-profit organizations, Canadian incorporated not-for-profit organizations, and Canadian provincial, territorial, and municipal government organizations.
  • Eligible partner or collaborator organizations or institutions can also include international universities and educational institutions.
  • The initial recipient must assume the administrative and financial responsibility on behalf of the Micro-net.
  • Post-doctoral fellows are not eligible to act as the Applicant or Partner.
  • Each Micro-net must include at least three researchers from three separate eligible organizations/institutions.
  • Applications must propose research and development activities that address one or more specific aspects of the defence and security S&T challenge identified in the CFPMN.


Yes, there are eligible types of companies for this grant.
  • Canadian universities and educational institutions chartered in Canada
  • Canadian incorporated for-profit organizations
  • Canadian incorporated not-for-profit organizations
  • Canadian provincial, territorial, and municipal government organizations


Some types of organizations are not eligible to apply for this grant as lead applicants.
  • Federal government departments/agencies
  • Post-doctoral fellows


Yes, there are eligible expenses for this grant which are necessary to carry out the approved Micro-net project activities. Eligible costs are limited to direct costs associated with the delivery of the approved proposal and must be incurred by the Initial Recipient and the Ultimate Recipients.
  • Stipends, salaries, and benefits for students, research assistants, and technical staff
  • Equipment acquisitions or rentals, not to exceed $5,000 per acquisition
  • Professional, scientific, technical consultant services
  • Laboratory analysis services
  • Materials and supplies
  • Publication, outreach, and communication costs
  • Travel in accordance with the National Joint Council’s Travel Directive
  • Administrative overhead costs - not to exceed 15% of the total approved eligible costs (before overhead)


The eligible geographic zones for this grant include organizations and institutions based in Canada. International universities and educational institutions can also participate as partner or collaborator organizations.
  • Canadian universities and educational institutions chartered in Canada
  • Canadian incorporated for-profit organizations
  • Canadian incorporated not-for-profit organizations
  • Canadian provincial, territorial, and municipal government organizations
  • International universities and educational institutions (as partners or collaborators)


  • Step 1: Call for Letter of Intent (LOI)
  • The Applicant must complete and submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) form.
  • The LOI form contains the names and affiliations of the Micro-net members, a summary of the proposed research, and benefits to Canada.
  • The LOI must be submitted by the stated CFPMN deadline using the DND LOI form template.
  • The LOI will be reviewed and evaluated based on the criteria listed in the evaluation assessment criteria.
  • Applicants deemed eligible at the LOI stage will be invited to submit a Full Proposal.
  • LOI application deadline: Applicants have until 2:00 pm (Eastern Time), Wednesday, November 15, 2023.
  • Submission must be done using the Connect service provided by the Canada Post Corporation (CPC).
  • A list of Applicants invited to submit proposals will be provided to all invited Applicants.
  • Step 2: Call for Full Proposal
  • Only Applicants who have successfully passed the LOI stage will be invited to submit a Full Proposal.
  • The Full Proposal must be submitted by the stated deadline in the invitation.
  • Proposals must be submitted using the DND Full Proposal form, provided to invited LOI Applicants.
  • The Full Proposal package must contain a completed proposal application form and Letters of Support from partners or other funding contributors confirming their cash and/or in-kind contributions.
  • Proposals will be evaluated based on mandatory criteria and point-rated criteria as listed in the evaluation assessment criteria.
  • Step 3: Contribution Agreement Award
  • Applicants of selected proposals will be invited to enter into a contribution agreement with DND.
  • The CSSP and IDEaS programs will work with the selected Initial Recipient to develop a contribution agreement based on the proposed projects.
  • No commitment or obligation exists on the part of DND to make a financial contribution to any project until a written agreement is signed by both parties.
  • All funded projects will be announced on the CSSP website.


This section contains information which will be relevant only to those Applicants whose proposals are selected for funding by DND. The Initial Recipient shall ensure that all agreements with Ultimate Recipients or contractors are consistent with the rights granted in the Contribution Agreement between the Initial Recipient and Canada.
  • The Act respecting the Ministère du Conseil exécutif (M-30) may apply to certain Quebec Applicants.
  • Approval by DND is required prior to the redistribution of funding by a contribution Recipient to one or more individuals or entities.
  • Initial and Ultimate Recipients should identify and mitigate potential security risks using tools available through the Safeguarding Your Research portal and Safeguarding Science's workshops.
  • Micro-nets will be assigned a DND Portfolio Manager for progress assessment and communication purposes.
  • Funded Micro-nets are required to participate in challenge engagement meetings organized by the CSSP.
  • Prior to publication, the Initial Recipient must provide notification and a copy to CSSP for review to check for sensitive or prejudicial to national security information.
  • All IP rights that arise from this program vest in the Recipient, but Canada may require a non-exclusive licence for governmental purposes.
  • Contribution agreements will include Conflict of Interest terms requiring notification to DND of any conflict situations.
  • The Initial Recipient should develop a sustainability plan for continued research beyond DND funding.
  • Grant the Government of Canada’s authorized representatives access to audit and inspect the project and related facilities for up to six years after project completion.


CSSP — Lighting the path with AI: Advanced analytics and decision support for first responders

Apply to this program